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the benefits of airsofting!

Pointman PUG
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So the wife sent me off to get a pizza last night from our local dominos.so duly pussy whipped,I went.

after giving my order(medium Hawaiian,garlic bread with cheese and some hot wings) I thought I recognised the bloke behind the counter and asked if he went airsofting..yes came the reply and a long chat ensued about guns,game sites,etc.....anyway the benefit was an extra pizza and another portion of hot wings! Bonus!...thanks to the brotherhood of airsoft I had a pizza and a whole portion of wings to myself....no sharing with the wife!

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TBH I never buy Dominos unless they're having a 2-4-1 offer. The 1st time I ordered one I thought I was going to get a lap-dance while I waited... cost enough, anyway! Of course, he may have realised that he usually plays against you and decided to slow you down...

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I met a guy in McDonalds once whilst I was getting breakfast to go to The Stan and the guy who served me asked if that's where I was going lol, it's like a secret society, like from Hot Fuzz or something.


Everyone does it really, you just don't know it. :P


I've also been asked if I want a forces discount before, but turned it down obviously lol.

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well lets face it, if this was a paintball forum, there would be no helpful people, young starters (like me), or BANTER! = another benefit of airsoft!

do you agree?

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No because your obviously a Moron T.W.A.T ever played or contributed as long as you have on here if not Kindly STFU about Paintballers

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Simmer down children or I'll have to get the hammer out.


It's not a ban hammer, I just like hurting people...




Joking, or not?


Well, simmer down and you'll never have to badly find out. ^_^

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well lets face it, if this was a paintball forum, there would be no helpful people, young starters (like me), or BANTER! = another benefit of airsoft!

do you agree?

you cant stereotype all paintballers saying that they are not helpful its like airsoft 99% are nice people and the other 1% are idiots and it would be the same with paintball,i know this from experience

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& my arse is my arse...

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You get to go into work on Monday bearing all kinds of welts on your face and arms (i don't wear a mask because i am an idiot, and with the "warm" weather i wear a tee-shirt)


Fortunately one of my work colleagues is my airsoft buddy, so its not too bad. Although discussions about shimming gearboxes are generally met with some confusion by the "normals".


On a serious note, its actually good for your fitness, well that is if you do it often enough, and it also encourages you to get a bit fitter. When i first started i was really out of shape, and because of that i couldn't play for a full day or run around as much as i wanted to. I loved airsoft so much i started a proper exercise regime, just so i could make the most of my play time. That and the fact i seem to think its a great idea to run around with an M14 EBR-L, which is weighs a ton (5.5kg)

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I'm not sure if you know this... But a ton is actually 1000kg.



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Helps keep you fit (kind of) and helps you meet women (well in captaindumbass's case any way ;) )




(click more comments under Silent7Sniper7's second post on the page)

I never called her back mate hahaha xD
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