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The Noveske Diplomat Build

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That is no where near bright enough or a large enough percentage. Your So and so does it and get away with it won't help YOU if YOU end u in court. It is as you say very unlikely but it is a possibility, say your in an RTA on the way to a skirmish, police ask why do you have this where did you get it? Suddenly your in the shit.


Still at the end of the day it's your gun it's up to you. I just don't see the point in either taking the risk or building such a high spec/cost gun in Two Tone, far better waiting till you have a skirmish and build it properly.


There is also the argument that IF you do get caught you don't just screw yourself but all airsofters in the UK. Sure as hell as soon as a case ends up in court they will try to pull the defence.

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Now I can't be arsed reading any more, from the "coloured" receiver and two tone make up pictures, but can I point out to you, that you have have provided a electronic form of evidence that you purchased parts to manufacturer your very own RIF and then shown pictures of the RIF........you have admitted your offence and provided the evidence, The law might be slow but you should really think before you provide the evidence on a plate and hang yourself nice work chap but you really need to be careful and stick to the law..

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Gotta love these ukara / vcra posts, I've never eaten so much popcorn


Yes he is breaking the law - then again should I get a solicitor if I walk away from Argos or Screwfix etc....

and find I have one of their pens or pencils in my pocket ???

(most Argos are crappy touchscreens that don't work but ya get the idea about possible theft)


Not gonna get into any rows - already had a debate on his rof & PE warnings

but to be honest there are far worse things he could be manufacturing and a lot cheaper

in fact he could just buy a 2-tone and spray it and it would be basically same offense


Admit perhaps not be so open about it as to not perhaps attract attention

(this place has a LOT of "guests" due to Bing, Yahoo & Google engines)


Personally I couldn't care what he does, his money/time and he could achieve the same thing

a little more off the shelf and a few mods but he is doing it in stages rather than upgrade route


Understand maybe we can't be seen to so openly assist or comment to endorse this sort of thing either

Maybe tone it down on the build stages, perhaps a slightly mature or older appearing style of posting

(yeah mature - I'm one to talk sometimes), whilst constructing this labour of love aeg of his


Just perhaps be a little more "subtle" I think might ease the need for me buying more & more popcorn

best wishes in your project

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think it is a bit of two things....


warning about "possible" risks - but still "could" happen scenario


the fact that whilst many different forums don't give a f*ck what/how their members go about their interests

they (forums) can not be seen to condone piracy/reverse engineering a console/manufacturing a RIF etc....


above all we generally say don't be a dick in the way you conduct yourself - kinda covers most of it

and helps to avoid bringing unwanted attention so to speak

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It seems no one will ever understand why i'm building this, ever. I will not make the coverage higher but i will brighten it.

No one cares why you're building it. It's about how you are doing it.

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I don't think people on this forum actually understand what it takes to go to prison in the real world. I mean are there any documented cases of anyone going to prison for manufacturing a RIF? I understand the need for not bringing the sport into distripute however laying the letter of the law at every opportunity just gets boring and as in previous posts drives people away from this forum.

There was a guy about a year ago that got done for manufacturing a rif BUT he got caught because he waved it about in public. While the intention is honourable in people trying to protect the sport this really isn't the same situation.


That said the colouring and brightness of that purple wouldn't fool anyone.

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I think the general rule of don't be a dick applies here. If you wave a RIF around in public you'd expect trouble.

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I think the general rule of don't be a dick applies here. If you wave a RIF around in public you'd expect trouble.


True. But the thing to be aware of, is that whilst there may not be too many cases of people being collared for having a BB gun and going to prison for that offence alone, that doesn't mean you or I couldn't be the first one that it happens to if the Government decided they wanted to make an example of someone for it. And nobody should be naive enough to think they'd never do that, because one look at the news will confirm that they are currently 'on one' as far as clamping down on terror-related stuff is concerned. We'd probably get little sympathy from the average person in the street if we got sent down for something like that. So I say get that defence as watertight as you can.


When I went to the post office to pick up an MP5K RIF which had arrived from Gunfire Poland this morning, that was me 'importing a RIF', which is illegal without a suitable defence. You can get up to seven years in prison and a big fine too for doing that kind of thing, so I made goddam sure that they put that UKARA number in BIG fecking letters on the package when I added a comment in the order box of Gunfire's website. I like airsoft, but I'm not so keen on it that I'd be prepared to go to jail for it!



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It is Illegal with or without a defence, that is the hole problem. We have a defence to the crime but it is still a crime. That is what gives the Government the ability to shut us down overnight without any further acts being enabled.


As for the whole importing without the number on the package, go right ahead. UKBA will simply right to you asking you if you have a valid defence to allow you to import. Even with your site membership number ( it isn't a UKARA Number or a Licence ) on the package they may still write to you before releasing the package.

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With the green partys new policy, maybe time to be a little more vigillant and not draw extra attention to ourselves.


Imitation weapons
There will be a complete ban on the manufacture, sale and import of imitation weapons (replica guns and blank firers) and a ban on their public possession. There will be licenses for imitation weapons used for film/theatrical purposes, and legislation to ensure toy guns are highly distinct in appearance, probably by being made of clear/translucent plastic.



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That f*****g sucks cause of those few t***s out there that act like morons and not abiding by common sense


So if these go through, no more buying, selling and importing RIFs and we have to run around with see through weapons

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Granted there already is already a ban on manufacture import and sale and not much will change there, but nevertheless all it could take is one inceddenent to remove our defence completely.

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UK Gun law sucks... :(

you say that, and I don't entirely disagree, but without UKARA etc I believe there would be more twats running around with airsoft guns robbing banks etc, which would easily help with the ban in the uk, or an even worse law, so In my opinion I believe that it's not that bad...


-my take

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you say that, and I don't entirely disagree, but without UKARA etc I believe there would be more twats running around with airsoft guns robbing banks etc, which would easily help with the ban in the uk, or an even worse law, so In my opinion I believe that it's not that bad...


-my take


your take is wrong, prior to 2006 there were no restrictions on buying RIFs at all and the amount of gun-crime with airsoft guns then was negligible. The VCRA was 100% an attempt to appear 'hard on gun crime' without actually doing anything.

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Thing is, with what Natalie Bennett said on the BBC's Sunday Politics show the other week, there's about as much chance of her party getting in, as there is of me becoming the next Pope.


For those of you who missed that gem, she said that she did not want it to be illegal for UK citizens to join an organisation such as ISIS or Al Quaeda (which it presently is), so long as they weren't actively doing stuff (merely thinking it). And as if that isn't bad enough, she then equated doing that to being similar to supporting the ANC before aparthied ended in SA. So yeah Natalie, I'm sure we'd all be thrilled to live in a country where the law says it's okay to support an organisation which thinks beheading people and burning them alive in cages is acceptable behaviour. I can't wait for her next brilliant policy to emerge, she'll probably replace the military with a white flag.


You wait until there's a political debate in the upcoming elections, all it will take is for any of the other politicians to point that one out, and her vote is going to melt like a snowman in the Sahara.

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your take is wrong, prior to 2006 there were no restrictions on buying RIFs at all and the amount of gun-crime with airsoft guns then was negligible. The VCRA was 100% an attempt to appear 'hard on gun crime' without actually doing anything.

but times change as well. I highly doubt that if all restrictions were dropped that gun crime would go down. It just seems that way to me. Sure UKARA isn't a very well sought out law but in my opinion it has to be better than nothing.

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Is UKARA or VCRA something like the Airsofting Holy Grail, Bible, Quran or some other poxy book


Always provokes shall we say "debates" and all that but like most stuff like religion & politics

it is hardly worth a toss about going to war over - we shoot each other anyway withh bb's - no excuse needed


But yet it does sometime seem like some higher authority book of guidelines they we MUST all follow

Yet in the end much like religion & politics, we take most of it with a pinch of salt and leave the rest


Just follow the 11th commandment I reckon:


"Thou shall not be a dickhead and wave thy RIF (or IF) around in a public place"

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UKARA is not a law or a License, UKARA is simply a Trade Association. The VCRB was not actually anything to do with Airsoft, it was iirc largely a public order bill which at the last minute had some badly written proposals about replica guns tagged onto it as it went through the houses to be ratified as the Violent Crimes Reduction Act 2006. UKARA did fight this as it was in there interests to still be able to continue there businesses after the act.


As for the comment about bank robbers, well they tend to favour shotguns not airsoft replica's, the main nuisance with airsoft was thugs with springers bought off market stalls for a couple of quid making a nuisance of themselves in public. Thats is why we know have the VCRA.


Right having said all that this is supposed to be a weapons build thread so shall we drop all the VCRA crap and get back on subject?

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As for the comment about bank robbers, well they tend to favour shotguns not airsoft replica's, the main nuisance with airsoft was thugs with springers bought off market stalls for a couple of quid making a nuisance of themselves in public. Thats is why we know have the VCRA.



yeah, i dont know why I said that, I did mean generally being a nuisance etc. As for getting back on topic, I really do like the idea of this build and would like to see it completed, and btw your painting doesn't look bad at all, what about in person?

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From where I see it, you could of handled this a lot better.

Instead of posting on here saying look what I'm building.

wait till you finish and post on the gun picture thread "look what I just got given off a friend who plays Airsoft"

you are not incriminating yourself then.


Second instead of going off on one and painting your gun purple, you should of just brought a cheap hand guard, stock and carry handle then sprayed them all bright green.


Keep these on your gun and take your none fluorescent items with you to a site, once your there change them out.

Yes your now creating a RIF, but you have a defence as you are currently Airsofting.

When the day has finished change them back for the journey home.

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