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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/01/25 in all areas

  1. As there's no easy to read long term discussions on this topic anywhere, posts on Facebook / WhatsApp just drift further away over time and I'm finding these events to be the most fun I have playing airsoft (reduced pressure and you can play the long game), I thought I'd start a topic on this. The link to their website is... https://redalertpaintball.co.uk/booking/airsoft-battlesim-lite/ ... and the rules are pretty much as a standard skirmish but... This will consist of a morning and afternoon non stop game with fixed point and rolling objectives given by your team commander. Teams will still be designated with tapes/armbands and there will be no weapon/ammo limits or medic rule as per a normal skirmish. ... and with Red Alert having such a big forest based site you can really lose yourself in the environment and fun of it all. Starting in 2025 they're doing them every two months, and in the summer of 2025 they were getting 120+ players for them. As long as the weather is good, I'm too soft to play in the rain and heavy wind is no fun, the next one is 2/2/2025. It'll be the first use of my TAC41-P in anger and God only knows how that will go (with my DMR as a backup). Is anyone else here planning on going?
    3 points
  2. As per title, Tokyo marui are releasing a new variant of LLENN's pink p90 pchan from gungale online 2, no confirmed release time from what I can see but according to TM it should be months away. https://www.tokyomaruiairsoft.com/post/tokyo-marui-festival-2024-p-90-and-m1851-navy
    1 point
  3. Does anyone have any recommendations for a hard case suitable for an SMG? It's for a S&T Sterling, with the internal dimensions of the retail box being 55cm x 24 cm x 12 cm. I have plenty of rifle cases but having scoured the internet there are slim pickings for a smaller case, given most options are either suitable for a rifle (too big) or a pistol (too small). It's clearly a niche market without spending a fortune on a bespoke case, noting the Sterling's size means I need a case at least 50cm in length. The width can be a little larger as I was planning on storing the magazines in there as well. Thanks.
    1 point
  4. pyromancer6

    JK Army

    I prefer to live life on the edge. You either hit the jackpot or you get done in everywhere by customs and I think that thrill is worth the hassle
    1 point
  5. Tommikka

    JK Army

    With Brexit it’s now quite clear that everything crossing the border is an import so there’s much less chance of something just slipping through, and certainly a decent sized box as a RIF There is now the potential that an overseas retailer can register with the destination tax office to pre-process VAT (Highly unlikely for the nature of our hobbies as it is not worth the registration costs and administrative work for the small amount of business) If they did then you would see UK VAT being charged on checkout, they declare on the package declaration documentation with their registration details and it flies through the customs element. (A VCRA RIF defence would still be required) But in practice you will get assessed for VAT on arrival. Starting with the customs declared value & invoice, including the postage cost - in the overseas currency They may reassess the value based on a UK market equivalent so don’t count on it and allow for a higher charge (They might not include the postage cost in the valuation, but are permitted to do so - and by including that in your calculations you are preparing for worst case scenarios) Take the total amount you paid including postage, convert that to £s (at the current rate which may differ from the rate at the time of payment. Work out VAT at 20% Then add on a carrier handling charge, which varies between carriers - it may be fixed at £8, £20 etc or it may be a percentage of the total On $294.70 I was charged £45.73 VAT (20% of £228.65) sent by USPS from the US and handled by Parcel Force here, for which they took a £12 handling fee Ask your local / preferred retailer and even for items not stocked they may import on your behalf. You would pay a UK retail price, but would have a better idea on the final cost rather than waiting for an extra bill
    1 point
  6. The 553 on CO2 without NPAS was firing 0.40s at 467 FPS/4 joules. 😏 I have a few 4.5mm CO2 guns too.
    1 point
  7. My 553 is a 6mm GBBR, but you can get CO2 mags (and an NPAS) to run it in any weather. I actually like it more running on CO2. But i fully get you, i bought my first AEGs for winter play. Treat yourself, live a little. 😛
    1 point
  8. LOL, I'm just going to plug 'n' play, only toy I have that's a nonBB is a Makarov & there's no way in hell I'm firing that at any living being.
    1 point
  9. Sounds like you need a GHK SIG 553 running on CO2. 😉
    1 point
  10. Anonymoose

    JK Army

    Yes, there will be. Unless what you're buying isn't available here or is really cheap, by the time you've paid shipping and taxes/fees, expect it to cost the same as buying here. I've paid £545 in import taxes/fees this week. 🥲
    1 point
  11. Not entirely sure, at it's core is a pistol so I'll leave it here🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  12. BigStew

    JK Army

    You are always liable for import fees once an item is over the price threshold. it's purely luck if your package will get through Customs without charge. always assume you'll be on the hock for 20% plus handling fees.
    1 point
  13. I’ve always gone there I find it’s always nice helpful good ground to play on meet amazing people I go on my own and it always feel that I’m not alone the marshals deal with people very well in my opinion I’ve had issues with people not taking hits over shooting all that but gets resolved always going to have them at any ground D003F26C-4A2F-4AB3-A9B0-4F325C5DD907.mp4
    1 point
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Ops core carbon. L/XL, used good condition. Has had the gbrs ear pro mod to the headband, surprisingly doesn't impact the retention much at all, but far comfier with over ear protection. £325 all in. For details on the mod, see 7:44 onwards.


    1 point
  15. To be fair I saw a similar case on eBay, but slightly more expensive, so that's not a bad shout. I fear the width is marginally too small, but to be fair the cases are very cheap, so not much of a loss if it's the wrong size. Appreciate the recommendation. Definitely an option to look into. I also found this company as well: https://www.trifibre.co.uk/product-category/type/waterproof-cases/?orderby=price&filter_internal-width-range=501-750&filter_internal-depth-range&filter_internal-height-range Lots of choice, but slightly more pricey than other cases. Plus some of the cases on Trifibre are also on Amazon, so I could save a few £: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Max-MAX520S-Waterproof-Watertight-Photography/dp/B013T9Z7XI/ref=asc_df_B013T9Z7XI?mcid=35c447b1c9cd3700b91c7566988fb058&th=1&psc=1&hvocijid=12780926309855342265-B013T9Z7XI-&hvexpln=74&tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696285193871&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12780926309855342265&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9195048&hvtargid=pla-2281435176898&psc=1&gad_source=1 Lots to think about...
    1 point
  16. 1st GBBR, no idea what im doing with it, it makes a LOT of noise, bits move about and it shakes violently in my hands. But - OMG! is it satisfying to shoot! I shall now go and sit in the naughty corner as i'm running it Hpa - cant be doing with 30rnd mags
    1 point
  17. splasharry

    vfc m249 with hpa setup


    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    vfc m249 with hpa setup- 850 plus postage includes 6 cassets, empty nutsack, hpa fitting, maple leaf wonder bucking with the explosive enterprises ring mod done (improved accuracy)


    - GB

    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Very cold but enjoyable game. My sons first experience! He loved it even though he got very cold and wet.
    1 point
  20. A very cold and frosty morning with the temperature reading -6 degrees saw the Lad and I heading off to Airsoft Plantation. On arrival, we were greeted by one of the staff who informed us that we must be mad; we tended to agree with him. Fortunately, another 100 players were equally mad. The first game of the day involved us attacking the village to kill three high value targets. As the attackers, we had infinite 30m buddy regens, while the defenders had two lives, the first to be taken in or touching a building and the other away from a building; the HVTs had just one life in a building. We both attacked down the right hand side, the lad pushing through scrubland and woods while I went further right. After a good fight, all three HVTs were eliminated. After a quick break to mag up and have a very necessary hot drink, the game was turned around. We took up position on the left by a hut, now dubbed "The Fishing Hut" by the lad as it is next to the pond. The enemy attacked from all directions, including sweeping around and attacking from our rear. The enemy eliminated the HVTs in a time that was two minutes faster than ours. Following another hot drink, we played a new game called "Two Ways To Win". Each team had three crates, which they needed to get to a location in the enemy's base; we had to get ours into a UAZ jeep in the DEA base, while the enemy had to get theirs into a Land Rover in the village. The first team to complete that mission would win the game. However, there was another way to win, which was by setting off a bomb which was located at the enemy's base; our target was in the plane, while the enemy's target was in the Town Hall. If the two players carrying a crate were hit, they had to drop it where they were hit. This was a sprawling fight; the lad set off with part of our team which was attacking the enemy's base while I formed part of our defensive group. The lad's group got within about 15m of the plane and the UAZ but were hampered by small roving enemy patrols which prevented them reaching the targets; they they lost one of the crates. Our defence held the enemy away from both targets; they never got further than the suburbs of the village, losing all three crates, which we prevented them recovering. It was a really fun game, which ended in a draw. Lunch then followed, which was our usual meal of very cold pizza, again accompanied by hot drinks, although the day was very gradually warming up. After lunch, we played a domination game. Each side was divided into three groups. One of these was a Black Ops group; ours had to capture the UAZ, while the other team's one had to capture the plane, which is about 10m from the UAZ; this got very messy. The Lad was with this group. Another group occupied the domination point at the Bus, while my group started at the Border, which was also a domination point. The first thing we saw was our valiant Black Ops group charging past us to attack the UAZ. Inspired by this, we forget about defending the Border and set off to capture a domination point in the village. This was quickly taken and defended throughout the game. I have no idea what happened to the Bus group; the Lad thinks that they just stayed and partied on the Bus, while fighting off the enemy's Black Ops team. When the game ended, we held the Border, the Village, the Bus and the UAZ. Huzzah! A victory! Following this, the next game involved the other team getting fuel to various vehicles in the Mortar Pits; their attack was quite weak, making it easy for us to defend. I started out by the berm on the left, picking off targets near the Comms Truck, with the Lad doing the same from atop the bunker. After being hit, I moved to the other side of the Mortar Pits, before returning to the berm right at the end of the game, which we won very handily. The Lad maintained his position for the entire game, except for an excursion to the eight wheeler and back, which he thoroughly enjoyed. The enemy failed to achieve their objective. The final game involved us attacking into the village to capture eight bombs and return them to our start point at the Border. We had infinite buddy regens after a 30m fall back, while the defenders had three lives in the village. The Lad cleared out the Fishing Hut, pushed right around the right of the village and took up a prone position near the last hut. While waiting for an opportunity to shoot the two enemy in it, two other players regened on it and walked to within 3m of him; they died again when he offered them the chance to surrender rather than being shot, which they gladly accepted. After fighting through the village, I recovered one of the bombs and took it to the Border just before the game ended. It was the seventh; the eighth did not make it back in time. It was an excellent day of airsoft, with well designed games played in a great spirit; exactly what airsoft should be. Weapons used: Me: Hurricane kit/G&P SR47 Dboys AKMS Double Eagle stubby shotgun The Lad: JG G3 LCT AKMS
    1 point
  21. Ah, so the "trust me, bro" gun is back. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/35679-fully-upgraded-ares-honey-badg https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/35997-fully-upgraded-ares-honey-badg "It's been fully upgraded but I bought it like that at don't remember what was upgraded but I insist it is worth 500 smackeroonies!"
    1 point
  22. £180 for a Army Armements R27 that many or may not have an after market slide. So basically pay £100 over new for a slide stop and cerakoted paint job.
    1 point
  23. I’m pretty sure that Epicgrimreaper traded his way up to that rif through multiple C7Viper style trades on that other forum page place that I’ve already forgotten the name of (cos it was shite and they haven’t put it back live since “upgrading” it) But yeah, I moved mine on, boxed with 5 mags for £450 I think it was It looked awesome, but seriously underwhelming “recoil”
    1 point
  24. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156629062569?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=diwgeo3nqmq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SNNS7oTFRZ2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=WHATS_APP
    1 point
  25. 156629062569 number on eBay . One for sale . Not mine pal
    1 point
  26. Was reading a news article on yahoo regarding "forever chemical" pollution in the UK, particularly prevalent at a lot of the old raf bases, & obviously many of us played at the old UA site, which is now a housing estate I believe, I bet they're all rushing to get their drinking water checked 🤢 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/forever-chemical-hotspots-revealed-raf-094211674.html
    0 points
  27. Fair enough if they're all consensual, but eventually he'll send it off as a trade to a guy with a Dundrum postcode.
    0 points
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