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Canada Threatening to Ban Airsoft


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36 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


yep, like it or not we're the bad guys, at least when it comes to politics.

Yeah,  think about it.


What do we look like to everyone who doesn't know about airsoft...?


A. (Scary) Big kids playing soldiers in the woods. (damaging the environment)

B. The UK version of Republican gun loving prepper red neck wanabees


Reenactors are regarded more highly because they are like historical actors who entertain and also benefit charities.


I think if airsoft were more involved with charity work ie rasing funds with competitions etc we 'd have more of an argument that we are beneficial to society.


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7 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Yeah,  think about it.


What do we look like to everyone who doesn't know about airsoft...?


A. Big scary kids playing soldiers in the woods.

B. The UK version of Republican gun toting prepper red neck wanabees


Reenactors are regarded more highly because they are like historical actors who entertain and also benefit charities


I think to outsiders we look like A+B lol

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8 minutes ago, EDcase said:

I think if airsoft were more involved with charity work ie rasing funds with competitions etc we 'd have more of an argument that we are beneficial to society.

I think this a really good point and would help put the sport in a very positive light. 

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8 minutes ago, EDcase said:

A. (Scary) Big kids playing soldiers in the woods. (damaging the environment)

B. The UK version of Republican gun toting prepper red neck wanabees



yep, and nobody cares to ask what the scary big kid soldier does when he goes home.


they probably assume we spend all our time cradling our rifles muttering "soon my precious, soon" or some bs to that effect.


11 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Reenactors are regarded more highly because they are like historical actors who entertain and also benefit charities.


i think re-enactors get away with a lot because of the history element, people value history.


13 minutes ago, EDcase said:

I think if airsoft were more involved with charity work ie rasing funds with competitions etc we 'd have more of an argument that we are beneficial to society.


a nice thought, but i can't really see it happening on a wide enough scale, it's just too disorganized.


i think the first step needs to be proper organisation, having an internal governing body that can both advocate to the outside and regulate the inside.


would certainly add some legitimacy and stability to the hobby rather than relying on site owners making shit up as they go along.

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I'm thinking sponsored bb blast-a-thon.£1 for every hi cap mag emptied in five minutes.

Guess how many bb's in a 2litre lemonade bottle.(to the nearest 50)

Tie the terrorist to the tree. Stand a willing volunteer against tree and charge £5 a go for public to empty low cap at him.

Blow the Teddy out of the box.

£3 a go to throw mk5 at Teddy.


Bit light hearted and by no means having a pop at @EDcase. I think his idea could have some merit if a bit of thought is put into it. 😀👍


Edited by Shamal
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I dont think we should have to justify wanting to play airsoft or even paintball for that matter to anyone. We are supposed to be free people cant we play a silly game with fake guns how silly is it to be afraid of fake guns. Firearms being campaigned against is one thing but toy guns wielded by mostly out of shape gamers that fire plastic balls, really canada really. Canadians are friendly asf from my understanding how much airsoft related crime is there 🤦‍♂️😆 


Any politician from any country stupid enough to not know the difference between a toy and a gun should be sacked and ridiculed. 


I think the more popular airsoft gets the better if we can get it to the point where people watch it on youtube as much as video games, a lot of the silly ideas about it can be thrown out the window.


Power to the peopel!! just keep it under one joule 😆

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8 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


google "killdozer"


they ain't all freindly.....

Heemeyer was American not Canadian 🤣

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14 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

they probably assume we spend all our time cradling our rifles muttering "soon my precious, soon" or some bs to that effect.

Sitting on the toilet packing a mag "Six millimetre.  Fully bio degradable"

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18 hours ago, GenuineGerman said:

Completely agree, until we are all unquestioning drones they will ban everything that shows individuality 

Unfortunately due to the way society has on the whole turned against anyone having an individual opinion that doesn’t fit the accepted/fashionable ‘norm’ we do need to think how even just the wording of our replies to these topics appear when joe public reads our comments or speak to us on the subject . Take your short comment for instance even though your not(at least I hope not ?😂) it does come across as your bit of a 2nd amendment/“deep dark are taking over the world !” sort of nut job from across the pond just by saying we’re all going to be ‘unquestioning drones’ ?

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21 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Take your short comment for instance even though your not(at least I hope not ?😂) it does come across as your bit of a 2nd amendment/“deep dark are taking over the world !” sort of nut job from across the pond just by saying we’re all going to be ‘unquestioning drones’ ?

You arent wrong, the problem is everyone knows what a right wing extremist sounds like. No one however seems to pay attention to the left wing extremists they dont see the extremism on the other side. Critical thinking not labelling and following safe ideology is what people need. I'm sure we can all agree its going too far when people are attacking something as harmless as airsoft. Guns are a different issue, but if a toy gun is so offensive or scary people need to ban them then the problem is with them not a toy. Its crazy some of things that get supported by misinformed well meaning people said by the extreme anti gun anti freedom groups. 


We need balance in the force if we are going to destroy the sith 😆

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11 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Unfortunately due to the way society has on the whole turned against anyone having an individual opinion that doesn’t fit the accepted/fashionable ‘norm’ we do need to think how even just the wording of our replies to these topics appear when joe public reads our comments or speak to us on the subject . Take your short comment for instance even though your not(at least I hope not ?😂) it does come across as your bit of a 2nd amendment/“deep dark are taking over the world !” sort of nut job from across the pond just by saying we’re all going to be ‘unquestioning drones’ ?

I like to think I’m not some survivalist gun nut but I do see like you have said society turning against individuality. I can see what you mean how someone people would read that and assume that I’m so kind of lunatic however I do believe in the rule of law and policing by consent. 

Without going into it too deeply I do feel however society in general is being dumbed down by reality tv, social media etc. If you have an opinion that doesn’t fit you can be destroyed in the court of public opinion before the truth comes out and by then it’s too late. 

I think the film metropolis is a great movie well ahead of its time and to me shows what could happen potentially but if I say things like that and I get called a gun nut lunatic then it plays into the narrative today that unless you conform you must be dangerous. 

Rather than engaging in conversation to find out why people are worried and concerned we just shut them down these days and put a label on them. 

Im not suggesting that we allow hate speech, racism, homophobia etc as we all know this is abhorrent but a different opinion is just that different. 

Sometimes we are wrong sometimes we are right above all we are all humans and have a right to be ourselves. With exceptions the majority of people just want to get on with their lives do what they enjoy and not hurt anyone. 


However I don’t want to be another working bee enabling someone else to ban things I enjoy that don’t hurt people for a perceived threat that probably won’t happen. People sadly as always remember the bad things that happen but I would argue there are far more good things that happen everyday than bad, that is the real fault of humankind. 

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1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

Unfortunately due to the way society has on the whole turned against anyone having an individual opinion that doesn’t fit the accepted/fashionable ‘norm’ we do need to think how even just the wording of our replies to these topics appear when joe public reads our comments or speak to us on the subject . Take your short comment for instance even though your not(at least I hope not ?😂) it does come across as your bit of a 2nd amendment/“deep dark are taking over the world !” sort of nut job from across the pond just by saying we’re all going to be ‘unquestioning drones’ ?

Yeah but surely you must have noticed how our rights are being chiseled away at,slowly new laws are creeping in,subtle changes which on their own are, perhaps,of no consequence but just accepted with a cursory "oh well it doesn't affect me"attitude but with every new rule/ regulation we as thinking people are getting weaker and less likely to stand up and question the law makers. Until one day you get a letter in the post 'inviting' you to report for your Elon Musk brain chip implant which will enhance your life and make you happier. Yeah right!

I know people reading this will laugh and say I've been watching too many tube videos but I've seen it happening over many many years.

You can be arrested and charged now for speaking your mind.Whatever happened to free speech?

There are more 'don't do this' rules than 'do this' rules.it's like you are breaking some rule everytime you step out your bloody front door!

I can ride along with it at the moment and kick up a fuss where I can because I'm getting on a bit now but what sort of life are my kids and grandkids gonna grow into because of our inaction and unquestioning acceptance of whatever is forced upon us.

Technology is a wonderful thing but it also gives supreme power to those who control it.

I'm not an activist or a tin hat  jobbie but I'm also not blind!

Read between the lines when you listen to or read the news.



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1 hour ago, Asomodai said:

Consistently voting in Authoritarian governments whether its left or right of the political spectrum will make bans a common place. 



If you vote green then they will want to stamp on it for sure

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49 minutes ago, Shamal said:

If you vote green then they will want to stamp on it for sure


That is their policy. I avoided stating a particular party but if you want to go down that rabbit hole then..


It was a Right Wing Authoritarian Tory Government that effectively banned handguns in the UK, leaving only .22 pistols which were banned a year after. It was also a right wing Tory government that banned full automatic full bore rifles and similar. 


It's been Right Wing Authoritarian Tory governments that have tried to introduce legislation that could affect Airsoft rifles and UKAPU has had to deal with. 


Now that China, a Right Wing Authoritarian Government effectively rule Hong Kong, they are now trying to ban Airsoft. Australia has not allowed Airsoft to be played and have recently banned Gel Blasters unless you have a license. The government in charge at the time? The Liberal Party, which is a Centre Right party.


Some Scandinavian countries and NZ have healthy Airsoft scenes despite being run by Left Wing/Centrist/Somewhat Socialist governments, because they are not Authoritarian. 


As I said. It is "mostly" AUTHORITARIAN governments that try to ban stuff like this, regardless of right and left. 

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10 minutes ago, Asomodai said:

Now that China, a Right Wing Authoritarian Government effectively rule Hong Kong

I’m sure China is run by the Communist Party 

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6 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

I’m sure China is run by the Communist Party 


Australia is run by the Liberal party, but are Right Wing. The name means nothing. It's the actions they take that means something. 


Also Communism like Authoritative is neither Left or Right. It exists in either wing.


Socialism can be left wing, but can also be Right Wing and Authoritarian at the same time.. Look at the Nazi party as a good example. 

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I get what your saying and I don’t disagree. I think like you have said it’s about the control the government want. I’m Germany we have the CDU/CSU which are the conservatives effectively and the SPD which are labour although most of this is true for the past. I think most parties now sell you the same policies but in a different guise 

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14 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

I get what your saying and I don’t disagree. I think like you have said it’s about the control the government want. I’m Germany we have the CDU/CSU which are the conservatives effectively and the SPD which are labour although most of this is true for the past. I think most parties now sell you the same policies but in a different guise 

I think one thing we can agree on is that Political Parties are no longer different enough to matter. But when a party or person does become popular that is specifically left or right, they get run out eventually as to not break the status Quo. Re: Corbyn and Trump. 


I find peoples opinions on imitation firearms to be very similar to NIMBYS (Not in my Backyard) People who prevent any sort of new developments near their property. The complaints can come from both the Right and Left wing as it's something no one really wants near them. The same can be said for Firearms or Imitation rifles.


Personally I think the only way to survive as a sport in the UK is to introduce a government sanctioned, full blown legal Airsoft License. It would both legitimise us as a hobby/sport and make it harder for the your average guy on the street to pickup a RIF and go hog wild in a public place with it. Some people disagree with me saying it's a step closer to outright banning the sport. But any UK government can take it away now immediately with very little consultation as we have a very tenuous defence that allows us to purchase rifles. I would rather risk going legit now on our terms and insistence, then the whole lot being taken away without warning.


How would one go about getting such a license... I haven't a clue! That's for someone smarter then me to come up with! 

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A lot of politics now play into popularism and playing one faction off against another. It the old of your not with me your against syndrome, the reality is we all probably have more in common than we don’t but everything seems so polarised at the moment people can’t see what’s directly in front of them. Back in the good old day’s there used to be moderate voices that would speak sense and balance but this doesn’t seem to exist anymore. 

As for NIMBYS, completely agree. Always complaining that young people cause problems but when they want to develop something that will create jobs but might affect the value of the homes they are up in arms. 

As for licensing proper I would have to politely disagree with this. If some muppet is going to run around there local high street with a RIF and get shoot by the cops then give them a Darwin Award. I know I’m sensible and I think the majority of people are, we aren’t talking about live firearms. for me it’s just another way of making us more compliant by having to License what is effectively an expensive toy for what gain, to prove I play a sport. It’s starts with airsoft where does it stop when we live under a talebanesque regime where you can’t fly a kite. 

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41 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

A lot of politics now play into popularism and playing one faction off against another. It the old of your not with me your against syndrome, the reality is we all probably have more in common than we don’t but everything seems so polarised at the moment people can’t see what’s directly in front of them. Back in the good old day’s there used to be moderate voices that would speak sense and balance but this doesn’t seem to exist anymore. 

As for NIMBYS, completely agree. Always complaining that young people cause problems but when they want to develop something that will create jobs but might affect the value of the homes they are up in arms. 

As for licensing proper I would have to politely disagree with this. If some muppet is going to run around there local high street with a RIF and get shoot by the cops then give them a Darwin Award. I know I’m sensible and I think the majority of people are, we aren’t talking about live firearms. for me it’s just another way of making us more compliant by having to License what is effectively an expensive toy for what gain, to prove I play a sport. It’s starts with airsoft where does it stop when we live under a talebanesque regime where you can’t fly a kite. 


I understand what you mean. Partisan politics can be poisonous. Especially when people tend to vote a certain party because they either dont like the people who vote for the other party, or they vote based on a single policy. Despite the other party having a whole raft of policies that would benefit them. I find Left or Right is like supporting a football team, you rag on the other team for no reason apart from they arent on your perceived side. 


Case in point I "might" vote for a party in the next election that may well ban Airsoft because I believe in the majority of their policies and enacting those policies are more important then playing airsoft once a fortnight. 




My opinion is that we have to base the reasoning of a license on what the average joe public sees. Sure, they are not live firearms, but to a "normal" person it's a firearm, which incites panic and for good reason. Hence why a license in my opinion will legitimise things more in the eye of the public and authorities.


The current defenses in the UK are not fit for purpose as it's still too easy to get a RIF without the most recognised one (UKARA.

IFs should be banned as bright colours can be painted on real firearms anyway.


The majority of problems we face in Airsoft is bad press because of unscrupulous and/or stupid people going nuts with a RIF in public. We need to stop them from getting access to them so easily. A license wont stop it outright as anyone determined enough can get hold of one, but a verified license will stem the incidences somewhat to a lesser level. It will also separate us legitimate airsofters, from the stupid rabble who use them for purposes other then airsoft.


You can yell at people until you are blue in the face, but they see RIF, they see firearms and I cant blame them. 



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8 hours ago, Asomodai said:

Personally I think the only way to survive as a sport in the UK is to introduce a government sanctioned, full blown legal Airsoft License. It would both legitimise us as a hobby/sport and make it harder for the your average guy on the street to pickup a RIF and go hog wild in a public place with it. Some people disagree with me saying it's a step closer to outright banning the sport. But any UK government can take it away now immediately with very little consultation as we have a very tenuous defence that allows us to purchase rifles. I would rather risk going legit now on our terms and insistence, then the whole lot being taken away without warning.


there are arguments both ways for that.


i certainly agree that a cemented legitimacy would be a good thing for the hobby, but at the same time that's pushing airsoft into a scheme of regulation that would make destroying it via law much easier.


the question is, if it's licenced then will that make us safe from future reprisals.


the worry is if they do decide to ban (licence or no), many of us have a not insignificant amount of money tied up in hardware, and if they're taken away you can bet there won't be any compensation scheme worth a damn and if stuff gets "grandfathered" such as in canada's case you then can't sell it, which sucks for anyone who would occasionally sell kit to raise funds for other parts of their lives.



7 hours ago, Asomodai said:

My opinion is that we have to base the reasoning of a license on what the average joe public sees. Sure, they are not live firearms, but to a "normal" person it's a firearm, which incites panic and for good reason. Hence why a license in my opinion will legitimise things more in the eye of the public and authorities.


it's tricky though, because you introduce a licence that only cements the image that airsoft pews are anything other than over-engineered spud guns for grown ups.


the problem is awareness, i've never had any panic or problem with regards to airsoft from anyone who i've had the time to explain it to first

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23 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

the problem is awareness, i've never had any panic or problem with regards to airsoft from anyone who i've had the time to explain it to first

This is it, I’ve had a polite chat with my neighbours to let them know that I play airsoft and if they see me with military kit and what looks like real firearms they aren’t and they have been very understanding

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