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Airsoft confessions


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So is this like Catholicism? Will the OP be telling us how many 'Hail Marui's' we have to say for each sin? :)


Been playing in the chaos-pit of the Mall for a year so think I've made my way through most the i-spy book of airsoft-regrettable-behavior;


mistakenly shooting people;

- in the face

- kids (they may be armed but still...)

- after being hit already

- more times than necessary

- on my own team


my own poor conduct;

- sworn a few times ("f*ck! right in the cock" etc)

- shot someone already hit in the back of the head with a full-auto burst deliberately (they'd sworn few times at me and tried to shoot me in the nuts before storming-off)

- told people they'd been hit rather than telling marshal

- almost kick-off at someone recently; http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/26732-the-mall-reading-thursday-night-june-18/#entry202347


Only cliches of airsoft bad-behavior I'm confident in not having sinned in is;

- nicking kit (I've even been sad enough to hand in a small bolt that looked like it came from someones stock or similar)

- hit-taking; I'm confident in being good at taking hits, I've only ignored ones from people I've hit a decent amount first (the turn and shoot you back kinda scenarios). Never done a cheeky "Ahh they can't tell" or "Sure I hit him too, I'll keep firing and take my hit once he does". Far too paranoid about it really, if anything i take far too many hits that didn't occur, simply as it's quickest, easiest and most satisfying for all (no-one believes they could have missed point-blank, and it's only luck they did miss so fuck-it!)

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Mine is losing my temper at the Mall a month or two back after seeing my tracer BBs bouncing off someone and their not taking their hits....lost it so bad was pulled from the game and talked to by marshall. Right enough the marshall was a patronising wanker but thats beside the point....


When will people realise that tracer fire means I can see you not taking it?

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I had a player Marshall accuse me of blind firing at him, he was crouched in the corner of a building watching the doors, I saw him, drew my pistol & through the window, put my head in and said 'bang'


He shot me in the ribs 3 times at point blank & luckily I had my PC on where he hit that, I was shocked which was lucky or I'd have punched him to the ground

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Swearing after being hit somewhere soft isn't a sin, it's an expectation. I took a bad shot right in the cockpit on Saturday from a sneaky bastard hiding in a dark room, and boy did he hear about it.


Even if you've been knifed by someone, I'll usually call them a sneaky fucker, but it's more a compliment at how food they were at catching me off guard than derogatory

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I had a player Marshall accuse me of blind firing at him, he was crouched in the corner of a building watching the doors, I saw him, drew my pistol & through the window, put my head in and said 'bang'


He shot me in the ribs 3 times at point blank & luckily I had my PC on where he hit that, I was shocked which was lucky or I'd have punched him to the ground


So you were accused of blind-banging? and then shot for your troubles?


I've yet to play somewhere that allows 'bang-rule' and had it used on me. If it does happen i intend to say 'The Matrix' back at them and wave my arms around until they actually shoot me :)

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So you were accused of blind-banging? and then shot for your troubles?


I've yet to play somewhere that allows 'bang-rule' and had it used on me. If it does happen i intend to say 'The Matrix' back at them and wave my arms around until they actually shoot me :)

I certainly was sir but now they've got rid of the bang rule & it's either take a hit or say 'yep I'm taking it' but now I just shoot


At the begining, I was quite happy giving people the chsnce but in all honesty, I can't be arsed anymore as people do it to me & its part of the game


Needless to say he got a chewing out for it as a few others saw what he did & backed me up the whole way

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Had an incident at the last AI (No bang/surrender rule in play) where someone got the drop on me, and decided to ask if I wished to surrender whilst holding his shotgun's muzzle to the cheek of my facemask, I replied by shooting him with a single shot in what I thought to be centre mass, but actually turned out to be his manhood. He wasn't best pleased on 2 accounts..

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Had an incident at the last AI (No bang/surrender rule in play) where someone got the drop on me, and decided to ask if I wished to surrender whilst holding his shotgun's muzzle to the cheek of my facemask, I replied by shooting him with a single shot in what I thought to be centre mass, but actually turned out to be his manhood. He wasn't best pleased on 2 accounts..


Holding his gun muzzle to your face deserves a shot to the nuts IMO, no need to be physically threatening/intimidating about things. I'd suggest it's behavior indicative of small-manhood but you still managed to hit it so...

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"Is someone running propane? Feckin' stinks in here!"


Is that the reason for the forum name? :D

Nope thats a school nickname. long story


Dropping one in public is a sport me & my son play......we refer to it as dropping a "Smooth criminal"

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My confession is I sometime haven't walked all the way back to a respawn to respawn as Its sometimes a really long way to go. Not proud and I won't do it again honest.


Also threw a grenade back at someone Killing about 6 people. Never owned up to that one.


I sometimes have a little tinkle when beastmode gets all manly & aggressive with his big (SA80) weapon in his hand pmsl

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So is this like Catholicism? Will the OP be telling us how many 'Hail Marui's' we have to say for each sin? :)


Been playing in the chaos-pit of the Mall for a year so think I've made my way through most the i-spy book of airsoft-regrettable-behavior;


mistakenly shooting people;


- kids (they may be armed but still...)

Thats not a sin, it is manditory !!!

When people ask how it goes with my 12 year old son. I respond "Kick his arse as often as possible" lets be fair he has entered into a game where shooting people is the point of being there. I say if it moves shoot it, if its small and moves shoot it more!!!


so I think your clear on that one.


It could be worse, you could shoot a kid in the head at point blank range who is on your team!!!! which is what happened to my son. He copped one right in the centre of his forehead, the guy couldnt stop apologising but we thought it was hilarious :D my son was chuffed to bits

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Thats not a sin, it is manditory !!!

When people ask how it goes with my 12 year old son. I respond "Kick his arse as often as possible" lets be fair he has entered into a game where shooting people is the point of being there. I say if it moves shoot it, if its small and moves shoot it more!!!


so I think your clear on that one.


It could be worse, you could shoot a kid in the head at point blank range who is on your team!!!! which is what happened to my son. He copped one right in the centre of his forehead, the guy couldnt stop apologising but we thought it was hilarious :D my son was chuffed to bits


I say the same for my sons, there 14 & 15 so should expect to get shot but they've certainly toughened upto it since we started playing :)


Although they always stick with me & have said many times they wouldn't want to come up against me if I'm on the opposite side


In all honesty, it makes me laugh when they get hit & a little jealous that I can't do it :( YET

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If I do shoot a kid I try and follow it with a Nelson "Haw Haw", so they fully appreciate the situation.


Did have one jump up and scream 'don't shoot' once after I burst round a corner and shot his mate. I asked but he didn't have any lunch-money so i shot him in the foot

No lunch money? Kids these days... What are bullies supposed to do? Go back to wedgies and Chinese burns?

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No lunch money? Kids these days... What are bullies supposed to do? Go back to wedgies and Chinese burns?


Yeah they've spent it all on micro-transactions, should have ransomed him into gifting me something on Steam instead

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You could give them a noogie


The state of some site toilets I've seen, I wouldn't give my worst enemy a swirlie

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I was in a CQB game using a long Paintball speedball-style zone.

It was game on, and we ran forward, and almost straight away I was hit in the chest. I raised my hand and started to stop my run to turn to the respawn, and the Marshall just in-front of me starts yelling "Don't stop - come on, keep going!!!!!!" I thus put my hand down and thought - oh - ok...

Then as soon as I got to a barricade, my brain engaged and I realised, he was trying to get the team animated and pushing, not excusing my hit.

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Yeah why are airsoft site toilets always the most befouled. I get public transport all the time, and am working for an Arab company during Ramadan, but still nothing breaks the Geneva convention like airsoft-site toilets.


Maybe someone here will admit to not bothering to cook their food for a week before skirmish or similar

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I think that could be an extention to teh Smooth criminal game, the night before wash a kerbab down with lots of Guiness & start the day with 6x raw eggs.


hmmm toilet fresh !!!!

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So many times I'm glad I drop my keks & pinch one off at home


One site has chemical toilets & it's always full up, I'm still yet to discover the flush for it

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So many times I'm glad I drop my keks & pinch one off at home


One site has chemical toilets & it's always full up, I'm still yet to discover the flush for it


I find the toilets in the nearest McDonalds in a higher state of hygiene. Although i dare not eat their filth until lunch at the earliest, in case it all goes Highlander and i suffer 'The Quickening'

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I find the toilets in the nearest McDonalds in a higher state of hygiene. Although i dare not eat their filth until lunch at the earliest, in case it all goes Highlander and i suffer 'The Quickening'


Pmsl & that's why I take my own food, don't want the 'Bombay doors to open & have to drop the kids off at the pool' in the middle of a fire fight

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Some games I play have a rule limiting ammo carried in mags to 300 rds. I tend to carry 5x 135 rd mags and 1 x 50rd mag as the pouches on P37 webbing hold 6 mags. I have never used more than 2 mags between respawns, I just prefer to have the option of a smoke break rather than refilling mags every time I respawn and I don't want empty space in my pouch :)

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I Only take hits if marshalls watching, and even then its always my first hit, im never dead


I never medic teammates


I never walk all the way to the regen


I always shoot teammates when theyre not looking


My aeg fires 340 on .4s with a 210mm mock silencer and full hop for the chrono.


Im 15 i just use my mates ukara to get IFs

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