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The AAP-01 Owners Thread.

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I know @Skara has one. Anyone else?


I was toying with the idea of selling mine but after using it some more, I can see it's got so much more potential than any of my other pistols. I chrono'ed at 350fps, dropping to 330 on the Action Army mags, around 315 on Umarex (VGC), G19X mags and 300 on Marui G17 mags. The latter two have a concave gas router, compared to the flat one of the Action Army and WE's, so maybe that's affecting FPS?


I know it's still early days but as mentioned it looks to be highly modular with various carbine kits already released and many owners extending the barrel, adding handguards and stocks etc.


One thing I would like to change is it has a Glock style trigger but doesn't stay back when it's de-cocked. Anyone know of a fix to that?


Long and the short of it, if there is anyone out there customising etc, let's see it for inspiration and we can also use this as a thread to address any issues/fixes we encounter.

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Correct, I have one.

I believe I was the first one in Italy to get it, at least that I know of.


I really like mine, I did have to change the hop rubber as it was rather inconsistent and, with the hop fully dialed in, it barely hopped 0.3s to 40 metres. Quick rubber swap with a 50° Decepticon and voila, easy 60 metres snipes.


I only wish AA put a straight/speed trigger on it (without the safety, safeties are for pussies and americans) and an external semi/full auto switch. Not that I use it that much, but switching modes is a pain in the neck and it's its main drawback.


As of now I'm looking at buying a second one (in black this time) to turn into a smg (stock, top rail and 50 rounders) to use as a secondary for my sniper kit, or as a primary for those ultra rare cqb games.


Oh, and in case you didn't know, the guys at Hadron Designs are already working on a dedicated TDC :)

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22 minutes ago, Skara said:

As of now I'm looking at buying a second one (in black this time) to turn into a smg (stock, top rail and 50 rounders) to use as a secondary for my sniper kit, or as a primary for those ultra rare cqb games.


I don't necessarily need two but I have the FDE and most of the accessories they've released so far look much better on the black version...grrr. Much like you I'm interested in it as a CQB primary, so was actually considering getting this stock: https://www.airsoftworld.net/action-army-aap-01-folding-stock.html



26 minutes ago, Skara said:

I only wish AA put a straight/speed trigger on it


Totally agree, I have recently put a cowcow adjustable trigger on my Marui G17 and it's so much nicer.



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10 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

I don't necessarily need two but I have the FDE and most of the accessories they've released so far look much better on the black version...grrr. Much like you I'm interested in it as a CQB primary, so was actually considering getting this stock: https://www.airsoftworld.net/action-army-aap-01-folding-stock.html

I want two so I can have one in its stock configuration (to be used with any loadout) and the dedicated SMG for muh snipah (surprise surprise, I got the idea from KM lol)


I'm not a fan of constantly taking stuff on and off.


I am after that particular stock too, unfortunately it's not available yet in Italy (or San Marino) and getting it from abroad makes it somewhat expensive at €40 + min. 20 postage. I am in no rush though, I think I'll prioritize upgrading the internals of the one I have (hammer, trigger, whatever is made of pot metal and needs addressed)

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I intend on buying one should they come back in to stock anytime soon!

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I have one. Played on an event with it once, so far I like it very much. Some parts of it are made of cheese. The screws for example and only after less than 100 rounds there was the big dent on the thing the hammer hits. Gluing a small rubber there is a must. Mine shoots very nice with the stock parts after a cleanup. Easy 70m torso hits on the test range. My Hi-capa couldn't reach it, only 65m.

I'm trying to make it quieter with various methods. It's in progress.

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Regarding this rubber thing.

Would a piece of hop rubber suffice?

Care to share any pictures of the mod?

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im still waiting for mine.  nowhere in UK had any, so i ordered from wgcshop in taiwan along with rail sets for mounting a red dot,  but they have been out of stock since earlier this year.

sent them a message to chase them up, and waiting to hear back from them

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19 hours ago, Spartan09 said:

im still waiting for mine.  nowhere in UK had any, so i ordered from wgcshop in taiwan along with rail sets for mounting a red dot,  but they have been out of stock since earlier this year.

sent them a message to chase them up, and waiting to hear back from them


19 hours ago, Samurai said:

I've ordered mine in February and got it in July from wgc. Covid and postage problems.


It's amazing how quickly they've sold out worldwide. Even shops in Asia are showing "pre-order"

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I am tempted, and I think I will stick one on preorder once I have a little more money but wheres the best place to see all of the modular/extra bits available?

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On 18/09/2020 at 11:55, Albiscuit said:

I am tempted, and I think I will stick one on preorder once I have a little more money but wheres the best place to see all of the modular/extra bits available?


Airsoftworld appear to have the stock...errr, in stock.


Would be interested to hear how solid these are.

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10 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Would be interested to hear how solid these are.

Judging by their design, not much, especially at the gun end.

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22 minutes ago, Skara said:

Judging by their design, not much, especially at the gun end.


Yeah, just had a look and not sure I fancy one now. I am tempted by the CNC upper receivers though.


Oh and I've already bought a AW drum mag!

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I hope to be picking one up over the weekend after cancelling my order for a WE G18c. Fingers crossed I don't get let down!

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On 02/10/2020 at 16:47, leadly said:

I hope to be picking one up over the weekend after cancelling my order for a WE G18c. Fingers crossed I don't get let down!


Having owned a few WE Glocks, I can confirm these are superior.

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Managed to have a quick mess about with it while the baby had a nap! Really impressed with it so far, hope to give it an fielding at Leicester Gaol on the 11th.


Just googling for minor upgrades at the moment like hop rubbers and H plates etc!


Small edit,


I did notice that the loading nozzle gets stuck a little. I can pull the charging handle bit back and when I let go it needs a gentle tap to get it fully home. I assume it may stop doing so when I've put a few mags through it.


Anyone had a similar issue? 

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You don't actually need a new hop rubber or whatnot, unless you got a lemon. It can shoot 70m nicely with the factory ones.

The nozzle does stay in the rubber until it hits the thing that holds the springs, that's how it is supposed to work. It needs to stay in the barrel and on the mag until the bolt (or whatever that's cycling) is back enough. Then the spring pulls it back, once out of the barrel, so it can load the next BB.

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2 hours ago, Samurai said:

You don't actually need a new hop rubber or whatnot, unless you got a lemon. It can shoot 70m nicely with the factory ones.

The nozzle does stay in the rubber until it hits the thing that holds the springs, that's how it is supposed to work. It needs to stay in the barrel and on the mag until the bolt (or whatever that's cycling) is back enough. Then the spring pulls it back, once out of the barrel, so it can load the next BB.


Thanks for the reply, I'm just bored I guess and like tinkering with things. It was chucking some 0.32's down the garden with minimal hop yesterday so I know it can do the business!

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