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Misheard Phrases.

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One of my pet hates

Hangar hanger meme.jpg

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I have noticed a thing with the under 30s where instead of using the well known phrase 'Fair enough'.  They just say 'fair'.  Which is fucking irritating.  Not grammatically incorrect I suppose but it annoys the hell out of me

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19 hours ago, Jedi_Master said:

One of my pet hates

Hangar hanger meme.jpg

Personally I hate when people write "of" instead of "have"

Should of, would of, etc.

It's not really apparent when speaking, but writing it down that way just annoys me to no end.

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People who got to coffee shops and ask for an ‘expresso’ Whatever the fuck that is?


It’s ESSPRESSO you dickheads 😡

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10 minutes ago, Dogsbody100 said:

People who got to coffee shops and ask for an ‘expresso’ Whatever the fuck that is?


It’s ESSPRESSO you dickheads 😡

What really gets my goat is those dickheads that rant about esspresso, when it's actually spelt espresso 😜

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15 minutes ago, Dogsbody100 said:

People who got to coffee shops and ask for an ‘expresso’ Whatever the fuck that is?


It’s ESSPRESSO you dickheads 😡

Nah deffo Expresso 😜😂 gotta admit I'm guilty.

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On 21/08/2020 at 16:16, Tommikka said:

Just ask for your coffee to be expressed 


Another coffee shop favourite - 'Can I GET....'...no you pleb you can HAVE something.  Fucking Americanism.  If you GET something you work there........

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Yeah but I literally thought omg no what I mean innit. But  yeah no you cant literally be serious. 🤪


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On 24/08/2020 at 16:00, EvilMonkee said:


Another coffee shop favourite - 'Can I GET....'...no you pleb you can HAVE something.  Fucking Americanism.  If you GET something you work there........



"MAY I have..."

Grammar and punctuation, it's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

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7 minutes ago, Lozart said:



"MAY I have..."

Grammar and punctuation, it's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.



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17 minutes ago, Tackle said:



iS tHiS tHe cOrrect wAy oF uSINg caPital lEtters? Asking for a friend 😋😂

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Thick slices of bread for a sandwich being called "door stop" and not doorstep.

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  • 2 months later...

Not misheard, but i used to work in I. T. on a contract supporting the Met. Police. 

It was amazing how many of them didn't know the phonetic alphabet. I loved fucking with them when spelling things by saying things like P for pneumonia, G for gnome, x for xylophone etc.  I could hear their brains exploding down the phone line. 

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