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What's the best pistol to buy?


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I was recently at a game and i was talking to one of the marshals about pistols and he said the best pistol i the Tm Hi-Capa ops-tactical .45 and i was just wondering what you guys think?

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  On 17/06/2014 at 05:52, Longshot said:

What is the best car? My mate told me that a VW Golf with massive alloys is best.


Sarcastic point aside, 'best pistol' (as with 'best car') depends on a variety of factors. Are you looking for performance, feel, practicality, ability to accessorise, etc.? As with most things there is only a 'best' in relation to what you're trying to do with it (and also how much you have/want to spend on the gun itself and aftermarket parts).



If it's honest opinion based on experience then you'll get a lot of different answers off people. For example the best pistol I've ever owned was a KWA CZ75 - it was efficient (due to it's NS2 gas system), shot at 320 fps, full metal and had excellent accuracy.


The TM hi cappa range are brilliant guns if you want something reliable and upgradable since there are tons of aftermarket parts for them. But it is down to what you want from a pistol to decide whether it's "the best".

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Honest there really isn't any best pistol, well there are but they cost lots and well Gucci comes to mind,

Everyone has a favourite or feels a certain pistol or revolver just fits, I know I've picked up so called top of the range Rif's and pistols and I just didn't find them right ,Best way to find out what you like is have a play feel grope ok not grope on sites in shops etc...you find one you love

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Same as AEG's they are all pretty much identical. 99% of airsoft is about looks and feel so have a play around with a few and see what you like.


Form an opinion for yourself maybe instead of looking to be spoon fed everything?

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  On 17/06/2014 at 09:15, EvilMonkee said:

Same as AEG's they are all pretty much identical. 99% of airsoft is about looks and feel so have a play around with a few and see what you like.


Form an opinion for yourself maybe instead of looking to be spoon fed everything?


I don't think asking for peoples opinions and recommendations is being "spoon fed". There's no harm in wanting to learn from the experience of others.

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  On 17/06/2014 at 10:36, MrCheesman94 said:

I honestly love the WE M1911 it's a great gun, easy slide, 330 FPS, and easy to make look awesome, speaking of which has anyone got a 1911 holster leg preferably

You must have been lucky enough to get a good one lol.

A blackhawk serpa is always a good bet.

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I agree with longshot.


however, personally I will prefer KWA PTP NS2 every time over anything. I am not a big M9 fan, I still prefer the M9 PTP to any other brands. even if TM did a SR22.

as for my experience with (early) WE 1911... they are pants.

However I also hear that newer WE as well as TM 5.7 are suppose to be reliable. Thou it is supposedly not a good idea to use propane unless your gun have a metal slide.


if you want AEP, CYMA g18c is a good gun with a good reputation. The TM it clones is pretty much the same but feels less like a plastic toy.

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What pistol is the most ambiguous question in all of airsoft. there are so many variables and differences that it makes it almost impossible to narrow it down to a definitive answer.


First you need to decide what power platform you want.


Spring - weakest power output, single shot not advised for skirmishing

HFC134a (Tetrafluoroethane, or PC duster gas) - weak power, good reliability and resistant to temp changes.

Green Gas (or Propane) - good power capable of 300fps +, available nearly everywhere, performance is influenced by temperature. colder days lower fps, hotter days hotter fps. Green gas is the most inefficient in terms of consumption, you will / should refill the mag every other reload. Its expensive £10 for 300g of WE Premium green gas. Camping propane requires additional silicone to keep things lubricated. power will drop off as remaining gas volume reduces

C02 - Strongest power capable of 350+, easy to use, efficient some non blow back guns last up to 6 or 7 reloads on a single bulb.More consistent power than green gas, same lubrication issues with propane although C02 guns seem to be built a bit more robustly. Not as effected by temperature. Harder blowback. Some guns will shoot over power, the KWC desert eagle has been known to shoot 380fps out of the box. Its hard to adjust or regulate the power of a C02 gun.

Autamotic Electric Pistol or AEP - runs on a battery with a motor, reliable, consistent, cheap, weak and a bit boring, but great for playing in very cold environments.


Consider Blowback or Non Blowback. pretty obvious from the title blowback has a recoil, it moves the slide to replicate a real firearm and chambers the next bb. These are great for realism but use more gas. Non Blow Back are fixed slide, gas only propels the bb so there is less recoil and less wear damage.


Avoid full auto on a pistol. Its fun, but will leave you needing a back up, back up gun when you have no ammo left 2 seconds later.


Once you have decided on your power, you need to decide on what type of gun you like. You really need to hold them and feel them. They need to fit in your hand, they need to be comfortable and they need to be an extension of yourself to be effective as a pistol. For some people a glock is too small, for some people a glock is too top heavy, for some a glock is too big. In the real world, glock was designed as the utilitarian gun, good at everything, perfect at nothing and its popularity and success in the real world shows it. You really do need to get hands on and pick one that feels nice.


Things to remember are any moving parts will wear down eventually, so regular maintenance and lubrication of the internals is essential. It only takes a quick wipe and a strategic drop of silicon oil every so often.

Plastic slides and green gas are the most vulnerable to wear and tare, however upgrading a plastic slide gun to a metal slide gun is a headache and will never truly work as well as it should do. if you are concerned about wearing down a plastic slide then chose a metal slide. Having said that I ran almost 2000 rounds through my plastic slide with premium green gas and caused no visible damage at all, some claim (un verified) that green gas kills plastic slide maruis in just a few magazines.


Consider how many magazines you want and if they are available. I have a HFC185, brilliant gun almost identical to my TM at half the price and shoots just as accurately. But the magazines are now out of production, so obtaining a second would involve a costly import from Evike. WE and TM have generally good suppliers so you can be confident parts will be available.

And with magazine consider how many rounds you need. A dan westsern look the shizzle, but are overpowered and only 6 shots. A glock with a 50 round mag will terrify anyone but weighs a ton. a 1911 is a very nice gun, feel nice shoots nice, but most have 11 shots. Good for a backup, not good if you want to clear a building.


After all that it does come down to what you perceive your need of the pistol and then finding one that fits YOU. We can't tell you what gun will work for you, only you can decide.


TLDR: Buy my Glock

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general opinion seems to be that hfc are pretty bad. To be fair thou I've seen one other person swear by their hfc glock. Personally I would go near them.

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General opinion also suggest that Gas Blowback guns are hard to maintain, lipos will destroy your gun burn down your house and rape your mum, and that a tight bore barrel will instantly improve your ability to hit a target.

All have an ounce of basis but none are absolute. General opinion is often misguided.


The HFC glock and the TM glock are pretty much identical excluding a few tolerances and material differences. Its also interesting to note that the HFC gun was released a significant time before Tokyo Marui released theirs. I have also had less trouble with the HFC magazine than I have with both my Marui mags, both were empty and dry direct from firesupport. I can't speak for any other HFC pistols, Its far from the best gun you can buy, but I would rate it as the best gun for under £75.

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  On 17/06/2014 at 15:31, Mr Monkey Nuts said:

The HFC glock and the TM glock are pretty much identical excluding a few tolerances and material differences.


going by that logic a CYMA M4A1 and a G&P M4A1 are pretty much identical... we all know that's not entirely true!

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no idea what the "best pistol" is for airsoft its more the players preferrance becase i could eaisily say my rwl nighthawk custom 1911 is the best for its performance but i use my Tm g17 more as it feels better to me :3

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Best pistol I've used is my own SRC Tokarev TT-33. Comparing to my friends Glock 17 (Don't know the manufacturer), the main differences I noticed were feel and weight. To me, the Glock seemed bulky in comparison and although the grip is more ergonomic (TT-33 having just a straight shaft akin to 1911s), the Tokarev just slots more nicely into my hands. And the Tokarev is noticably slimmer, and although it makes the iron sights a bit more crammed together, it feels alot nicer in my hand.


Now, I'm not sure what fps the Glock was firing at, but the Tokarev out of the box fires at around 280fps, I'd say perfect for most CQB encounters. Not suitable as a main backup weapon, but still bloody good in the right scenarios.


Now, the drawbacks. The main drawback is the mag lips. They are made of rubbish plastic and if you force the mag into the gun, they WILL break. And if you pull the BB feed down and let it ping all the way up, it'll also break the mag. So be careful when loading rounds and when you insert the magazine, be sure to hold down the mag release button and give the mag a little tap to make sure it's in right. I've heard there's upgraded mag lips availible from Airsoft World, but I haven't had a look at them/used them so I cannot say anything about them.


The main drawback is that it's a limited edition piece. 600 worldwide. So you may not be able to find one. But if you do, I reccommend picking one up. They went for £110 on Airsoft World when they were in stock, but you might be able to pick up a bargain from somewhere.

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A friend of mine owns an SRC Tokarev and uses it as part of his 70s-80s Soviet loadout; as there's no decent Makarov on the market he was forced to use a TT-33 with his loadout and he absolutely hates it. He's had nothing but trouble with it, and this is a guy who owns several other niche Soviet guns (including a Silverback PP-19) which there are barely any spares available for.


He actually refrains from using it as it vents really frequently and he has to keep plenty of spare mag lips, as his break too frequently

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  On 18/06/2014 at 15:32, TacMaster said:

A friend of mine owns an SRC Tokarev and uses it as part of his 70s-80s Soviet loadout; as there's no decent Makarov on the market he was forced to use a TT-33 with his loadout and he absolutely hates it. He's had nothing but trouble with it, and this is a guy who owns several other niche Soviet guns (including a Silverback PP-19) which there are barely any spares available for.


He actually refrains from using it as it vents really frequently and he has to keep plenty of spare mag lips, as his break too frequently

This is why I brought the KWA version. Was a very stury sidearm and had a lot more positive feedback than the SRC. Don't have it any more as I had to reduce my armoury, but was a great little gun.


Only issue I had was the small magazine size (10 rounds)

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