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Everything posted by n1ckh

  1. When I stripped my Beretta for cleaning and greasing the very 1st time, I took close up pictures of everything There was 3 small springs so taking pictures helped as I knew how they were positioned
  2. Yes I'm looking at 1 that just plugs n plays, between the source (battery) and load (the rifle) It sounds to me that the upgrades I'm looking at is barrel, hop unit and wiring Tbh I'm happy with the rifle as is, I've cleaned, greased and shimmed the gear box (got my boys rifles to do)
  3. I was always taught to lead a moving target, the point of 3 rnd bursts is so the rifle doesn't get of target with high velocity weapons That's why amateurs with real AK's hold the trigger and hit the air That's also why I want to add a MOSFET so I can set the ROF for 3 rnd burst, I've used a lipo and tbh, I haven't noticed much of a difference i know there's a quick trigger mod where you adjust a grub screw to limit forward travel of the trigger but I can do that for free
  4. Thanks Ian, I have plenty of electronics experience from my rc models, what you call MOSFET, we call it an Electronic Speed Controller Ive rewiredy rifle to front mounted battery so I can use my existing battery's but will defo rewire it all I'm ex army so I know trigger discipline, most of the time I'm in semi auto but use 3 rnd bursts when needee
  5. I'm just sticking with what I have with my M4, all I'll upgrade is the barrel and hop unit I may install a MOSFET when I've got more experience of upgrading as I've only just started out but if I do, then I'll do it on 1 of my sons rifles Does the upgraded wire make a difference Ian ??
  6. Some of my M4 mags, I took the follower out and added an extra length of spring, feeds better I found with the Velcro that the mags were harder to push in
  7. Well that's something I didn't know James
  8. Can someone give me details for the fb page so I can have a read and possible sign up for the next milsim please Nick
  9. Its a huge place but very easy to navigate around I've been there a few times as an army cadet, I'm jealous of the you guys who can use it regularly Enjoy my friends and all the best for your venture
  10. Its a brilliant poem James and I have committed 'as we grow old' to memory like a few others and attend memorial services every year as I no longer take part but know its the next generation to keep it going It was 1914-1918 (ww1) James and 1939-1945 (ww2)
  11. No offence inteded but I believe the CCF is a lot like the boy scouts/girl guides, they play at what there doing plus with 3 different cadet forces combined I think its difficult as they can't really concentrate on 1 branch of the cadets
  12. 'I have got to get me one of these' in the immortal words of Will Smith I love anything that gives a sound of realism A lot of my rc boats and rock crawlers have sound units
  13. Lol, no killing spree needed as yet lol Look on fleebay mate and type in 'fake blood' they come in all sorts, they do 1 litre bottles and you can get spray cans of fake blood for clothes etc
  14. My civvy zombie clothes comprise of old, tatty jeans, t-shirt, jumper and my olive green army coat The jumper, shirt and jeans will have blood sprayed on them and I'll be wearing a couple of bandages with blood on them
  15. I still use my old army issue combat boots with zipits on them, they served me very well in the autumn and winter and wore my hitec magnums in the spring autumn My magnums didn't last long after my discharge cause I wore them in factory's and building sites
  16. The cadet forces are exactly like the armed forces They all say there in the best force and regiment, squadron or detachment Yes there are pillocks in all of them, its just part of the course, there will always be rivalry and who's the best All forces will do the same but also have there own tasks to do My simple point is, that without eachother, then we wouldn't get anywhere Who transports the army abroad ?? The royal navy and royal airforce And while we're at it - bullies are pathetic people who's life is sh*t, so the only way they can feel better is by making people who they feel deserve it, make that persons life miserable People who have killed themselves because of bullies, these bullies should be shown the misery and heartache caused to the families of the people who took there lives I was bullied for 2 years because I had a different accent, most of the bullies are junkies, dole dossers or in jail I despise bullies
  17. You've got to love the ghurkas We had some attached my army platoon and there idea of a jog was a full on 20 mile round sprint in full gear cause they were bored, so glad I didn't go along They are certainly a hard bunch of guys physically and mentally
  18. I'm talking from my own personal experience in the ACF and what my boys OC has told what they do now We did something similar to a kid who didn't shower so on the last night, we threw him in the shower and scrubbed him with brushes Before lights out, we'd stick hard objects in a pillow case and then have a pillow fight, gambling was another we did by seeing who got coins closest to the skirting board, the old but good boot polish on peoples faces and pinning them down under there ponchos
  19. After looking at images of zombie survivors I've noticed that they wear what they had on the day it all went t*ts up, civilians in civvie clothes and military in what they wear Based on films, you grab what you can but bear in mind that the big, heavy weapons cause more fatigue so you need a blend of short light weapons to bigger weapons for groups Water and food will be limited so a Bergen/back pack will be needed aswell, the idea is to survive and grab what you can, when you can
  20. I was in the army cadets and my boys are now Its changed so much over the 20 odd years I did it, there detachment is under the 'rifles' badge and wear the modern MTP kit but also being in the band, they also wear the no1 uniform which is a mix of the light infantry and the green jackets. I had to sew on 9 buttons to replace the old ones on my eldests tunic Now they start with a basic badge which is a plain blue star then once tested and pass, they will get there 1 star badge (blue star with no 1 in it) Due to accidents, adventure sports is limited, no more 'military' vehicle/aircraft jollys, no off-road driving and all transport are cars, coaches and white mini buses only IMO, the ATC is academic focused, the SCC (sea cadet corps) all pomp and bullshit Where as the ACF & RMC (royal marine cadets) is all hands on training out in the mud and rain I was always told 'never' salute anyone in civvies and not wearing a visible rank
  21. Man I remember that film its so cheesey by today's film standards I wonder how many 1 liners will be used ?? Lol On the plus side though, my youngest is able to go so he better hope I dont get 'turned' before him pmsl Luckily enough, I do have a shot gun and I'll make some meelee (may-lay as its pronounced) weapons, I'm thinking a shovel with double axe blades aswell
  22. Dont do cuddly toys airsofter agent I'll take boxing gloves instead
  23. Pmsl del Monty, that's exactly what I'd do Shaun of the dead is a piss take brilliant film How about somerfield though ?? you take care of the staff and I'll take of the trolley boy or just sit and watch bad boys 2 then point break and drink a few beers That's good advice happy I've got 2 pistols to use but 1 of them is borrowed by beastmode
  24. That sounds great to me my 13 year olds going to shit himself Going to be worse in the open with next to no cover but we'll see how it goes I can't wait either beastmode, its going to be shit hot As we say/said in the army 'snafu' & 'fubar' comes to mind I'll be putting a tac torch on my rifle just in case there's any indoor contacts
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