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Looks Like the Start Back Has Crashed and Burned


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As the title say looks like there’s no Airsoft next wknd after all .

seeing as 95% of the public don’t know what Airsoft is I think something specific has happened for it to be mentioned in a Gov information release .


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  On 28/03/2021 at 10:29, Druid799 said:

As the title say looks like there’s no Airsoft next wknd after all .

seeing as 95% of the public don’t know what Airsoft is I think something specific has happened for it to be mentioned in a Gov information release .



Airsoft is an elite sport isn’t it? 😂

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owch, wonder what got them doing that?


shame really as if everyone is acting sensible airsoft is a good option for maintaining social distancing outdoors, certainly compared to an indoor gym......


still suppose it's good to be clear about where it stands rather than playing the guessing game.

  On 28/03/2021 at 10:33, GenuineGerman said:

Airsoft is an elite sport isn’t it? 😂



remember hearing that being used as the excuse last summer, can't remember how the interpretation went, something to do with it being skill-based

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Original is here if anyone wants to peruse it.


Seems crazy that indoor gyms can be open, but outdoor airsoft events can't. I wonder if the intention was to prevent indoor venues running.

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I had been booked up for back to back skirmishes next weekend. Bit of a kick in the teeth for the government to only just put out new guidance for it now. 


Odd that Airsoft was the example used, either too many people asked them the question or as is being touted on Social Media, some of the recent "idiots that ended up in the media" highlighted airsoft.




UKAPU has weighed in. Shut it down folks! 😞


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I think we’ve all learned there is no reason or rhyme to lockdown rules. It seems to me like @Asomodaihas said it a combination of reasons and the government is classing airsoft as a leisure activity rather than a sport. Looks like most of us will have to wait again I just hope no one decides ignore as it will do us no favours being in the papers again. 

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  On 28/03/2021 at 11:00, GenuineGerman said:

Looks like most of us will have to wait again I just hope no one decides ignore as it will do us no favours being in the papers again. 


Let’s hope the site owners also follow the guidelines, as a business myself I feel their pain of not earning but if any do open people will still attend using “if the sites open that means it’s ok” - all it takes is some SJW who doesn’t like the site that opens and calls the police/press and Airsoft will be in a bad light for breaking covid rules.

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My home site (black ops Bristol) Is run under the U.K. paintball Fed umbrella and they where told next wknd was a go by UKP hence they’ve set everything in motion to run back to back gameday’s at there one site and looking in to opening there other sit on the Sunday as well ! 
‘shower of shit’ Springs to mind ? 🤔


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Proper gutted.... was looking forward to finally getting back out there. 😔


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  On 28/03/2021 at 11:14, Druid799 said:

My home site (black ops Bristol) Is run under the U.K. paintball Fed umbrella and they where told next wknd was a go by UKP hence they’ve set everything in motion to run back to back gameday’s at there one site and looking in to opening there other sit on the Sunday as well ! 
‘shower of shit’ Springs to mind ? 🤔



Under the UKPSF they can open for paintball - it falls within sports & activities with governing bodies

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The problem is that PB shouldn't either. According to https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework, paintball is not an approved team sport.


So maybe UKPSF think they can go ahead but nobody submitted their paperwork (their website does not state if their application is pending but my guess is it's not).


And this isn't new. The reason there are so many sports listed is that they knew about this ages ago - the information about team sports was there before the "roadmap" was published: https://web.archive.org/web/20210123014914/https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework


Either airsoft is a sport and should have the appropriate covid assessment and approval... Or it's not.


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I was booked on for the second game back at my local (10th April). They've just confirmed that it has now been clarified classed as a "visitor economy" business rather than "outdoor sport", so being pushed back two weeks.

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  On 28/03/2021 at 17:29, Iisjreg said:

The problem is that PB shouldn't either. According to https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework, paintball is not an approved team sport.


So maybe UKPSF think they can go ahead but nobody submitted their paperwork (their website does not state if their application is pending but my guess is it's not).


And this isn't new. The reason there are so many sports listed is that they knew about this ages ago - the information about team sports was there before the "roadmap" was published: https://web.archive.org/web/20210123014914/https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework


Either airsoft is a sport and should have the appropriate covid assessment and approval... Or it's not.



(Unless somethings about to go wrong) .... UKPSF had their action plan approved, and distributed among member sites, noting that their release  did highlight that the approval was in regard to UKPSF accredited sites meeting their criteria specified in the oak assessments, action plan etc, and sites have since been gaining approval with local EHOs in line with the documentation.

Paintball isn’t a formaly recognsied sport with Sport England so UKPSF fall into the second criteria of submitting their plans to Sport England first.  (There is also existing action underway between UKPSF and Sport England to gain formal recognition, but there’s a long way to go)



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  On 28/03/2021 at 20:11, Tommikka said:

 .... UKPSF had their action plan approved, and distributed among member sites... 



Fair enough, but their website is a bit lacking - the only thing in their news section in 2020 is the AGM. Yup nothing else of note happened last year!

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I’m curious about permitted numbers even after the 12th. The guidance on visitor economy says 


You should not take bookings for a greater number of people than is permitted, or allow such groups to enter. You should also ensure that customers are aware of the rules on gathering limits and what this means in your facility”


does anyone know what the upper limit is for number of people attending? I can’t seem to find this. 

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Looks like Mayhem who run a couple of sites in Kent and now Tech Brigade have a different interpretation of the rules and will open.... It actually kinda makes sense? Or am I kidding myself?



"Mayhem Airsoft

I can tell you that I have had the go ahead from Our council and our insurance company that ALL of our activities can reconvene as of today 29th March, and the senior environmental health officer has been most helpful in providing the information I need in maintaining Covid compliance. 
Every venue should contact their local council. The huge difference is the term “organised sporting activity” - there has been a very wide misinterpretation. 
Guys - this is where I believe the guidance has been totally misinterpreted.
Some people were caught playing Airsoft over the last weekend and subsequently fined. This led to Airsoft getting mentioned in an updated guideline. However, 2 things to note, firstly they played during lockdown which was totally stupid and illegal, secondly what they did was a akin to a group of guys getting together and having a kick about and saying it was a football match.
The rules are clearly “organised sporting activities”
Our activity will be organised, structured, policed, and making sure all Covid guidelines adhered to. We ARE the organiser. What the implication was in my opinion is you cannot rock up and play an unorganised event at an Airsoft centre (or anywhere else for that matter) just like you can’t rock up and play an unofficial paintball game at a paintball centre. You’d still be breaking Covid laws
We will be continuing as planned."




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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
  On 29/03/2021 at 14:10, Asomodai said:

It actually kinda makes sense? Or am I kidding myself?


It's all academical imo until the Police turn up and shut a site down.


Good luck to the chancers - I reckon they'll escape any attention, though I'm not completely sure.

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  On 29/03/2021 at 14:10, Asomodai said:

Looks like Mayhem who run a couple of sites in Kent and now Tech Brigade have a different interpretation of the rules and will open.... It actually kinda makes sense? Or am I kidding myself?



Tech Brigade? They're closed permanently 

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  On 29/03/2021 at 15:21, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

It's all academical imo until the Police turn up and shut a site down.



yeah, kind of shitty if there's enough interpretation in the governments guidance that that's the only way to actually find out.


i don't know about you but i'd rather know what the law is so i don't break it, rather than find out after i've already done it......

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  On 29/03/2021 at 15:31, Cannonfodder said:

Tech Brigade? They're closed permanently 



Mayhem run the old Tech Brigade site is what I should say. 

  On 29/03/2021 at 15:21, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

It's all academical imo until the Police turn up and shut a site down.


Good luck to the chancers - I reckon they'll escape any attention, though I'm not completely sure.




Looks like Reforger have got the same advice from the council.

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@Asomodai no worries. I just hope they're not using the TB name to try and drum up business 


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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
  On 29/03/2021 at 15:37, Adolf Hamster said:

i don't know about you but i'd rather know what the law is so i don't break it, rather than find out after i've already done it......


Indeed, and I'd hope anyone is the same - but, considering the only thing you'll catch if you break the rules is a fine, I reckon some people are willing to chance that risk for an extra few weeks of business.

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