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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Lozart in The Scale Models/War gaming discussion and pictures thread.   
    Hasegawa and trumpeter for accurate ww1 and ww2 kits. Tamiya are better than airfix but so are Heller/humbrol. None are as good as hasegawa or trumpeter though.
  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from AirsoftTed in The Scale Models/War gaming discussion and pictures thread.   
    I used to just go with airfix but Tamiya are a great make!
    I didn't know there were "ww2 games"??????
    Scale has always been either 1:72 or 1:78. However i want to try a 1:13 world war 1 trench section at some point or a 1:13 Japanese spider hole.
    The kit stuff, I have no idea about. Some make up stuff from boots is great for the more "intricate" stuff aswell as different sizes of craft knifes.
    Anyway, for my ww1 diorama I have the sand. To make the sand into the terrain:
    (Before hand:
    1. Make sure layers of newspaper are on the polystyrene to strengthen it.)
    1.Put sand and glue and paint in a bbiiigggg bucket.
    2. Mix everything while adding small amounts of water.
    3. Use a tingy that you use when your cooking. The one that you use to scrape bowls out when you've finished making a cake lol.
    4.Using ^ that! layer on the mixture where needed.
    5. Bobs yer uncle
    Any criticism is welcomed!
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TheGrover in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    Shall we all just ignore the fact that the guy couldnt put the carry handle on the right way either with a picture in front of him or with common sense? 
    Ok, sorry to point out what we already knew...
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Russe11 in Gun picture thread   
    Okay, I don't actually take delivery until 28th Feb so these are not my pics, but my Owen gun is finished!!
    Meet Evelyn:

    This earlier photo shows how she strips down for storage:

    Internally it's an ASG Sten Mk2 with a modified hop up. That means a modified ver7 gearbox. It takes MP40/Sten magazines. The entire hopup/barrel assembly can be removed using the barrel release catch, as you would on the real steel gun.
    The Owen gun was the Australian equivalent of the Sten or the M3 Grease gun. It featured a vertical mag as this allowed mags to be changed whilst prone. The Sten also allows easy mag changes whilst prone but a mag in the side of the gun makes it more likely to catch on vegetation. A vertical mag also improves feeding. Unlike other submachine guns of it's era, it has the cocking handle in a separate section of the receiver from the bolt. The bolt will jam if dirt gets to it and the slot for the cocking handle is the most likely place for this to happen. This is the reason for the removable front end, as to strip it you have to take the bolt out from the front. In trials it was pitted against the Sten, Thompson and some german submachine guns, after immersion in sand and mud only the Owen would still fire. The design was not as cheap and easy to produce as the Sten, but Australia was in a very different position to the UK in that they were more self sufficient in terms of raw materials and their factories were not getting bombed.
    Incidentally Evelyn Owen was the guy who invented it, hence my choice of name for this gun.
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in The Scale Models/War gaming discussion and pictures thread.   
    Reviving this thread-
    Does anyone play any of the WW2 war games?
    Which brands do you prefer for WW2 models?
    If i were to give a proper go of this, could someone with some experience point me in the direction of necessary starter kit? ( I have brushes and some crap paints, sprue cutters and stanley knives, something like a "Paint pack" which has a lot of generic colours i.e German infantry colours or something like that?)
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AK47frizzle in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    that guy who wanted to spray a gun: you would be in posession of a RIF while its black, and i dont the know exactley, but get caught with it and thats jail time

  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh in War or Military novel recommendations?   
    Tom Clancy if you like thrillers, conspiracy theory and in some cases factual incidents
    Chris Ryan, you get into them so deep, its like your him and in the situations he got into, i got so deep into his escape & evasion book from gulf war 1, at one point I felt like I was looking through his eyes
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to NickM in Blood group tattoos? BritForces SOP?   
    Right, so I'm currently watching Silent Witness on BBC1. A body was found and the ME identified it as probably ex-british forces due to a blood group tattoo on his chest, stating it was standard procedure in the british forces.
    I know the SS did it in the war, but I can't seem to find anything on it being standard procedure in the British armed forces, even in the SF community.
    Anyone know better?
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Undieing_Lust in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    One thing that I never understood was. Does he know that the guns are crap or does he actually believe that they are good?
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Shizbazki in Help a girl out   
    Its not an issue at all and in fact brings about a good discussion regarding your circumstances.
    Try and contact him and as Chock and myself say keep records that you have tried, it will be in your favour.
    End of the day i know that this is not about money, its more the fact that you dont want this stuff in your house but it may still belong to him
    I hope end of the day you can reach a conclusion / resolution regarding this
  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Undieing_Lust in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    I died at the (Frames per Second) Part.
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    The parents of that guy deserve a Victoria Cross or something, the unparalleled bravery it must've taken to keep this thing alive, knowing that it would go on to redefine stupidity would've been too much to face for most people.
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Jambo88 in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    it is the best it really hurts ive been shot twice and had masive bruces but i am a man and i can take the pain
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DX115FALCON in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    I just found this gem:
    matt12148 For all of your questions: 1. This gun has a 20mm Rail, just like most of the replicas of M-rifles series. 2. It comes with NIMH battery and charger. 3. This gun can mount a scope, torchlight, laser and hand grip. But its up to YOU to buy it. 4. This gun has incredible range and accoracy and ok FPS (how fast BB pellet travels in terms of Frames Per Second) 5. This gun is fairly heavy for the weight but not too much. 6. Either battery is weak or this gun can get jammed a lot.
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Shizbazki in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    The funny thing is when i went to the shop last year i half expected that dude to be there working or at least serving customers because when you watch videos from other Airsoft shops (proper ones) its the actual staff that review it. I dont think he works there or if he does its only as their PR employee read writing fake only excellent reviews and making youtube videos for mostly crappy guns. Every Airsoft shop i have been to seem to hold them in dubious light.
    The main company holder of JBBG is Trimex and is owned by what i believe to be a Sikh Family:
    When i went there i was served by a Sikh bloke, he was nice enough and very helpful but everything other than the G&G stuff sucked.
    Since getting i have now discovered far better Airsoft shops
    but not to tail off the subject:
    P799A M3 SHOTGUN
    mr poopoo my mates got this gun but when i fired it the pump broke but his dad fixed it with a bit of superglue.Overall a great gun! So it fell apart, had to be repaired but its great ???
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Chock in Help a girl out   
    You are required by law to give notice to the owner of goods left behind if you are intending to sell them, and that notice must be in writing. This is to protect you, in demonstrating that you have made all practical efforts to contact the person. It must be delivered to the person, either by post or left at his address (and although it is not technically a requirement at this stage, sending it by recorded delivery is not a bad idea, as is keeping a copy of the notice, and getting it witnessed by someone of good character). Such a notice must specify the property owner's name and address, must list the goods you intend to sell, and must notify the person of where their property is presently located. In UK law, there is no specific time period you must wait for them to respond to this before you can proceed with a sale, but the law does state that you must give the person 'reasonable time' to arrange to collect the goods. In most legal cases where this kind of thing has gone on, 'reasonable time' is typically regarded as three months. If after this period, the goods have not been collected, and if you have made all practical efforts to attempt to contact the person whose goods they are but have been unable to do so, then you can proceed with disposal, but, if you are in contact with the person whose goods they are, then you must give the date upon which you propose to sell the things, and this notice must be sent to them by registered post or recorded delivery, to ensure that they are informed of the decision to sell the goods.
    If, after you have made all reasonable and practicable efforts to contact the person, and they still have not responded to contact, you can go ahead, and it is worth noting that you can also charge for having stored the goods, which is basically your 'get out clause' for if you do sell the goods and then the person subsequently shows up, because if you get (for example) 200 quid for them, you can say the storage costs were 200 quid and you sold them to cover that cost, thus relieving you of the necessity to hand over 200 quid. The law will see this as reasonable for something like an M249 airsoft gun, because it is not exactly a small thing and you have been inconvenienced in storing the thing for a long time, the law will also see it as reasonable for the pyrotechnics, because you have been inconvenienced in storing something which can potentially be hazardous. If it was something you could have simply popped in a drawer, such as a set of cufflinks or a nice pen or whatever, then you'd not be able to make such a claim for storage obviously.
    So, the upshot of all that, is that you need to make a suitable effort to contact the guy and tell him to pick up his stuff. Try getting in touch via a social media search, his friends, relatives, old addresses etc. If you do that, then you will have been seen to have made a reasonable effort to contact the guy. But make sure there is some record of these efforts.
    Now onto the other stuff which is of concern to you. Selling something like that M249 is regarded in law as 'supplying a Realistic Imitation Firearm'. It isn't illegal to do that, but it is a legal requirement on your part, if the sale is to be considered legal, to ensure that it is being supplied to someone for one of the following purposes:
    A theatrical, film or TV production, or the rehearsal of one. Display in a museum. For use it in the act of serving the present Monarch. For the purpose of an historical reenactment. For the purpose of an airsoft skirmish at a site which has insurance for such activity.
    To confirm that, you need reasonable proof, such as a letter from the TV, film or theatre company, or one from the museum, airsoft site etc. Or you can ask for the purchaser's UKARA (United Kingdom Airsoft Retail Association) registration number, which you can check against the UKARA database to see if it is current. There are other forms of proof you could seek, but they must be fairly watertight in law if the sale of a realistic imitation firearm is to be considered legal.
    If you are at all in doubt about any of this, you can contact your local Citizen's Advice Bureau, and I would advise you to do so before going ahead with any effort to sell the stuff. You can contact them here:
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Shizbazki in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    D99 AEG M16
    ralphjack2014 when battery is charging the bb gun, can you still fire it?
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    Dat clunck do....
    This gun is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!! This being my 6th gun, best iv'e had so far. Accuracy is tremendous with 0.20g pellets. I still dont understand why they gave 0.12 g pellets to me considering the gun is recommended to take 0.20. But overall performance is fantastic!!!!!!!
    "Best gun ive had so far"
    Says something about his collection lol.
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DX115FALCON in Funniest JBBG Reviews   
    Post your favourite reviews from the review section of JustBBGuns.
    Suggested by Lord_Metile in the JustBBGuns thread
    Format should be as follows:
    Double Eagle M901c:
    This Gun Is By FAR Skirmish entry level it is so accurate and hurts like hell i use this for everything. Scaring off rats. Shooting my friends ass's and airsofting. Whoever is considering buying this gun you should it is Very Accurate Very Powerful Very Reliable and makes a cool sound when it fires! NOTE: This is a thread about funny/incorrect reviews. If you want to review the retailer, go to this post here
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ronin677 in My sniper role taking shape   
    Here is my latest outing, I'm sporting my 'new' Yugoslavian JNA camo (although I still like my padded MTP for practicality). Will be getting my SVD chest rig in the next few weeks


  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Shizbazki in Help a girl out   
    Hi Chellew22
    Allow me to be a bit of a Policeman here (as in seeing it from the eyes of the law)
    This will be a bit of an essay (so i provided a TL:DR version just below with long bit below that) in order to address as many points as possible in one go.
    TL:DR version:
    The gun is the real cookie item and would net you around £150 to £200 depending on brand and condition as I know of someone asking for an M249 SAW on these here forums
    Most importantly find out a way to contact him by any means even via a third party (like a friend of his) to see if he wants his stuff, he could pop up anytime asking for it and when he found out you sold it can make a malicious allegation against you (YES PEOPLE DO THAT) to the police.
    From what i understand the following points is that:
    · You purchased some or all the items for your ex as a gift
    · That subsequently after your break up he has left these items at your home
    · That it has been about 2 years that you have split
    · That you are no longer able to contact him (does this means both directly and indirectly)
    · That you intend to rid yourself of said items by way of sale
    Firstly i can see a number of issues cropping up from this since the break up of a couple (even if its an amicable one) can turn sour very quickly over property and money etc.
    The S1 Theft Act 1968 states that a person is guilty of the offence if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intent to permanently deprive the other of it.
    Lets break this down first.
    Dishonestly: Basically not being truthful of ownership
    Appropriates: takes, makes their own,
    Property: this can be anything including Airsoft stuff
    Belonging to another: says exactly what it means on the tin
    Intent to: The Mens Rea of the offence (the intention)
    Permanently Deprive the Other of It: This means to keep or own the item, to sell, eat or destroy it
    So in your case:
    Dishonestly: Not saying you are or are not but please i implore you to find his consent (trust me it will clear things up later)
    Appropriates: Yes you have taken charge of the items are they are in your control, control is not the same as ownership an example would be say someone lent you a DVD movie? you are in control of it but you do not own it
    Property: Yes there is property namely the airsoft stuff
    Belonging to another: This is the arguable bit
    Intent to: Well you intend to sell it right?
    Permanently Deprive the Other of It: Well someone will be permanently deprived of it if and when you sell it, the arguable bit is who will be you or your ex?
    Firstly we need to establish who owns what, do you own all the items, did you buy everything for him or bits of it, anything he bought using his own money say for example the helmet is technically his and therefore the sale of it would constitute as theft.
    However if you have given him certain things like the gun which i believe you stated you bought for him as a gift, even with a receipt that you purchased it, if you have given the gun to him as a gift then you have (in the eyes of the law) transferred ownership of the gun from you to him as you forfeited your ownership of it, he is technically the owner of the gun and therefore selling it would constitute as theft.
    Imagine the scenario (and i have seen this played out in real life many a times between ex's over things as trivial as some clothes or DVDs or Mucis CDs and even a Library Card):
    One day out of the blue he rocks up, knocks on your door and asks for all his airsoft stuff, you said you sold it, he gets the hump and because all the stuff was gifted to him he believes he still has ownership of it and calls the police, he gives his allegation to them that you sold his airsoft stuff without his consent and is willing to proceed with the allegation, as its a Domestic Incident (as you were both in an intimate relationship at one point regardless of how long has passed) they have to (as per ACPO guidance in the case where there is an offence in a domestic related incident officers MUST take a positive action policy and 9 out of 10 times) arrest you (which will mean you get a PNCID Number if you haven't already got one (don't take the last statement badly, i don't know you so don't know if you have one or not) in order for the offence to be properly investigated by way of taped recorded interview, this could lead to depending what you say during interview No Further Action or a Caution or Charged to appear at a Magistrates Court and if they find it in his favour will convict you and you will end up with a Criminal Record (unless you already have one then it will be added to it (again i don't know you so don't know if you have one or not). Even if you are no further action'ed he may still take you to a civil claims court in order to recuperate the monetary value of the items sold.
    In reality the officers would most likely use some discretion and say to him "If you left her so long ago, why only now do you want the stuff back?" and if they learn about the gifting of it would likely point him in the direction of a civil claims court and then would he be bothered to do that, likelihood is NO.
    Please don't take this whole statement as literal but you can see how nasty it can get, some people can be vindictive F**KS when they want to and can ruin your life just because they can for shits and giggles. Its seems to me from your first statement "My ex boyfriend, long gone, long story lol", that you have had a bad split or at the very least not an amicable one so it would weigh on the side that he would likely be an arse about it if you sold the stuff just to annoy you.
    The best way of going about this is to contact him directly by phone, facebook (remember you can message people who are not friended to you), whatsapp or if that's not possible indirectly via mutual friends or friends of friends etc, you are likely to have three outcomes from here:
    A: You get in contact him somehow or other, asks if he wants the stuff back, he says YES, he comes round at an agreed time and date, have mutual friends between you or better yet call the local police to ask if an officer can attend to witness the exchange of property and prevent a Breach of the Peace (this might not always happen or be available) but do let the officer know upon his/her arrival what the items are so that they dont get the shock of their life when they see an LMG being exchanged. You exchange property without incident JOB DONE.
    B: You get in contact him somehow or other, asks if he wants the stuff back, he says NO, if you have a phone call recording, Facebook messenger log etc of him saying NO, Save it and keep it, sell the stuff on this here good forum and be done with it. If he crops up weeks later asking for the stuff you have a phone call recording or face book log showing that he gave you permission to sell it as he relinquished ownership of it, tough luck to him JOB DONE.
    C: You have made every effort to contact him be it by phone, letter, email, facebook messenger etc or find him via mutual friends, going to his house, speaking to his parents and still cannot get in contact with him, keeping a log of your progress in order to contact him to ask about this stuff you sell it under the defence that you believe he has relinquished his ownership of said items, should he pop up a few weeks later you have proof you made every effort to find him, JOB DONE.
    Chances are that putting it on a public forum such as this which he may be a member of and see might spark his interest in wanting it back so be prepared to hear from him again regarding this.
    Finally should you have done all the above and come to the conclusion to sell it then you must ensure that whomever you sell the gun to must have a legal defence to buy the gun such as a UKARA registered airsofter or other defence See the Law section in this forum for more guidence.
    Finally don't take what i have said above as Gospel as depending where you live in the UK your local Police force may have its own different policies regarding the above and there are probably another hundred factors which you may have missed out that i don't know about and i have only described one out of many worse case scenarios to you from real life experiences.
    Take my advice or not, up to you really
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Help a girl out   
    Blimey - best keep on Mrs Duck's good side then
    Hell have no fury & all that stuff she could flogg
  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Help a girl out   
    I am not accusing you of anything, Chellew22, but I have to say that my first thoughts went to your ex and wondering what his attitude to your selling his, quite possibly, pride and joy is. Does he know you are selling his stuff? If not, it's theft and anyone who bought any of it could very well lose it without any compensation when/if that comes to light and have to take that up with you through the civil courts.
  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from Chellew22 in Help a girl out   
    Why would he leave such a beautiful gun! lol.
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft_Mr B in Gun picture thread   
    Painted my M24
    Simple olive + some net thing for snakeskin type effect (you can't really see it here)
    Looks awesome, so much better than the black

    Should be able to take some better photos on Wednesday
    Will be buying a scope and camo tape for it soon
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