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Talk to me about reusable grendades


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My personal opinion is that TRMR's are a bit finnicky unless thrown with considerable force. My personal reusable grenade is a Dynatex Timed BFG running on 9mm blanks. Loud enough to get the job done and a timer that has never let me down.

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Dynatex are good for timed grenades, only downside is you need a specific tool to reload it and even then it's not the easiest of things to do in the field. To the point where i'd say it's practical to use once each game.


The other option is impact grenades, I use an Oshiboom which is easy to use and reload.


Main benefit to timed grenades is you can roll them down a corridor and use them on any surface, whereas timed prefer hard ground and have a very limited range as you can't throw them far(i.e. underarm only).


Personally I've found the places I have wanted to use a grenade the most are where you would only be allowed to throw paper pyro. Things like over a hedge line or through a second storey window. It's something to consider as you will also not have to worry about them getting lost or stolen

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Dynatex are good for timed grenades, only downside is you need a specific tool to reload it and even then it's not the easiest of things to do in the field. To the point where i'd say it's practical to use once each game.


The other option is impact grenades, I use an Oshiboom which is easy to use and reload.


Main benefit to timed grenades is you can roll them down a corridor and use them on any surface, whereas timed prefer hard ground and have a very limited range as you can't throw them far(i.e. underarm only).


Personally I've found the places I have wanted to use a grenade the most are where you would only be allowed to throw paper pyro. Things like over a hedge line or through a second storey window. It's something to consider as you will also not have to worry about them getting lost or stolen



a healthy mix of both impacts, timed and disposable pyro is what i carry to any type of game be it milsim or skirmish for that^ very reason

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I've never found reloading my dynatex BFG hard to do in game, takes about 30 seconds. The loading tool stays in my utility pouch and other devices use the same tool, so I can borrow my mates SWAT loading tool if I need.


Best thing about a Times BFG is that you can roll it into a room unloaded and shoot people in the back when they run away from it :D

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As several have already said there are numerous BFG's (blank firing grenades, I wont cover the tornado and other gas grenades as they are not really pyro, more pyro effect) they split into 2 main categories Timed and Impact.


Timed are normally a 3-5 second delay, some have found their grenades a bit temperamental timing wise. Impact need a hard (ish) surface to go off, I have had mine fail to go off on concrete if not dropped from high enough, or at the wrong angle, and go off on a dirt road. Both types are fairly heavy bits of kit as they tend to be made of milled solid metal so you wouldn't want to take a hit to the head or body from them.



Both types can be bought in configurations that fire 9mm revolver blanks (50pcs for £18 ish, very loud in confined spaces, maximum allowed at many sites) or Shotgun primers (100pcs for £14 ish, loud in confined spaces, allowed at many sites), some can be used with shotgun blanks (10pcs for £10-15 ish, super loud, many sites wont allow these to be used).


Timed: Dynatex and SWAT (from my understanding the swat is a clone of the dynatex), they both need a loading tool but have the advantage that they can be used in soft floored environments, grass/ mud etc. I have seen them used effectively in woodland skirmishes although I wouldn't want to take the risk of throwing an expensive bit of kit into bushes and not being able to relocate it. Some modify them with reflective tape and I have seen red ribbon streamers to help find them after use. Require a pin as a safety.


Impact: Dynatex, Swat, OhShi...Boom! and TRMR. The first three use a pin for safe storage, the TRMR twists. Dynatex have 2 versions (or they did), the older version, which was cheaper and sensitivity wise was on a par with most of the other impact grenades, the newer version was about £15 or £20 more expensive, about a cm smaller and more sensitive, I have seen it go off on grass from knee height. In my opinion the impacts are much more useful for CQB games, but next to useless in woodland. There are two more Alpha-Tec Hex grenade (6 shots) and the Incentive designs (5 shot), they don't fire them all at once or all from a single drop, they are like a revolver, you simply pick it up click to the next position and throw again. The incentive designs can be used with a tripwire adapter to turn it into a booby trap.


There is one more coming onto the market. In the prototyping stage now and heavily supported by players using an indigogo page. The Molyneux Advanced Systems MAS-G, this relies heavily on electronics but should, when finished be able to be used as an impact, timed (with delay of 0-10 sec set by the user before throwing), ir mine and tilt mine.


There are some that use caps, like the ones in those toy guns I remember from the 90's but on steroids, they are far cheaper and exclusively impact. But not as loud or much of a flash. Baz was testing one and I've never seen one in use other than a video.


RRP of most of the BFG's range from £65 to just over 100 for the multishots.


My ohshiboom paid for itself in less than 50 shots when compared with the average priced high quality card pyro, Enola Gaye or TLSFX. But I still carry card pyro for woodland and for occasional cqb use. The ohshi is exclusively used in urban environments. None of the bfg's do anything other than make a big bang, and a small flash. So smokes are card only. I have a MAS-G on order and look forward to testing it when it arrives, likely in September from the sounds of things.

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Yes I've actually got one and its quite loud - certainly good enough for our milsim kill radius.

It is triggered by impact but it works on grass or carpet.







There are some that use caps, like the ones in those toy guns I remember from the 90's but on steroids, they are far cheaper and exclusively impact. But not as loud or much of a flash. Baz was testing one and I've never seen one in use other than a video.


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Yes I've actually got one and its quite loud - certainly good enough for our milsim kill radius.

It is triggered by impact but it works on grass or carpet.




Thanks. Any link to the actual grenade? Or the name? I read the blogpost and it seems to be a good alternative. How sturdy is it? I'm not a grenade man but it would be useful once in a while. If it survives about 100 uses, then I would get one.

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I use a TRMR and it’s excellent, doesn’t have to be thrown with force to get it to detonate unless your using Mag-Flash then they simply don’t work without giving it a proper good throw.

Oshibooms are another but I found them to be shocking. Mine detonated inside it’s Kydex holster even with the pin still in. Defo prefer TRMR’s and there’s now a lot on the market for different bases on them.


I did a quick video not to long ago on my TRMR using three primers, .209s, 9mm & the new Mag-Flash primer.


Highly recommend a TRMR.

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Theres no real weight to it so the spoon leads when you throw it. Not been able to break it. The metal is pretty cheap and has a nice patina of rust but it still works and most importantly, looks more like the real thing.



Thanks. Any link to the actual grenade? Or the name? I read the blogpost and it seems to be a good alternative. How sturdy is it? I'm not a grenade man but it would be useful once in a while. If it survives about 100 uses, then I would get one.

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Theres no real weight to it so the spoon leads when you throw it. Not been able to break it. The metal is pretty cheap and has a nice patina of rust but it still works and most importantly, looks more like the real thing.




Really like the look of these, only 76g in weight and each bang only 8.5p.

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