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Sending abroad


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1 hour ago, Jarek said:


Is anybody have experience  with sending airsoft guns abroad and back ?



But as you’re saying it’s to go abroad and back is it a warranty / service etc?


There are declarations that can be made for those.

For example a few years back the UK branch of a manufacturer closed with all Europeans support centralising in Germany. People were worried about the different laws, but import/export was fine with the right paperwork such as the approved work ticket form with relevant declarations 



Care is to be taken on declarations, proper packaging and a suitable carrier / method that doesn’t breach their small print 

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Assuming your not personally passing through any countries where Airsoft is outlawed or restricted, better to take your kit with you than rely on airline baggage handlers & customs clearance to not throw a spanner in the works. 

If your flying, contact your airline to check your options. 

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As tackle says, there’s a balance between travelling with it and sending back and forth 


It should be possible to post it, but watch out for customs declarations (even though it’s not a new item coming back customs could be nosey and claim some value, but if it’s documented as going out and back then that takes off any import charges)


There’s the worry of it disappearing or being delayed, and any arrangements for someone to receive it (hotels can be willing to receive and hold - but might worry about the type of item)

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1 hour ago, Jarek said:

I have to travel through Germany.  This is reason why i want to ship it

Have a look at this thread, not that old so probably still relevant. 

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59 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


Think you forgot the linky dude. 



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Yes i do talk to German police all ready.   I started in December.  First i did contact customs.  They sent me to waffen- something.   After few emails , lots of question and time they sent me to local police , in place where i want to enter German border.   Now im in process to talk to local police but its taking lots of time , lotas of questions  and still no decision .  Thats why im start thinking about plan B 

Edited by Jarek
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3 minutes ago, Jarek said:

Yes i do talk to German police all ready.   I started in December.  First i did contact customs.  They sent me to waffen- something.   After few emails , lots of question and time they sent me to local police , in place where i want to enter German border.   Now im in process to talk to local police but its taking lots of time , lotas of questions  and still no decision .  Thats why im start thinking about plan B 

A friend of mine lives there, unless it’s very low  energy (less than 0.5J), you can’t have anything  other than semi or bolt, it MUST have the F stamp (which is the same as getting firearms approval in the U.K.) and a bunch of other complex stuff.

Essentially you’re importing a firearm into Germany, even if it’s just passing through, I wouldn’t even think about bothering to try it

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2 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

Could you take the spring out so it is effectively 0J and send them on so their not on your person?


Probably not worth the risk I suppose

Still needs to be F marked whatever the power

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3 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

Could you take the spring out so it is effectively 0J and send them on so their not on your person?


Probably not worth the risk I suppose


22 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

Still needs to be F marked whatever the power



The F mark is the official marking that it complies


It must both be within limits and marked as compliant - just being within the limit isn’t good enough 






A few years back people would just ignore the law and decide it didn’t apply to them, international paintball events would get run in Germany and players would just ignore the law or get an illiegal aftermarket F stamped onto the body

Then became outraged the years when the police just sat waiting for people

to turn up and impound their gear 

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Thanks for the information chaps - the more you know 😁


I didn't realise Germany was so strict.  At half a joule it hardly seems worth the effort.  I can flick snot with more gusto than that LOL.

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People have been nicked for disassembling rifs and spreading the bits between two vehicles.  As the lady from the embassy said, 'No exceptions.'


You also have to resist laughing when the German plod demand your papers, ask you your name etc.  They don't have much sense of humour around firearm offences and the odd Dad's Army line may result in much trouble.*






*Asking a leather trenchcoated transit policeman if he models himself on the Gestapo WILL result in trouble too.   Ask my mate Del....     



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I've an Austrian customer this week, but has a broad cockney accent, so I didn't Cotton until his Missus told me.   She had a chuckle when I said I'd avoid putting any brass bands or marching music on the radio. 🤪

Edited by Dan Robinson
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9 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Asking a leather trenchcoated transit policeman if he models himself on the Gestapo WILL result in trouble too.


So... yes, then?

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12 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

I didn't realise Germany was so strict.

Sorry but I nearly spat out my beer laughing at that (yes I know it's not even 9am but I've been working nights so to me it's nearly bed time)

10 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

You also have to resist laughing when the German plod demand your papers,

Or say your gandfather didn't have to show papers when he visited in his younger days

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44 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Or say your gandfather didn't have to show papers when he visited in his younger days


Many years ago I was dating a young lady with some German ancestry. I was warned that her grandfather was coming for dinner and would always order German wine partly so he could mention he he used to fly over the region during his time with the Luftwaffe.


My mention of how my grandad flew over the same area did not go down well. I may have said he was dropping bombs at the time...

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My brother was seeing a German girl, and I was already married to my Japanese wife. 


My dad, jokingly to be fair, blurted out or afternoon "for God's sake will I get a daughter in law but from the axis of evil". 


Thankfully both ladies were out of earshot. 😅

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