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*Sigh* Not exactly airsoft, but still a dumbass move to make!


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  On 12/03/2015 at 00:42, MZKaleem said:

I find it hard to understand how these guys have that many views at all...

Every video that I see by them is not a prank, it's not remotely funny, it's a waste of time for everyone involved.




Love the delicious irony of this post mate.

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To my knowledge, its illegal in every way, shape and form to imitate a police officer.

Anyway, If i knew these asshats made more videos of pointing a gun at people and/or officers, especially paintball guns, then personally, they deserve to be shot. i'm waiting for them to move up to gas airsoft weapons n run round so then we'll get the blame for these idiots -.-

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  On 12/03/2015 at 11:33, BigAl said:

Love the delicious irony of this post mate.



People share videos everywhere nowadays. It's like trying to avoid cars on a motorway. I don't think it's ironic... then again, we aren't the same person, perspective differs I suppose.

I don't share their videos on a page liked by 9 million (Lad Bible or those sorts of sites). I shared a few of their videos to a relatively small community so you guys know that they don't just shoot people with a nerf gun but also do other, even worse stuff (imitate an officer, walk around shooting a blank pb gun).

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It is ironic that you say you don't know how they get some many views and you share the video. You may share it only to a few and for goos reason but still.


Anyway one day these idiots are going to come unstuck, I just hope nobody ( even them, begrudgingly ) is hurt in the process.

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  On 12/03/2015 at 17:39, BigAl said:

It is ironic that you say you don't know how they get some many views and you share the video. You may share it only to a few and for goos reason but still.



Okay fair enough bud I understand where you're coming from.


But yeah anyway as some one said, I hope anything they do in future doesn't negatively affect the game and its players :(

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Would love to see the results if he tried that on russian police officers, they wouldn't shoot him..... They might just laugh and walk away after punching his lights out!

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  On 12/03/2015 at 23:07, ikarma70 said:

Would love to see the results if he tried that on russian police officers, they wouldn't shoot him..... They might just laugh and walk away after punching his lights out!


they'd shoot him if he called them gay though

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- Imitating a police officer
- Carrying an RIF in public with intent to threaten

- Carrying an IF in public with intent to threaten
- Detonating explosives in such a way they can cause harm
- Threatening members of the public with IFs and RIFs

- Discharging an air weapon at members of the public
- Assulting a police officer

The fact these guys havn't been arrested sickens me somewhat.

People like this will kill airsofting when instead of dealing with (I don't want to use the term retarded out of respect to handy capped people... But I think some of these tossers may actally be within that scale...) muppets like these directly, the government decides to put even more controls on IFs and RIFs. Which will screw our sport, and do nothing to stop these.... Dumb ass criminals.




p.s. If someone fired a paintball gun at me and then ran after me to tell me to 'chill out, it's just a prank'... I would feel the need to. erm. subdue them.

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  On 15/03/2015 at 23:09, Pyro said:

p.s. If someone fired a paintball gun at me and then ran after me to tell me to 'chill out, it's just a prank'... I would feel the need to. erm. subdue them.

And then proceed to bash them in the face with said paintball gun....repeatedly.

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Be reasonable. Only until the painball gun is no longer opporational... or looks like a painball gun... or is anything other than scrap metal :|


Never realised there are RIF paintball guns before seeing that video though.

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OH FFSake! These are the dicks that Ian and I were reporting to youtube and I believe Ian contacted the police about for their video threatening people with a paintball gun a year ago. It got their original channel closed and the video removed from youtube and they simply posted it again with a new channel name. What a bunch of cockwombles!

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So, rather than just watching the video and saying ooo how stupid are they, what should be done is Go to the button marked more, it's under the subscribe button, there is a report button.


You should report this, point out to the youtube monitoring staff that their actions are illegal and can result in jail time. The original video was reported to the police by Ian I believe. If people want I will try and dig out the relevant section of uk laws that they have broken.


It isn't worth commenting on the video, most of their fans are so stupid they resort to hurling insults they don't understand. Their favourites revolve around mum insults and calling you homosexual.

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What a bunch of idiots! Youtube have already closed one of their channels for this sh!t!

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Wanna be gangsta's spring to mind


Fecking tossers, bet they'd shit themselves if you stuck the real steel versions in there faces

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As my dad always says


"If brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough between them to blow there noses"

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Do the think this sh*t is funny? This could get our sport banned. How did they get rifs anyway I doubt they play airsoft?

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Probably 2 tone & then painted

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With respect (or, complete lack of) to that last video... It's probably their least F-tarded one. Only because they're not in full public view and (from what I can translate of the noises that come out of their mouthes) they are doing this to people they vaguely know. Plus, they only wave the guns around, rather than discharge any gas, so, actual physical harm risk is minimal.


The worst thing I've seen in any of their videos is going into a corner shop and unloading a paintball RIF at the casheer.


Would love them to try and pull that sh-t on a guy like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_-1DF2l-_4



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I really hope they one day try this shit on someone who knows Krav Maga or Systema or something, just so they get smashed bollocks, a broken arm and a period of unconciousness for the privilege.


As others have said, their rap sheet runs long as it stands. They clearly know what they are doing is illegal in all sorts of ways. Mainly shown by the way the police show up on the scene after every one of their "pranks" and they have to run from them. That they haven't been arrested - or worse - for this yet is, quite frankly, a miracle of policing. Especially when there's so much concern on the police's part for security in this country at the moment.

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I can imagine them coming up on someone who has taken disarmament courses and flips the gun on them... That would be funny

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