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If I hear one more Youtuber referring to an 'M' 'K' 23....


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Oops brain translation fail.


I thought you meant they were calling it a 'Mark23' 

Yes, they obviously don't understand that 'MK' means 'Mark' 🙄




Edited by EDcase
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4 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Well since MK is an acronym for Mark ie 'version' then I'd say actually you're wrong...


I know its not the best reference but...



And its referred to as the Mark23 on their own website



Its even written on the pistol itself 😄




Isnt that what he's saying? They're calling it an M K, pronounced em kay, rather than saying mark. 

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Technically MK is only an abbreviation for Mark. It is not an acronym because "MK" does not read as a word unlike RADAR which does.

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17 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

What really grinds my gears is...


People writing "hone in on" when it's "home in on"


The bastards.

I haven't heard someone say it but that would get me too. Not that I defend it but I guess that because SAM, AGM and air-to-air missile deployment terminologies are more prevalent now, "homing missile", which was the standard when I was a wee lad, is less commonly referred to now.

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4 hours ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Am I being irrationally intolerant? Probably, but I can't help it - I just want to throw stuff at the screen when they do it, and once you've heard them say it the first time, you can't then unhear it for the next 40 times they mention it in the course of the video....




Irrational, perhaps but understandable. If you're presenting to educate and inform, you have a duty to name things correctly.


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In Italy it's more commonly referred to as "SOCOM" because it's easier to pronounce (and sounds much better, from a language perspective) than Mark 23, mk23 or any other name.


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Gosh, I'm glad it isn't just me that gets wound up by silly things then. Also the below just made me spit out my coffee - love it!


3 hours ago, Nick G said:

Because all airsoft youtubers are total wankpuffins who should have been strangled at birth .




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4 hours ago, EDcase said:


A solution to you're problem is: Don't watch youtubers 😄


3 hours ago, Nick G said:

Because all airsoft youtubers are total wankpuffins who should have been strangled at birth .

Pretty much

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4 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

Well DNA is an abbreviation. I can see why younger people might not realise your supposed to say the whole word, but it's not always the case is it.

Well DNA has a compression ration of 1:7 (DNA vs deoxyribonucleic acid) so purely out of laziness I would prefer DNA (and I wouldn’t be able to pronounce it correctly anyway).
With MK vs Mark we only have a compression ration of 1:2 so not really worth it. And when you actually use phonetic language the MK comes out longer than the word it abbreviates.

Edited by ParHunter
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56 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

I've barely ever heard anyone in a video pronounce Salomon correctly.


The one that really gets me (and this has been going on for at least 10 years) is the blatant global lie that is the use of the word polymer to somehow mean something different to plastic.  'Oh this is polymer, not just plastic'... get fucked.

One thing that really gets me is using "different to" rather than "different from". 🤣

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So to summarise the thread.


Youtubers are illiterate fuckwits who don't so much speak the English language, but more chew it up and spit it out, and don't know what they're on about

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1 hour ago, TheFull9 said:

The one that really gets me (and this has been going on for at least 10 years) is the blatant global lie that is the use of the word polymer to somehow mean something different to plastic.  'Oh this is polymer, not just plastic'... get fucked.


A similar one I've seen is a YouTuber who said in a head-to-head comparison that one gun's body was composed of polymer whereas another was composed of nylon. What's to say the first gun's body isn't also made of nylon polymer but the marketing team thought nothing of specifying it because the manufacturer had always used nylon?

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On 08/01/2024 at 14:46, Skara said:

In Italy it's more commonly referred to as "SOCOM" because it's easier to pronounce (and sounds much better, from a language perspective) than Mark 23, mk23 or any other name.



I get that. I use both terms but I called it the SOCOM originally because of it featuring in Metal Gear Solid by that name. It was shortly after that when I first played airsoft and discovered the MK 23 name in the Tokyo Marui catalogue.

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