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Popular Nuprol products?

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Gas works fine, the holsters are ok but the spring for the button can pop off and make it useless... not a fan of the batteries, I found the connectors to be abit cheap and nasty plastic and it doesn't seem to last quite aslong as my VP racing equivalents. The cheap lipo chargers are rubbish. Nuprol stuff has become popular mainly with the beginners


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Gas is ok , rest of there kit (the stuff I’ve seen any way) varies between meh and crap ! 

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Well here is an en example of good vs crap.



Nuprol N-Mag 30/140rd Mid Caps...solid build & reliable, very impressed and fits perfectly in magwell of my ICS guns.  Added 'Ranger' pulls to them as well.  (RZR BB's also seem to be ok..tried ASG tracers yesterday and they were shattering..switching back to Nuprol RZR tracers noticed them shatter less and seemed brighter..though that could have been my imagination)



Nuprol speedloader.... Obvious 'Odin' rip off and build quality reflects this, cheap ABS plastic and bb's drop out the bottom, the handle breaks easily. (Modified with toothpast cap superglued in, so at least I can us before it completely falls apart..)




Some of their products are great...some of their products are shit....



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I have a Nuprol Alpha Defender rifle and it's a decent little gun - good for first gun/backup/upgrade base. Only issue I have had is the mud guard keeps popping open. Im still deciding how I'm gonna upgrade it but in the mean time it's handy to lend to mates.


I am also a huge fan of their 30/140 mid/low cap adaptable mags. They feel great, feed better, durable and won't break the bank. Haven't tried putting them on the 30 mode yet so dunno what that is like.



I have used their mag pouches and they are the most awkward pieces of gear I have ever owned and their BBs I would only trust with chrono and backyard messing.

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The midcap PTS clones are pretty good. fit and feed well in my guns. The gas is decent, everything else wholly depends on who made them in the first place.

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Most of the Nuprol I have had has been ok,  I’ve got 2 RIFS and various accessories. 


My favourites being the m4 mid caps and the tactical torches nx400 and n600s. 


Worst has to be the Raven mags for the G17, there awful quality compared to the WE mags. 

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