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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. at a risk of being flamed and then burned in hell as well...... maybe include - ouch its getting hot in here... AK47 with 455 barrel & SR25 / 417's as well perhaps but is longer cylinder/piston longer barrels don't guarantee longer range but unsure what range you are looking for against size of gun etc....
  2. Well I suppose you could mention it if ya have a good rapport with next door Mine understood very early on when they saw me & son taking stuff out on weekends all kitted up Made a bit of fubar once trying out a modification - didn't realise it was 6:30am after I returned from work shift - oops but they were ok once I ate some humble pie and said soz for being too dumb to notice the early morning time other than that we seem to get along ok..... Well apart from a couple of BFG's going off - yeah that deffo isn't a good idea to $hit ya neighbours up but I have been a good boy recently and tried to grow up a little
  3. Use of an airsoft gun is mainly down to your nosey neighbours by that I mean if they get the hump with you shooting it all day long especially in summer if other people want to chill & relax..... Last thing anyone wants is a repetative noise ZZZzzzzzziiiiippppppp ZZZzzzzzziiiiippppppp ZZZzzzzzziiiiippppppp etc...... or noisy oiky kids, loud music playing etc.......... As you are using an AEG it may attract attention of course or if next door gets pi$$ed they may "mention" it to authorities You have a toy gun ffs, but due to age n crap and just to all get along we all - well I do... try n keep it to the odd burst & short target shooting sessions.... Yeah I got my own private garden so I should be able to whatever the f*ck I like some might feel truth is I don't want any extra $hit if I become annoying - well I am annoying but was meaning with my guns and I do try to be a little considerate - if anything to just keep the peace You "probably" can just fire off some shots in your own private garden/land if there is no danger to public (peeps living in blocks of flats are kinda screwed there then I guess) But like anything - do it in moderation, maybe not shoot off 1,000's of rounds especially if next door are out in garden just common sense really - should be fine as long as it doesn't become annoying to next door (though some neighbours are better than others - go easy) oh and avoid shooting in house - them bb's go EVERYWHERE bouncing off walls etc... also not wise to have to explain the new plasma/lcd is f*cked from you being silly buggers indoors soz for lecture - not meant to come across like that - just go easy & you should be fine I reckon yup I can understand to get out there and blast away - but that is what ya local site is for if ya mega trigger happy zero/tune ya sights, tweak hop-up, little traget shooting, practice peeking left, etc... that normally does me & keeps the peace
  4. most of us have more than one gun - ahem yeah I gotta a spare you could say but by then you probably have sussed it all out a bit more.... then got old G&G box sorted and you will have a spare box for either cqb or woodland aeg no worries, no major drama to get ya going again
  5. cool - they are back in stock if ya G&G is front wired - bit of a $hit if its rear wired that is the stuff - think it is like a 6mm allen key or torx in the back, twist 90 degrees and spring guide + spring come out - bob's ya uncle park it properly in semi first, only recommended for say up to m120 or m130 springs max often they have micro switch system on trigger than classic plunger switch type if it has micro switch do not run 11.1v lipo's on there as smaller tiny contacts will burn out on higher juice (a mosfet is recommended for any box using micro-switches - well fet is recommended upgrade for most tbh) yup that is the kiddie - worth considering as a backup option in my book to get ya going again he's on here - pm him and he might be able to do a deal & offer help on getting old box working again most of them come with a m110 or m120 spring so a little hot to use but hey ya got stock & m95 spring
  6. you can buy a QD - quick spring change box also the back of spring guide pops out without having to dismantle the whole box to change spring check ak2m4.co.uk - but he might be out but deffo ask him first helmetworld.co.uk on ebay or direct site patrolbase might do them too - all UK mofo's btw so you could pop in a qd box and get back in game, then sort out ya old box or drop it into somebody
  7. OK - try to ensure the cylinder port or hole is running in line with piston grooves that way you can check when you close up she is still looking like all in position. yup you need 3 hands to close it up but then the 3rd hand gets in the way at same time fish and prod gears etc.. to pop through their holes correctly whilst trying to keep the lid on yeah "fun" is one word - bollox is another, plus loads of others too looks really easy but they have been doing it for yonks and they are used to it - they make it "look" easy if you feel confident and have time - remove spring and cylinder/tappet then check all gears are moving nicely and not crossing on a closed up box ya finger can spin sector gear/piston gear thingy through the cylinder cut-out I really don't think they will be out of alignment but might just be worth checking that them gears spin lovely Reckon it may be piston not situated correctly - so give it a once over, piston head look ok see that piston glides along rails all nicely too whilst you are about it. Stock G&G CM16 piston's don't have bearings on piston head so doubt if it came undone compare springs old + new and like spoon says if all else fails put old one back it is something really daft but very hard for anyone to accurately pinpoint it like this hence just a few things to check - take your time you will suss it I'm sure
  8. piston jumped out of its runners when closing box ar latch not back in place - use a small earth/neodym magnet to hold that git in position shim(s) dropped off and now gears not shimmed correctly motor height - you have got pistol grip fitted correctly polarity of motor - G&G's have the wires going up one side in pistol grip so you got them on the correct way ??? soz if it sounds a little daft but in effect it should of been straight forward but more often than not ya first few attempts opening a box up doesn't always go to plan (mine didn't - jeez and I'm still learning but G&G's are nice boxes to work on) also don't over overtighten screws up too much, that will knock the shimming out a bit. You mega tighten them and it will result in much tighter shimming (ya supposed to keep checking shims on a closed up box - but you knew that) Hopefully you didn't mess with shims/gears so they should be ok as long as you didn't go mega nutz when tightening screws them fine threads can strip if you keep going too heavy handed - reckon tighten as much as possible using thumb + index finger unless you are really weak a good turn with just thumb+index will result in tight but not too tight as actress said to bishop hard to say for deffo but either gears not meshing correctly or piston not in the rail grooves as you closed up box
  9. soz forgot you was talking about VFC / Umarex which we all said has TM's on it unlike some WE models - my bad.... must be the higher fps model then @ 400+fps
  10. well different gun but know the WE 416 don't have TradeMarks @ LWA (bought cheapo D-Boys instead then) but VFC one is licensed with markings n bits However as said above buy one from far east and it could very well have markings on them over here & US they are quite hot on markings if not officially licensed etc.........
  11. impact or timed BFG's is what most use on a regular basis 9mm or shotgun primer - easy to knock up your own primer adapter steel tube think its 11/32" outer to 1/4" inner does the job perfectly - aprox 20 to 25mm length (8.73mm x 6.35mm aprox) some pyro's may not be allowed at "some" places in summer due to "possible" fire risk (if very dry woodland/bush areas then have seem some places say no to some pyro's but yes to BFG's)
  12. cheers for the advice but my cheapy lipo chargers just do it at their own pace (no choice in the matter I'm afraid) which isn't ultra quick - probably should invest in a "proper" decent charger one day
  13. yup - totally agree with getting a benchmark or reference point first to make comparisons range is one thing - tighter groupings is another enhancement that you can build upon just quickly saying I zero my sights on a large object - metal dustbin at say 20m then gradually fine tune it on smaller objects further up the garden..... if I'm lucky I can hear the "ting" on an aerosol can at about 80ft aprox (that said it is probably only 40ft as an airsoft metre is only 500mm) the objects and the different sounds makes it easier to judge/hear if I am on target (usually way way way off but I keep trying)
  14. I would say ya TM will pi$$ all over the CM18...... so if ya TM is running ok, then if anything tweak the CM18 a bit to get it a bit better that way if - god forbid, but if ya TM plays up the CM18 will be a bit better of a fall back spare so to speak but up to you, n welcome to forum anyway
  15. 240v mains - lol - the charger not the battery I dunno, I plug that in there and that in there and I go for the lower 1.0 amp setting over the 1.5 or 2.0 setting think its that, but I prefer to be more of a trickle charger than a booster charger I tend to just shove it on and leave it on the lower settings - keep checking any battery - never just leave it but then I got 2 x smart chargers for nimah & 2 x lipo/life chargers too but all used on the lower settings (just always have charged stuff slowly - car/bike batteries etc....) so I got a way of charging stuff up ok without need to go too nutz
  16. dunno m8 - only blowback I have is L85 or rather R85 might be this or that or some grease on o-ring/cylinder giving it that tiny bit better seal - FOR NOW deffo put it through some paces - see how it performs after a while when its bedded in
  17. think most of us was kinda thinking that but yeah put in a "subtle" way - that seems to be it in a nutshell
  18. that is actually a good price to be fair - with £ to $ rate of now under 1:50 the shop has all the overheads & the hassle of if gun goes pear-shape eg: gun = $100 & charge you say £145, they have had to stump up the working capital and then have the possible chance of it failing and all that plus agro of consumer claiming refund under distance selling act crap so really on cheapy stuff the mark up isn't so great really on higher end stuff - yeah the mark up or profit is better but then not many regular retailers will stock loads of £400 high end guns that may not sell quickly I won't mention cheapy G&G's - damn I just did, but probably easy to sell one of them to most peeps than a genuine TM AEG that might sit there a while
  19. wow just from gears ??? dunno coz its got nowt to do with pressure I would of thought I mean yeah the piston is coming back quicker than stock 18:1 say but no weight added/lessened on the piston release (so same piston is releasing at same speed etc...) daft question - but did you fit bearing spring guide or piston spacer (coz that would add about 20fps to compress spring a little more) sounds to me at first noobish glance a better seal on piston or something coz at present can't quite get my head around gear ratio making such an increase unless some other chaps gunsmith guru can put me straight I think I would wait n see or leave spring compressed a bit say overnight then re-chrono after a few thousand rounds first, before changing spring coz it kinda sounds to me like it went back together a bit better than before (normally I bollox it more but fair do's if ya that good) give it a chance to bed in a little and all fps drops a little after a while did you remove piston o-ring - sometimes you can get a slightly better seal on piston/cylinder if you remove o-ring, turn o-ring 180 and refit, sounds really daft but have found it can make a slight difference though some could say the o-ring was stretched slightly when remove/refit or the o-ring surface may just work/seal that tiny bit better on the "other way round" (not turn o-ring inside out but just put rear of o-ring at front so to speak) some of these things may only be a temporary thing - like stretching o-ring (bad idea - fit a new one if possible) but these qwirky findings is why I say about maybe wait n see perhaps and if you redid AOE (which should of been checked) with sorbo then you probably would lose fps yeah - bit of a puzzler if you left everything else as it was - unless a better seal like I said
  20. tbh I didn't chime in earlier coz I know sweet FA about TM's think I would of seen how the 416 performed first over the mod 1 or CM18 maybe added a few basic tweaks to CM18 (fet, spring, seals, bucking, maybe neo motor & tbb for CM18 if needed) so she could be a half decent spare if ya TM 416 ever played up but at least you got some parts for when one of ya guns plays up
  21. why a 27:1 ratio gear set ??? I mean I could of totally misread or got it wrong but rof will be down and not a dmr - well not with a 275 barrel I would of thought soz to anyone if there is a good reason for it that I can't see
  22. nimah's dont really matter - I think lipo's you should NOT run right down - they will die 9.6v should be ordered or you rate of fire will suffer a bit in use - most peeps change battery at lunchtime as it is logical to not go out with a half charged battery then have to return to safe zone or carry another around with ya trigger happy - depends on your take..... some miser or very very good people can get by by with 1,000 rounds - but mainly snipers I feel most about 2k to 3k for full day is about the normal amount then some nutters do over a full 5k bag in a day - jeeeezzz you need to go to spec savers (unless its you Vs a massive zombie army I guess) Some batteries that are on their last legs will lose charge very quickly........ eg: charge a battery up when you get home - then see if she has any juice left the night before your next game if battery is dead or very sluggish - that to me indicates at least one of them cells is bollox'd nimah's are made up of 1.2v cells - 8 x 1.2v = 9.6v, if one starts to go then battery will be seriously affected lipo's have 3.7v per cell eg: 7.4 or 11.1v and are the new modern day batteries with more grunt in them but lipo's die if the cells drop below 3v so you don't run these down like ya nimah's nearly all batteries come off charge with an extra volt in them - eg: 9.6v will be hitting 10.5v fresh off charge Life - the newer batteries are a little better than lipo's and not so prone to extra volt off charge or prone to death but coz they are new type the range is very limited to size/shape and output ratings ( mah )
  23. yup forgot about bbguns365 & the A47 bargain - my bad not tried geniestuff but think they are like onlybbguns - all 2-tone stuff in "general" though don't take these BB sites word as gospel is what we have learned (the hard way) if in doubt ask around on here and most likely others may be able to shed some more light on it (not me though - I only tell lies when my lips / typing fingers are moving) Soz to OP - kinda getting off topic and bitching about cheap sites.... Still think though @ £200 your list of metal M4's is gonna be a little short in UK
  24. Vapex are some of the best nimah's I think.... Normally peeps change batteries at lunchtime so hopefully 1 battery should last one morning/afternoon session if not then either you are very trigger happy or quite likely the batteries are going All batteries lose their ability to hold charge (how many old laptops last less than 15 mins off mains) your on 9.6v which is a bit more than a 7.4v lipo - 8.4v aprox replacement so to stay at that voltage of 9.6v to 10.5v you may have to look at 9.9 life or lifepo Alas the range of life batteries is limited - they do nunchuck ones but you need to be careful and triple check any battery will fit in the crane stock.... other options - replace crane stock with fixed stubby and use any battery type (almost) buy another VP like you got - use fresh one for morning.... then use older 2 for afternoon perhaps ???? this will probably be best / cheapest / easiest option avoid going too nutz maybe on 11.1v lipo unless you maybe do a little work / tweaking: fit mosfet to avoid contacts arcing & check AOE whilst gearbox is open there a few options/suggestions - is a case of where you start / stop how far you wanna go and if it needs a little service etc....... Oh and welcome to forum btw as its ya first post (say hello in new members if ya want but all the best fellow airsofter)
  25. Not quite......... JustBBGuns - total utter w@ankers that lie and lie and lie Full Metal = Brittle Plastic Quality = Crap Fantastic = Utter $hit (bit like film Airplane & black guys subtitles eg: $hiiiittttttttt = golly) BBGuns4Less - think they are more shall we say not so well educated rather than that fat bastid liar above but think they do try & customer support on crap low end stuff is better than that liar JambWow OnlyBBGuns - maybe best of the three main BB sites - not UKARA but "some" stuff isn't too bad Think we have all been stung by these guys - well I know I have (hmmmm might have to think about flogging or dumping some of my low end crap coz running out of room now)
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