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Everything posted by matas17

  1. anyone can recommend sub £150 sniper for me to buy. Not looking for something insane or over the top expensive. just something food out of the box.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Quote *Infact just buy a TM MK23, it may as well be reclassified from a pistol to "One handed compact sniper rifle". Got done by one loads at Dorking the other week. * wasnt me @L3wisD honest guv, not this time at least... Just you wait though mwahahahaha

    3. proffrink


      @matas17You can buy M40 stocks for the VSR, but your budget is too low to have everything. Get something that performs well and then make it look good later.

    4. CaptainDumbass


      Buy an AEG man hahaha

  2. anyone looking 10.5inch PTW outer barrel. I got one by mistake with my dytac mk1 rail instead of AEG barrel.

    1. jcheeseright


      systema-ptw.com - there's always someone on there after a 10.5" barrel. 

    2. matas17
  3. where could i find rmr mount for WE Hi-capa's? cant seem to find one anywhere

    1. Marc.RG1


      Are you looking for the mounts that attach to the rear sight or rail? 

    2. matas17


      im looking for the rmr mount that replaces rear sight so i could mount rmr mini red dot on it.

    3. Marc.RG1
  4. Their website layout is great and customer support is amazing. few months back bought ASCU gen4 from them. Whenever i got it, i right away had problems with it. But i contacted them and they sorted everything out for me within a week. Can't say anything bad about them, they always have sales on and got huge variety of AEG's and other supplies. Whatever your heart desires basically.
  5. Anyone know if Armorer works pistols are compatible with WE green gas mags?

    1. CaptainDumbass


      I dont believe they are, friend had a AW "Hex Glock" and my WE 50rnd mag didnt work with it

    2. matas17


      good thing i didnt buy we 50rnd mag, i was looking into getting extended one. But only could find WE ones and not armorer works ones.

  6. anyone here owns or owned a WE XDM?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. matas17
    3. CES_williamson


      I also own one, whats up?

    4. matas17


      have an issue where when pull the slide back to load a bb into a chamber and then i shoot. The slide would cycle back normally but then when it tries to go back it gets stuck like im showing in a photo. That means that th pistol is then spewing gas everywhere and only way to fix this is by removing mag and cycling the slide again.. 


  7. have a question to anyone who owned a KWA RM4 front wired, I'm curious if i would be able to rear wire the gun and install mosfet in it. Im a bit worrier because selector plate is strange looking and would it work with the mosfet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Archer


      Email John at JTAC Custom - he is very good with KWA ERG AEG's - he may even have some of the buffer tubes in stock.

    3. matas17


      @Katana yea i found em last night but the stock tube always seems to be out of stock.
      @Archer i will try and email and see if he has any. Thanks.

  8. anyone here make r-hopped barrels that i can purchase?

  9. i have a question would r-hop or any other hop would help gun which shoots under 330fps ?

  10. how long would outer barrel have to be for 12.5'' rail system, Im looking just so that flash hider would be sticking out abit or just little bit over an inch?

    1. Georgeturner2001


      12.5 inches-13.5inches

  11. So iv had my KJ Works m1911 c02 GBB for a while now but i have an issue. Every time i load and fire the pistol slide lock engages and lock the slide back even tho the megazine is in with bb's in it. So i have to manually hold down slide lock down with my thumb to cycle the pistol properly. Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong. Few days ago i cleaned pistol and relubbed the pistol with silicone oil including all the rubber o-rings.
  12. matas17

    Got a question

    So as you know Halloween is coming and i wanted to see if I could use my airsoft HK416 as a part of my costume for the halloween, since ill be dressing up as a spec ops soldier and need to know if i can do it or no? The gun wouldn't have any rounds in the mag and no battery i would only use is as a prop.
  13. Already bought one from hobbyking now just need to find decent power supply for B6
  14. does it have necessary connectors for mini-tamiya and deans? also what about the charger I'v found this one here: http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__28146__IMAX_B6_50W_5A_Charger_Discharger_1_6_Cells_GENUINE_UK_Warehouse_.html Also wondering would this charger work? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UNIVERSAL-AUTO-AC-DC-POWER-ADAPTER-LAPTOP-HOME-CHARGER-New-/121786992412?hash=item1c5b12071c:g:7KkAAOSw14xWHXLE or this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/8-Tips-Universal-AC-DC-Power-Charger-Adapter-for-Laptop-Notebook-PC-ACER-ASUS-HP-/111765458870?hash=item1a05bd8fb6:g:9moAAOSwu4BV7Ync
  15. So iv recently bought several cranestock 11.1v 1300mah batteries with deans connectors now i need to find a good charger for them, Iv been looking around for advice but couldn't find anything decent. I'v built myself a high speed setup for my 416 which will use 11.1v Lipos with deans connectors I also got G&G SRXL and at the moment i use 9.6V 1600mAh mini-tamiya batteries. So i need something good of both worlds to charge both types of batteries with ease, I'm looking to spend max of £50 for charger and necessary addons if required.
  16. how much was it for a patch?
  17. So I am looking someone who can make me a custom patch for me, but cant seem to find anything. So can anyone help me out?
  18. Exactly ImTrigger. By the way i contacted the FireSupport staff and they said that i can change it to any stock i want, so its handy enough i guess
  19. but the question is, would i be able to change the stock to crane stock?
  20. I heard alot of bad things about ICS guns, just not sure if this one is any good. Also i was also wondering would i be able to change stock for that gun so i could use cranestock battery
  21. Was looking at ICS par Mk3 something similair to that in looks, since it looks like M418 in my opinion.
  22. So I recently sold my airsoft gun and looking for a new rifle for less then £300 or little bit above. I want M4 platform and was wondering if anyone could suggest me good gun at this price range. I am not good with the internals so need reliable and easy to maintain gun. It should be close to 340 fps or just under since i live in Northern Ireland and its required for airsoft gun to be under 328 fps.
  23. M249 in CQB game lol never seen that before Not really, iv only got my A&K masada and WE Hi-capa 5.1 Dragon. So CQB gun is kind of needed in my area since running with pistol isn't ideal.
  24. So I'v got my A&K masada for open field maps and I need something more compact for indoor CQB games which my Masada doesn't fit in since it has bit too high FPS. So i was wondering any of you guys could give me an advice which gun would be best for CQB games? Thank in advance.
  25. Since its kind of broke now i guess its time to change some of the internals, any recommendations?
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