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What are you listening to?


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Not sure what to think of this one!

That is also in my playlist. When I was about your age, having watched band of brothers I had a habit of playing it non stop and humming it.


In a few years you'll look back at the wierd music you listened to and be like wtf was I doing. Prize example I used to listen to the parody songs like "hey mr taliban hand over bin laden". I heard a year seven singing it the other week when I was in sixthform and I just looked at him like he was a right wierdo. Then I remembered the exact same thing happened to me in year seven when I was showing a mate in on my phone :lol: To be fair it had just been released at the time. 7 years later, bin laden is dead and it's kind of lost any relevance...

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That is also in my playlist. When I was about your age, having watched band of brothers I had a habit of playing it non stop and humming it.


In a few years you'll look back at the wierd music you listened to and be like wtf was I doing. Prize example I used to listen to the parody songs like "hey mr taliban hand over bin laden". I heard a year seven singing it the other week when I was in sixthform and I just looked at him like he was a right wierdo. Then I remembered the exact same thing happened to me in year seven when I was showing a mate in on my phone :lol: To be fair it had just been released at the time. 7 years later, bin laden is dead and it's kind of lost any relevance...

I was all fine and happy with the proclaimers until you came along!

Now I cant stop listening to that damn luke kelly!!!

Damn you!!!!,:P

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I was all fine and happy with the proclaimers until you came along!

Now I cant stop listening to that damn luke kelly!!!

Damn you!!!!, :P

Ah but Luke Kelly is grand! That's not wierd music by a stretch. To keep the thread on topic I'll post an example below.


Proclaimers? Sure you've not got any Scottish or Irish in you James? haha.



Edit : this one too



This kind of stuff, along with london underground, "the sket song", wierd al yonkavic etc. were all doing the rounds when I was your age, maybe a bit younger too. Was all the rage on our Sony Ericcson's and whatever else we had then, sharing stuff on bluetooth! Had to stand beside your mate for at least 5 minutes waiting for it to send, thats providing you could find his bluetooth name!


Do they even make Sony Ericcson's anymore?

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Irish still?


Well learned men who use the pen, have writ thy praises high,
Of the sweet Poteen from Ireland green, distilled with wheat and rye,
So away with your pills, it will cure all ills, be you pagan, christian or jew,
So take off your coat, and grease your throat with that rare old mountain dew!


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It just lacks the emotion of the original for me. As you say - technically she's a good singer but it's like the Royal Philharmonic playing Motorhead - there's just no spirit!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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