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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/13 in all areas

  1. Airsoft-Ed

    Gun picture thread

    Just occurred to me that I don't think I've added a single photo of my AK to this thread since I got it. Since getting it I've added a CYMA RIS, an AK RIS side mount, an EOTech, an AFG and my Contour on a bodged RIS mount.
    5 points
  2. Airsoft-Ed

    ICS L85A2

    Haha, glad it was some help to you. I think I ought to get a special forum reward that amounts to something along the lines of; "Caused the most new members to join off the back of reviews" *Cough* Dev? *Cough* This and my Ares AW .338 spring review must've easily got about 10 people to join up just to have a say in the debates, or to show thanks
    2 points
  3. Ian_Gere

    Gun picture thread

    ^^Is that for unblocking the bog?
    2 points
  4. Hey Guys, I'm going to be starting work on a loadout based around the time of Operation Gothic Serpent soon, it is more commonly referred to as Blackhawk Down. As of yet I'm unsure on whether I'll be doing a Ranger or Delta force loadout, I will eventually do both as it'll be hard to resist once I have suitable kit. The loadouts I've seen so far on the internet have all been from America, and everyone has cut a corner somewhere be it with the armor being a cheap nylon copy or using an m4 instead of the Car-15 variant that were in use at the time, which I feel ruins the overall look. I'm going to try and be authentic as possible and try not to cut corners where at all possible; because I'll be determined to make this as authentic as possible, it will probably take a long time to finish (this and I'm skint at the moment lol!) This thread will follow my progress and also be to help anyone taking on a similar loadout so we can pool our resources - would be cool to see a few of us turn up at a game together in the future! I'll start the ball rolling with the best attempt I've come across so far by a guy at my local : I'm assuming he has based his loadout on the film rather than real life, I'll be updating this post as time goes on with pictures from both the film and real life. At this moment in time I'm thinking of keeping it true to real life, but sacrifices may have to be made if certain things are hard to come by or no reference material exists. I'd also like to share these pictures of what I've been told are US Army rangers from the Operation (I cannot confirm this however so take it with a pinch of salt), wearing the Black PT armor shown only on Delta force in the movie. This could be an alternative for those of you having trouble sourcing Ranger Battle Armor (herein referred to as RBA) or PAGST flak vests which are shown on Rangers in the movie.
    1 point
  5. This pic will probably help a bit: This a delta team in Somalia.
    1 point
  6. https://jdairsoft.net/cart/search/6d42f5c80b8d43fa9b41815c54437edf/0 possibly the best deal ever. EVER.
    1 point
  7. polarstar DMR.... oooooooooooh, fancy!
    1 point
  8. they were originally going to be duracoated, but the guy who runs guns-modify wasn't happy with the result so they're being cerakoted instead. Nice little bonus!
    1 point
  9. two_zero

    P&J ?

    it's a mystery! maybe its clever advertising to make people talk about taiwan gun XD
    1 point
  10. yeah, pre ordered it in September! Was supposed to be released in October but there's been manufacturing problems and apparently duracoat wasn't a good enough finish, so they're being ceracoted now (excited about this, it'd cost me a fortune to have it done myself). Last update was at the end of November where the manufacturer said '10 days', so we'll see, I don't expect to have it until January at the earliest! If it's rub-tong you were thinking about on zero-in unfortunately he doesn't do them anymore, I asked
    1 point
  11. having lived on the destroyers they'd be selling I can confirm with absolute certainty.... you don't want one.
    1 point
  12. sp00n

    P&J ?

    if you look in the taiwan gun description is say a&k is the manufacturer just a quirk of the website i guess
    1 point
  13. now for something less visually offensive! (maybe, depending upon your views on AR based rifles) TM HK416D Replica Eotech EXPS 3.0 Invisiblesight PEQ15 (IR/VIS) Magpul RVG
    1 point
  14. Don't tell the Green Mountain Rangers that
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. he can play house with Maddie McCann then!
    1 point
  17. Also I am starting to realise that there are many different types of airsofters. Airsoft ticks a number of boxes for different people but the Airsoft gun is what binds them together. For example, there is a group of airsofters who don't really see it as anything to do with war or the military. Its just a game like playing tag. They know nothing about the guns they carry and they are looked upon as a fashion accessory. Others like to dress in authentic BDU, others like tactics and so on. There is nothing wrong with these different variants, but they can be quite different. These groups overlap in places but not totally, so you get splinter groups who want different things. I guess what happens is that this evolves so people gravitate to the site that gives them what they want. The problem starts when people want to have a serious tactical game but you have people, often kids, running round with orange guns charging everything down. This is often used by the serious regulars as target practice. Does it matter providing everybody enjoys themselves and nobody gets hurt ?
    1 point
  18. Airsoft-Ed

    ICS L85A2

    I would say yes to both. I've had mine for just under a year and it's the only gun I've used since, if I'd had anything else I'd have probably bought and sold about 5 guns in that time. ICS is without a shadow of a doubt the best L85 on the market, in my mind. I bought mine for £320 so £295 is very good. I think the cheapest I've seen them is £290 which I THINK was on Fire-Support, but I might be wrong. If you do get one then Fire Support is the best place to look for internal parts, they sell more or less every component.
    1 point
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