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Absolute Airsoft in Reading. What Is it Like?

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27 minutes ago, HeMan said:

People above who say the dry-firing in the safe zone puts them on edge or questions whether they enforce their barrel-sock rules have clearly not been there recently (if at all)


What gave you a contrary impression?


You're OK with a complete lack of chrono?

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23 minutes ago, HeMan said:

I feel I should say something as there seems to be a lot of hate for this site and I have been playing there with my kids for about a year now and have no problems at all.  I have been to a couple of other sites, although I must admit, none of the recommended ones above.


But they are VERY eye-pro strict in the game area and there is absolutely zero dry firing in the safe zone, which is also a mandatory barrel-sock area.


The game area is large enough for there to be several distinct zones, each with different landscapes and features, the marshals seem good (albeit a little strict at times) and the pace between games is brisk.  There is a generally very friendly atmosphere as well.


It's not perfect, there are pros and cons, as with anywhere.


People above who say the dry-firing in the safe zone puts them on edge or questions whether they enforce their barrel-sock rules have clearly not been there recently (if at all).  Perhaps their current safety policies are in reaction to the accident and being sued (although I see no evidence a case was ever actually brought, let alone adjudicated on; we can speculate if their insurance settled, but really, it seems unlikely) but the accident was 5 years ago now, so I don't think it's lip-service; it is now part of the culture of the place.

Well that's great news if they have cleaned up their act. Shame it took a permanant disability to bring it about.


Can you say whether they chronograph at start of game and at random times during day?



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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

You're OK with a complete lack of chrono?


There isn't a "complete lack", I have seen them testing, although I didn't know why (maybe someone reported another player, which anyone can do) but they don't routinely test everyone's gun.  They are clear about this though, and above someone comments that "pre-game chrono is largely just theatre" and another says CO2 pistols "don't generally get tested at any sites", even though we all know CO2 pistols are often hot.  I have only been to a couple of sites, but I have yet to see any testing of all guns... maybe some do and I just don't know what I am missing...


1 hour ago, Shamal said:

Well that's great news if they have cleaned up their act. Shame it took a permanant disability to bring it about.


Maybe it did, but as the incident was nearly 6 years ago now (and at it's heart, I understand one kid pointed a gun at his mates face and pulled the trigger whilst cocking about in the safe-zone, which, without wanting to start a lengthy debate about what could have been done to prevent it, is hard to legislate against), if people are posting their reviews based on the poor safety before that time, it is probably hardly relevant now and perhaps they should preface their review with the fact it is based on a six year old experience!  I was there weekend before last, and I was impressed by their safety now, even if it is due to an accident that happened nearly 6 years ago.

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I've been airsofting for a long time now and I have never played at a site that didn't chrono guns. 

But as you are a regular player at that site and you say all is well then I'm pleased for everyone who plays there. 🙂



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It's the only site I've been to that doesn't chrono all guns.

Unfortunately there is a lot of hate for the site owner due to his habit of taking money for goods and not supplying them.


Edited by snuff
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1 minute ago, Rogerborg said:


Getting shot in the face by a sniper rifle at 30cm is safe?

Depends on what side of the trigger your on 😏

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1 hour ago, CosyCreature192 said:

 I "lost a piece of their kit". 


..and did you?....🤣..what piece btw?

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1 hour ago, CosyCreature192 said:

I got a bottle of bbs, and they wanted the bottle back at the end of day.

Why ?, so they can refill it with much cheaper and lower quality bb's than stated on the label 😏

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2 hours ago, CosyCreature192 said:

I got a bottle of bbs, and they wanted the bottle back at the end of day.

Of course I didnt give it back, I paid for it


That's the first time I've seen a rental package mean that you're actually just renting the bottle.  I'm surprised they didn't make you go out and scrape up up few thousand BBs to put back in it. :D


Future prediction: "Rental packages now include a sandwich bag half full of largely-intact BBs"

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Regarding the non-chronoing element of this, when we were looking around for airsoft insurance a few years ago, every company that we contacted had a clause that stated the following or something very similar: "The Insured must chronograph the gun the first time the member plays at the site and after any modifications to ensure compliance;".

Sites that do not do so have invalidated their insurance, which leaves them vulnerable in the event of an accident; they would also forfeit their UKARA registration.

This site is not alone in not-chronoing; during the time that I played at Ultimate Wargames, no guns were ever chrono'd.  On one occasion, I asked if I could borrow the chrono to check a gun that I had been working on; they did not have one.  There were other issues around safe zone safety, hit taking, removing eye pro in the field between games, and casual racism from the owner.  It was a shame because it has the potential to be a great site.

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2 hours ago, colinjallen said:

he following or something very similar: "The Insured must chronograph the gun the first time the member plays at the site and after any modifications to ensure compliance;".

Interesting that they don't stipulate every game day as a well meaning player could be using a hot gun without realising. For example a gbb rif firing at just below the site limit on cooler day could easily become a hot gun in warmer days (or even in the few hours between chrono in the morning and lunchtime. Also I had a Chinese ak which somehow jumped up by 30fps after about 6 months use with no work done to it

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2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

a well meaning player


We check that everybody is prepared to drive at the speed limit when they pass their test.  I don't know why we go to all the cost and bother of speed cameras, having ensured compliance.

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2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

Interesting that they don't stipulate every game day as a well meaning player could be using a hot gun without realising. For example a gbb rif firing at just below the site limit on cooler day could easily become a hot gun in warmer days (or even in the few hours between chrono in the morning and lunchtime. Also I had a Chinese ak which somehow jumped up by 30fps after about 6 months use with no work done to it

It did surprise us, to the extent that we queried it with several of the companies, explaining the issues to them.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


We check that everybody is prepared to drive at the speed limit when they pass their test.  I don't know why we go to all the cost and bother of speed cameras, having ensured compliance.

Not sure you've understood what I'm getting at. I'm surprised that there would be a clause which could easily allow a hot gun on the field, whether it's deliberate or accidental

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

Not sure you've understood what I'm getting at. I'm surprised that there would be a clause which could easily allow a hot gun on the field, whether it's deliberate or accidental


Oh, I'm agreeing with that, it's nonsensical and would just be making a rod for their own backs.


Apologies if I'm missing context, I've long since stopped reading Mr jallen's diatribes.

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37 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Oh, I'm agreeing with that, it's nonsensical and would just be making a rod for their own backs.


Apologies if I'm missing context, I've long since stopped reading Mr jallen's diatribes.

That's good; pearls before swine and all that.

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12 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:



Cancel culture?

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Apologies if I'm missing context, I've long since stopped reading Mr jallen's diatribes.

I've just invested in one of these, found it necessary lately 🤬


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Isn't this site run by Mark Wooley? The same Mark Wooley who ran the online shop Special Airsoft Supplies, who conned and scammed god knows how many airsofters for over a decade? Google that website and you will find hundreds of people complaining about never getting what they ordered and a total lack of responses to all phone/email/letters. Despite being responsive at the sales stage. There are even Facebook groups about it, eg "Special Airsoft Supplies are con artists".

This man is a serial con man, who has been stealing from the airsoft community for many years. Please do not give him your money. He really should be in prison.

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