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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/08/13 in all areas

  1. Are you Australian
    4 points
  2. Okay I said it wasn't the best photo but how the f*** did it flip upside down?!
    2 points
  3. Quick pic. Will have better ones this weekend, hopefully, and maybe a thread on reddit that I can link here. Crap quality is hilariously crap,holy shit. I'll try use an actual camera soon or something with more than .3 of a megapixel XD. I look really small in these shitty photos. Guess that's what happens when I blow all my money on airsoft and don't have a decent camera http://imgur.com/FQjOW7O http://imgur.com/3WklfJh
    1 point
  4. to be honest, your best option (In my opinion at least) would be to get one of these, ant then wear this over the top. Then get the Modern BDU trousers,a UBACS and put all the fancy helmet ancillaries on a cheap Mich 2k2 helmet replica to bring the loadout up to date.
    1 point
  5. I just bought a TM MP7, 1 hicap, 4 mids, 1 low. £160
    1 point
  6. The Magpul fairy has just left a deposit on my desk
    1 point
  7. whats the quality like? im interested in their T1 Aimpoint i just purchased this
    1 point
  8. PLCE Brew Kit Fits on duty belt, PLCE webbing, & molle. Holds Hexi Cooker & 1oz Tin Tin holds 4 brews' worth of makings.
    1 point
  9. I did that to someone at a night game once, it was too dark to tell what team he was on and I'd just knowingly walked right into the enemy base and not been shot. So I started wondering if all the guys walking around were actually on my team and we'd all just swapped positions somehow. Enemy out there, friendly in the base. So I had to make this guy give up his team colours without making it obvious which side I was on. Took me about 5 minutes to get him to do it, and then I just melee killed him haha. It was one of my finest ever airsoft moments. Sucks it was a night game or I'd have had it on camera.
    1 point
  10. I think it was Mike I was talking to about plastic machete's. Anywho, that gave me the idea. It cost £3.99 inc P&P from fleabay and comes with an all shiny silver 'blade', unlike the photo in the listing. That would never do so I taped off the 'edge' and sprayed the blade black. I then removed the tape to see how it looked, decided it looked far too pristine and distressed it. I then sprayed it with Clear Coat, like a pillock forgetting what this would do to the shiny edge - I then had to take the varnish off the edge with thinners, which has taken a bit of silver with it ho hum... I also wrapped the hilt in the trad Japanese manner, using an extra long bootlace I had knocking about. Not too bad looking I think. Then I needed a sheath. It's surprisingly difficult to find them for reasonable money, so I made my own. I started with two sparkling water bottles and shaped them around a couple of bits of wood by pouring boiling water onto them: I then sewed a DPM cover for it and glued it in place: The webbing straps are stitched to the cover and form a belt loop with velcro. It's designed to be carried on a shoulder strap, as above, or looped over the inside of a PLCE belt like this:
    1 point
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