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That wasn't very sporting of them, especially as the marshals were telling folk not to move from their positions. Hope it didn't put you off the site.

The chopper still needs the tail fitting to it but is a nice addition to the site for various game types :-)

You playing at Holmbush on the next game day?

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That wasn't very sporting of them, especially as the marshals were telling folk not to move from their positions. Hope it didn't put you off the site.


The chopper still needs the tail fitting to it but is a nice addition to the site for various game types :-)


You playing at Holmbush on the next game day?



It was a good day and i'll definately be going again. Unfortunately I can only play once a month (My wife only has 1 Sunday off per month) so I think my next game is at EAG Dorking on the 15th March. I recognise you now, on that game before lunch I think you were making your way along the top boundary where as I was dead centre for most of the game each way! I know I tried shooting you a couple of times but there was too many trees! I think you had a sniper with a ginger beard? me and him were taking pot shots at each other but neither could get a straight shot through the gap! I let off smoke to move but got shot anyway lol..

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Let us know when you are next able to get to Dogtag Airsoft, Holmbush! :-)

Will do, I went with 2 friends that both really enjoyed it so I think we'll be alternating between Worthing, Dorking and Holmbush. (Plus I like the armbands you can buy, I'm a bitch for stuff like that lol)

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About time I put up a couple of pics of me actually playing lol! From 17th Jan at Alpha 55: (my son Matt with me between games in first pic; moving in for the kill in TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town) game in second pic :ph34r: !)



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At Combat south today. Just got my new toy,


Opinion is divided on how good Evelyn is, most people love her but the Germans seemed to have a different opinion. Oh and I finally got a kill with the P1908 bayonet, quickly followed by 2 more, singlehandedly capturing the farm. Then the Americans arrived and decided to blow it up :(

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It didn't have ammo or a battery in yet. Plus WW2 Australian, famed for their fighting prowess and total lack of discipline. You cannot have trigger discipline without discipline.


Edit: Oh and have you seen how big the trigger guard is on this thing? I cannot rest my finger on the trigger guard as everyone else would, I would need fingers a foot long!

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my last game for quite a while. Headed down to south Coast cqb in gosport.


A themed game with DEA and drug cartel.


House of wolves fielded a 6 man DEA team.






Loadout was simple jeans with black tshirt and normal tac gear......oh and tattoo sleeves!

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lugging the l86 this weekend at portishead.



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07/03/0215 @Skirmish Airsoft Mansfield:





and this 1 was posed to get a pic in the rare BDU:


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Me (on the left) at The Billet on Sunday



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Some Images from this weekend; wore same kite for both RAF Upwood and MK Spec Ops.

Images curtsy from MKSpecOps...hopefully the other photographer will have uploaded some of this images from a higher quality camera :)








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my last game for quite a while. Headed down to south Coast cqb in gosport.


Has the standard of play improved since last year? I was there that weekend with you when it was meant to be stormy but ended up being a nice sunny day. Whilst the site was great the majority of players on the other team put me off ever going again

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Has the standard of play improved since last year? I was there that weekend with you when it was meant to be stormy but ended up being a nice sunny day. Whilst the site was great the majority of players on the other team put me off ever going again

Was a great day! Heading back on Sunday. We won every game this time round again! I have given the owner, Gary, a lot of suggestions and opinions and he takes it all on board.


I can't fault the game play last time. Only issue I had really was the full auto inside. But that's because I got shot to shit by a COD wannabe shooting before he even came round the corner......after we grenaded him! All on camera!

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Was a great day! Heading back on Sunday. We won every game this time round again! I have given the owner, Gary, a lot of suggestions and opinions and he takes it all on board.


I can't fault the game play last time. Only issue I had really was the full auto inside. But that's because I got shot to sh*t by a COD wannabe shooting before he even came round the corner......after we grenaded him! All on camera!


That's good to hear, I thought Gary and the two marshals were sound but the play from the other team was disgusting and they all said they were regulars(hopefully they have left now) I think you were the only person on our team that didn't throw at least a little wobbler about it lol.

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1st game of the year and there was a sniper doing exactly that, my mate shot him from 2 feet away, I popped round and hit him just before hit me but he was still out when he shot me so I shot him again and then told a Marshall


He'd been doing it all day to everyone and got told not to come back :)

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Here's some pics of me taken at The Gaol. Weather was crap but was still an awesome day - managed to get my total knife kill count up to three today haha


"Did you get my good side?"



"No, the other side!"



"I surrend- oh it's a camera..."



"If in doubt, head towards the gunfire!"



"Shh! We're hunting wabbits!"




"Sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak" :D



On my way back to respawn after another failed death or glory charge...



End ex.



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