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Good sniper rifle around £200

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Hi All,


Firstly let me pre-thank anyone who is able to offer up advice.


Looking to purchase a spring action sniper rifle but unsure on what to go for. I reallt like the look of the AW/ASG 338 L96, but cant seem to find any in stock anywhere.


So my two questions are these:


1) what spring sniper would you recommend?

2) Where can i get one from?


Many thanks



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If you are going to upgrade it, get an A&K or cyma M24. If you intend to leave it stock, go for the TM.

Taiwangun or Gunfire are great sources if you know what you want.

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  On 01/06/2015 at 14:10, sp00n said:

have a look here >>> http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/identifyyourrifle.htm loads of gun info


I second this, its the way to go about understanding the real costs of getting a sniper rifle that actually goes further than an AEG. To some extent it matters only a little where you start in terms of gun as you are going to replace most of the innards anyway and the price difference in the end is marginal. I would factor more £500 minimum for a sniper rifle.

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Anything TM. There's also the JG BAR-10 -a VSR-10- clone, 100 from TaiwanGun (Polish retailer, ordered from em twice)


The Well (Warrior) L96 / MB-01, from what I've heard, should be good in that it also doesn't need a lot of upgrades to be decent, still if you want really good sniper rifle performance you do have to spend a lot on upgrades though. Otherwise you might as well just buy an ordinary AEG.


I have an A&K M24, which, supposedly has a lot of good parts already OOTB. Not sure what they are exactly...but I think I have some info from TacMaster saved (that's a guy on here btw)

Can't say how good it is in comparison to any other bolt action rifles. Haven't actually done any sniping either as of yet I'm still waiting for a cheap scope to arrive from China. Not sure if I'll really get into it though...

Probably just going to replace the piston sear (stock trigger sear is steel) and get a PDI barrel off X-Fire. Says it's £22 but idk what shipping will be like. Anyway that's off-topic.


You can get the M24 and L96 off TG as well. If they're not in stock, try Gunfire.pl

Last places I saw with Tokyo Marui VSRs were Fire Support and Patrol Base. Try the former for the TM L96.


Hope this helped mate.

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People say that building a decent sniper costs a fortune, It doesn't.


JG BAR 10 100

SHS sears 10

Action Amry Hop chamber 35

Action Army bucking 3

Action Army barrel 30

R-HOP + M-NUB + Install kit 30

Mods 10


There, if you install everything right and use 0.40g bb's - it will peform or even out peform full Laylax or PDI builds.


If you want a sniper that works out of the box, the Marui is a better option.

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If you go for an AWS style rifle be careful of the c clip that holds the loading ramp/plate in place. They're very fragile. Other than that it's an awesome gun with a lot of potential even if it is bloody huge! :D


Like others have said TM's VSR is one of the best sniper rifles you'll buy out of the box. If you want an upgrade platform though then any clone rifle would be cheaper and just as good depending on what you want to upgrade. I acquired my base gun (a Well MB02) off an internet seller for £10 as the trigger was broken. Since then I've fixed it up and it shoots beautifully costing me less than £150 (so far) in upgrades though I'm constantly tweaking it.

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Thanks all for your responses so far. I'm a bit surprised that a lot of stock snipers are a lower fps then the AEG I currently have (290fps at the mo). Unless there is something I'm missing?

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In Japan they have a strict fps limit of 1joule so airsoft guns from companies based there (like Tokyo Marui) always shoot around that figure.


Cloned rifles from China and other countries have no such limits so are often a lot higher.

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Just stay away from Double Eagle...



And steer well clear of cheap scopes, you want to spend at least £40 to make sure it is decent and going to last. Cheaper than that tend to have bad windage/elevation adjustment and/or get condensation on the inside making the image too blurred to use

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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