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Are tracers worth it?

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Been running my tracer a lot on my main weapon at my local CQB site but I've been finding I often give away my position with it and for the times I can see I hit the guy and he doesn't take it only adds to my frustration as I can't make them call a hit.  Having used it on my pistol and my Evo I  think I prefer them on my pistol but I am not sure why. Occasionally It has let me move from target to target quickly knowing I have hit them but these situations don't happen very often and against competent opponents your not taking out many people before you get shot. I used to care a lot more about not overshooting people but increasingly it seems people won't take a hit unless it's a double tap so being able to see them isn't all that helpful.  Going to play my next game day without it and see if miss it. 


Can say they look cool AF. 

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From my experience:

people tend to call hits because of pain. Seeing the BB impacting helps only when there's someone right next to them (to call them out), otherwise if they're alone they just shrug it off.


They do look cool but IMO for practical purposes tracers don't offer much apart from a somewhat viable aid for marshals to call people out :)


Although a LMG filled with tracers in a night game would look absolutely dank

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57 minutes ago, Skara said:

Although a LMG filled with tracers in a night game would look absolutely dank


tracers in a night game will get you blasted immediately


says the guy who does the blasting.


i've never run them, but i am kind of interested. i guess the biggest draw for me would be easier tracking of the flight path at range, problem is you'd also want to run a mix and ofc you couldn't be guaranteed that the regular bb's would track the same as the tracers.

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could always do the 3 normal and one tracer round trick... cheaper and not constantly giving your position away. also depends how much you are in dirk places to being worth it... 

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1 hour ago, Steveocee said:

Go for the opposite, go for black BB's. At least then you won't get frustrated when you can't see them bouncing off said opponent.


Except when your sight gets knocked off and suddenly nobody is calling their hits.

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I run one cause I love seeing my bbs hit someone and it looks cool in the dark. Not practical during dark times as it just lights up your position but they're still a good laugh 

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Increases PEW PEW factor, all good.


Point taken about the frustration of knowing that you've hit someone who doesn't call it through their 3 layer stack of mid-caps.  However, I have seen players at the Depot inform their teammates that, sorry mate, you just got hit, I saw it.

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I love a tracer unit simply because it looks as cool as f@ck.


Playing down in the Bunker in Portsmouth, right at the back there is a section of bare rock that is all jagged and painted white. In fact you could say very similar to the Rebel Base on Hoth (Star Wars for the uneducated 😋). Add into that about 6 guys running tracers, both red and green, trying to pick off 3 of us behind a bit of cover, boom you are actually in Star Wars!! True story!

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In my humble opinion the best genuinely practical use of tracers is to track the BB’s flight path when setting up your hop unit (assuming you can get tracer in the correct weight, as far as I am aware the heaviest are .32g). For that use if nothing else I consider it worth having one around.


From a tactical perspective they are rubbish, they just give your position away (in a night game with NVG in play, with most tracer units you don’t even need to be firing as they use an IR light sensor to trigger the UV Flash to charge the tracer).


However they look deeply cool and an all tracer firefight at dusk is one of the most cinematic experiences you can have in Airsoft so I will still run one when the chance arises (looking cool is more important than winning.....)

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I've said before somewhere, but I run tracer as much as possible in cqb. When loading, first 10/15 rounds are red, rest are green. As soon as reds start flying its time to swap mags. 

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I love running a tracer at my cqb site, it helps to line up your shots and you can tell when you have a hit, they can give your position away if you spam the trigger but otherwise its not so bad, don't think I would enjoy playing cqb as much without one now

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Thought occurrs, what are tracers like in outdoor environments, i know they aint gonna work too well in open daylight but how about in forest and the like with a bit of shade?

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17 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

Thought occurrs, what are tracers like in outdoor environments, i know they aint gonna work too well in open daylight but how about in forest and the like with a bit of shade?

i find them useful for tracking shot. in broad day light they show up better than standard BBs and under tree cover it's surprisingly dark

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