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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Be careful if you are not sure what you are doing - no offense it should of allowed a bb in mag to feed no problem, a bb sitting in magwell hole if it don't jump out should drop into hop eventually on inching her over but keep checking it that the nozzle is not clearing properly...... Again no real offense but you are a little unsure and perhaps ring a local shop and maybe say feed problems and might be nozzle/tappet related Thing is have you got a few spare parts to hand for a start, could you fit them if needed and ensure it works ok for sunday? find out if they can look at it - it could be a boned tappet or it might be something else/worse (though my rough - and it is rough guess coz I'm no expert and more so I don't have the gun in front of me - perhaps tappet plate) Seriously - yes you can take the two halves apart - tells you in manual ensure you get the gears in the lower gearbox parked - no teeth showing on sector gear when you reassemble But like I said even if you diagnose it correctly you need to get bits n fit etc..... So ring shop first is what I suggest
  2. gun upside down.... look in magwell like you was trying to get a bb to feed upside down now on/off trigger or inch gun over..... you should see nozzle moving back n forth..... BUT at some point for a brief moment that nozzle - it will be harder to see if everything is jet black but at some point the nozzle should clear for a short brief point on the cycle and at this point the bb should feed.... If it don't clear - and I said it might take you a number of attempts.... If nozzle don't clear then that is where you problem could be..... They got a split gearbox design so then you could check the top half and see if tappet plate is bent/boned/worn but you need to do a few checks and process of elimination etc... to help narrow it down a bit
  3. I love Dytac (only got mags but they are bloody good mags) but after you add £25 to £90 = £115.. Still rather go for a G&G carbine for £117 at zero like I said. - 2-toned free yes the Dytac's have a quick change gearbox and my recent G&G super duper FH HC05 is crap..... But overall the standard G&G's imho are a safer bet. Think also they will hold their money too if you can consider a Raider for another £6 - £123 coz at some point you will want to add stuff but with a M4A1 carbine type of handguard you will be wishing you paid that extra £6 and had rails galore to mount crap on Raiders come in short 233mm barrel & 357mm - bit of a big jump choice Carbines - inc Dytac's probably come in 300mm or 363mm aprox - for the 2 versions or Normal & the Lite Carbines
  4. try to inch it over on full auto looking in magwell to see the nozzle does at some open correctly to allow bb to feed might take you half a dozen attempts but you should see the nozzle nigh on clear the well if not then the tappet plate etc... will need investigating further but hopefully the nozzle should be moving back n forth correctly or the problem will likely be gearbox related
  5. Best deal that "might" work ok: http://www.airsoftarmoury.co.uk/acatalog/ASG-M15A4-Carbine-Sportline-646.html BUT I have no experience with this gun or these people, A DYTAC one for £90 @ LWA maybe.... BUT AGAIN - still probably better with G&G M4 carbine @ £117 from zero one 2-tone free add battery/charger to all these better budget guns anything less with be just $hit
  6. Welcome - but if you wish to pull out of UK then we will delete your account JOKE - just kidding, we have been having bitchy rows in another dumb ar$e thread ignore me - most of them on here do, welcome fellow UK citizen
  7. Nerf or nothing I'm afraid £30 would just about get you a cheapo gas pistol - no blowback but you would need to add about a tenner nearly for some gas (well you could get titchy can maybe) but gas magazine seal could go pear shape or at a push perhaps a shotgun but that is your lot tbh £30 - what ever you get won't be very built is a polite way of putting it
    1. CaptainDumbass


      its rechargeable hence the price :)

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      That is actually a great idea

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I know - think Ian paid more for his refillable bulb a few months back. Ideal if you got C02 pistol but no GG mag option

  8. White high temp lithium grease for gears/bushings - higher temp/melting point also I dab a bit on the teeth of gears/piston - but don't go nutz ffs (used at work on big machine gears etc....) Silicone grease (clear like jelly) on other parts like piston rail/guides have used a mix of both when I put lithium on piston tappet plate and was a bit sluggish so put on the usual silicone grease - might not be chemically wise but wtf.... yup that operates better. Almost anything is gonna be better than a dried up gearbox but careful of oil - some cheapo guns either have a tiny scrape of grease or they are flooded with oil everywhere inside cylinder/piston which propells into the hop-up and contaminates the rubber bucking = crap performance/control. Then you gotta strip hop-up unit and wash the rubber in warm soapy washing up liquid water and clean hop unit/barrel etc.... Hence the only thing to use quite a bit of when working on your gearbox is lots of common sense and not the whole tube of grease/oil - coz it just will get everywhere and attract dust/dirt/crap too We might all do things slightly different - what/where we use stuff & how we clean barrels etc.... but that is what I do - well it seems to work for me but I break my guns too quickly from abuse (they don't last too long to dry out)
  9. need ukara to buy/import etc.... (they will ask for it or they will paint it & charge you - well evike will) & will get raped with Royal Mail Custom charges on top most will paint a 2-tone or spill a bit of paint whilst decorating a little iffy but your site and most on here won't give a toss really we try to avoid too many ukara vcra posts coz it always provoke quotes from it (truth is nobody on here will care much anyway) The main thing is don't be a dick with ya gun - get a bag and conduct yourself in a responsible-ish way - thus not drawing attention wave anything like that around in public and you will get ya ar$e slapped seriously - 2tone "touch-up" is not gonna be a problem unless you are a dick
  10. ICS - yup we was aware and they do make some innovative stuff
  11. interesting though G&G did a GC16 MOD0 HC05 - 40rps on 11.1v lipo http://www.guay2.com/web/manual/CM16_MOD0_manual.pdf (you might need to save it coz it seems to display better once saved on pc) link is dead due to G&G updating their guay2.com or something https://101techusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CM16_MOD0_manual.pdf but seems rather rare and out of stock and lower performance perhaps BUT it does have SEMI on a 40rps setup My guess it was yet another bad idea that might not have performed very well dunno if it had DSG but feel maybe higher speed short stroke gear set Also there are variations of other High Cycle stuff usually for German market with very low fps about 234fps or 0.5j on auto CQB stuff, so lower springs = higher fps but watch out for PME https://www.ram-shop24.de/de/G26-High-Cycle--G-G-.html and they made a HC MP5 or G&G PM5 A4 High Cycle (but was a blowback gearbox - think that is asking for trouble but hey G&G know what they are doing - NOT) 9mm SHS Bearimgs arrived - fitted after a little file - damn they were tight fit Shimmed - located a better v2 spring guide, quite happy but now messing about with piston & weights atm Current status Able to still use G&G DSG - think the spur gear was the worst of the 2 binding/snagging, something is bad on gear finish Anyway, moved ceramic 9mm/3mm bearing up to spur gear fitted a pair of SHS 9mm bearings to bevel gear. Then used a SHS bevel & spur gear - shimmed nicely and reckon she runs really well and might work ok...... Slightly stronger (smidge heavier) piston all metal teeth - 2nd tooth removed already & shaved down 3rd for AOE Also removed last 8 unused teeth & swiss cheesed on top but left sides - nice n tidy but not a great deal lighter wasn't happy with lightish stock piston head's seal - was never as good as alloy but think I found another plastic/POM one Probably dropping bearings from piston head too as got them in spring guide.... Complete piston weight is about 21.5gms fully assembled - no bearings but has plastic spacer in piston instead now Stock piston with bearings was about 27.5gms so 6gms saved on a heavier hopefully more robust piston even with cheesing (worked out I could remove some of the piston's guide rails that remain in cylinder as stroke is 8 teeth not full 16 teeth stroke) Cylinder head - found a double o-ring plastic with good-ish seal - hopefully a few wraps of tape will make it perfect had an ali one but didn't sit well in box when closed up - jeez nothing but more pi$$balling about with this mofo As soon as I get one thing sorted what is going back in there - yet another thing crops up........ Now the latest one is the friggin' AR latch - G&G's one is much chubbier of fatter and along with thicker wire I want to use it is rubbing slightly against the thicker wire that just squeezes in the wiring channel - there is a gap near AR and yup that is where it slightly rubs against the AR latch - restricting it moving and I suppose over time/shots may rub & perhaps wear on insulation - a possible short - jeezzzz ffs n all that.... Found a slightly thinner AR latch that just about clears the wire but still may need to file/grind the channel a tiny bit to be sure So yeah its taking its time I know - I sort that, then discover another possible issue with my mofo rebuild So I take time out and rethink my plan & options coz I wanna make sure she runs much better/faster than before Hopefully sorted most of the box & then get me soldering iron ready for wiring up a fet & reassemble at last..... LOL - for a "wonderful" review of this gun - actually it is a toned down 0.5j version for german market: I fell off my chair when they summed up about the quality gears ffs and here is G&G giving a preview of this gearbox option back in Jan: (yeah I wouldn't bother chaps)
  12. scratched record but you could get a 2-tone G&G M4 or something to get ukara'd start slowly and buy the more expensive guns if you really love it and can afford it you can get by with a decent starter G&G M4 - Cyma AK - JG 36c most started with much worse 2-tones from crappy BB gun sites try zero one - lwa - airsoftworld.net - firesupport - patrolbase - ooh there are a few more but you don't have to go nutz from day one oh n welcome to forum Most decent guns are Tokyo Marui compatible - or TM compatible The parts inside "should" fit in ok but often they might need a tiny bit of file/modding to fit & work 101% correctly there is always the odd tiny difference from one make of ver 2 gearbox to another but in general when replacing bits they will fit in there if you are doing it properly and checking as you reassemble Stocks - there are all interchange-able - well usually, so you can fit different bits on there - usually so you can mod/customise your gun quite easily to your own personal touch only if you buy really crappy cheap rubbish do you often find more hassle changing stuff over
  13. honest guys - can we drop most of this, especially the scots/brits/english crap coz it is only making more of a division that anything else we all gonna vote what we feel might be best - but in the end most of us we still be unhappy with those who govern
  14. There ya go - I said I was thick only to O level std soz just assumed all kids did GCSE / O level with A/O level or A level for 2 yrs like my own kids are doing Then pick/choose what uni options etc.....
  15. but that is if they have the potential - not gonna get dragged into it but a high percentage may not have the A level education to continue & gain a free uni degree free uni is not gonna make a massive difference to the majority of the "normal" lower end people of any country yeah it is good they have the opportunity - but it won't make a big impact on many people's lives struggling at the bottom but to listen to politicians bragg about it and even the scottish people think it is so great too - but most of them won't gain a degree themselves No - I am not saying they are too thick - heck I'm thick & only educated to O level standard What I am saying - whoo hooo £9,000 a year to students of Scotland ok say £30,000 for a small percentage of people who can study bet some hard up families struggling wouldn't mind a bit more help getting by was what I meant soz but kids can get educated up to A-level which is still pretty good, if they wish to continue they why not pay for additional advanced training I friggin did & funded ALL my own courses & certificates in my profession A load of other people in various countries pay for universities themselves - might not be very fair to less wealthy kids but life isn't fair is it ??? Help the people that REALLY need it - by that I mean to get by & live not some poxy lame ar$e degree in a dumb ar$e subject that will amount to next to sweet f*ck all job offers fund the kid's schools better - help the kids gain a better basic education first, help the kids who are struggling and not just oh if you are clever then we will help with uni... how about - Oooh $hit we failed the kids who haven't got a good decent standard education - lets help them
  16. Well done - great when you suss it all out...
  17. Very true comments but like I said the kids of today seem to be taught stuff like coding but less actual hands on practical common sense stuff The woodwork lesson - now they got computer laser cutters to do all fancy stuff for them Where as if I wanted to that I had to go really careful for yonks by hand We had to learn how to fit a plug - not that hard but now it all comes fitted We had to fix our bikes puncture etc - all stuff that I really think helped later on in life Some shops are brilliant but most are not with their customer service... Majority of shops are now replaced by the bigger chain of shops, they often employ the younger people of today But a classic 'ol school type of shop that has been going for yonks... The owner is probably still serving behind the counter, has decades of wisdom (sorry kids they don't teach this at uni) and thoroughly prides himself on his service as well as products he sells I could go on - but places like PC World are a joke to me, kids still wet behind the ears, know jack $hit except what colour that laptop comes in (soz to any PC World workers - just a very rough generalise of my experiences a while back and haven't been back for ages now) Forums and people trying to do their homework is very very important - at least "try" to search/research some stuff but many many people prefer to be spoon fed or ar$e wiped for them but by that they gain very little they are just in effect buying what they are told to buy
  18. I'd like to see this thread ease up a bit really.... The continual thought that Scotland and the North Sea oil keeps the UK afloat also wears a bit thin Maybe back in the Thatcher years the North Sea Oil really saved Maggie's financial ar$e - that is deffo factual But that is not the case no more - especially with current oil prices but also they found a massive oil reserve around Gatwick / Sussex But still we import like most of Europe our oil & gas. in fact a lot of places around Surrey Kent Sussex have potential - largest one appears to the recent Gatwick field But due to the enviromental issues and low oil price most likely they ain't bothering just yet to fill the SE up with drill rigs - yet !!! (don't agree with the whole fracking crap - if Cameron still thinks it is safe then let them drill his back garden is my view) The North Sea is not as easy & fruitful as it was say 30 years ago but to some they are still believing it is supporting Maggie (she has kicked the bucket & maybe in thousands of years other generations might be using her as fossil fuel) The free university for people in Scotland - note not Scottish people, you just need to live in Scotland for xxx years to meet criteria not gonna be racist but shall we say the more finacially astute ethnic minorities have cottoned on to this But anyway that aside the free uni and prescriptions is all well & good as a great little treat to be proud of...... But do the families of a hard hit run down estate in Glasgow think that is gonna make mutch of crap of difference to them trying to make ends meet ? I mean really - just how super duper is them free uni eductation places for some of the hardest hit families trying to keep their heads above water I just tire of the Scotland stuff, you wanted a vote, you got the vote, you decided, but still they ain't content jeez I thought all this was settled but still goes on - like this thread The only other thing that keeps going more than this thread or my waffle - is ALL the politicians bull$hit pledges and the way they try to brainwash us all - they blame everybody else and never wish to admit they screw up The first thing they the politicians need is INTEGRITY - but they can f*cking pay for that - I ain't funding it
  19. And the Germans bombed my fish n chip shop probably but that was then n this is now Further more for every arguement there is always a counter arguement eg: Tax the rich more - well yeah some bankers are just w@nkers but be careful. Plenty of talk of investment from Goverment - uhhm we are trying to save money remember Ok if Goverment ain't gonna chuck money at investment & growth - who else then may invest & create jobs Oh yeah the richer bastids - yeah they might be the one to take a risk and start up/create investment Oh no - they cleared off to live abroad and foreign investment has dried up due to plugging tax breaks and loop holes Oh well suppose some local criminal in hard hit run down poverty area can start up a new crack den ??? ergh nah perhaps that is not a wise enterprise to start up..... It is all about a balance - a balance of everybody together - it will NEVER be fair - but that is life Divide the UK up, north/south/east/west - add in different countys if you like but consider this also.... If say counties up north say are hardest hit with higher percentage unemployment, more seeking benefit of income support or housing Just how the hell is that county gonna fund all that if a higher than average people are not employed and paying taxes etc... Just how is that place gonna pay for all that higher percentage of support than say a more affluent county down south ??? Oh well the rich can pay more - nope they f*cked off months ago remember when you said they gotta hand over 60p out of every pound END OF SILLY EXAMPLES - for now..... Thing is all the parties are saying this and saying that - think they are more stupid than the people they are trying to fool especially if they - let alone us, think it is gonna be so easy to fix and answer everybody's prayers They know it ain't - but they the politicians are just trying to bull$hit us that they have the solution Fact is ALL their manifesto's will create just as many problems as they try to solve The whole Staus Quo - not band making yet another comeback, the whole of this balance will always be: Some are rich & some are poor, but that is just the way it is - it will never be fair The richer people/companies that have the money are the ones who will invest and create jobs & growth - NOT THE GOVERMENT The Goverment haven't got any real control and they can't create an economic solution with investment out of thin air Well they can borrow I suppose and spunk money - uhhm ergh nah maybe not coz we ain't paid off the last debt yet Oh well lets just go & ask Wonga for a sub shall we It is a balance like everything and though I am full of $hit, the politicians are overflowing with $hit telling people they can make it all better
  20. Well this started out as a General Election but can we cease the Scotland/England bollox that this has started to turn into I'm not gonna bother answering or argue with all the previous bits but shall comment on the above one though..... Forced upon you ??? You had the chance to vote - the people of Scotland and them alone were given the chance to DECIDE THEMSELVES Subsequently - anything after that day the votes were counted..... It is from that day forth that the people of Scotland and them alone had decided to stay in the UK Now if anyone thinks Scotland is being forced to stay in UK - BLAME YOURSELVES if you was lied to, deceived, fooled, brainwashed - whatever you may wish to say BUT - Scotland voted - so now if they can't accept the result at least accept the fact that the people of Scotland voted to stay in UK 300years of history is way in the past.... Present day - if anybody forced Scotland to stay in UK - it is the Scottish people themselves No offense to any UK people - yes even North of the border but can we just chill a bit. I hate some of my neighbours - no they ain't scottish, I think they are English but I will call them British to be safe reason why I dislike my neighbours - one of them has got a cat that $hits in my garden and another parks his car like an ignorant c*nt (I'm sure they love me - well who wouldn't ???)
  21. Yeah a very half ar$ed release, could of - should of been so much better They could of approached/negotiated with Seigtek and could of been a great endorsement for both companies or cheaper/riskier to go with Modify or SHS but nope they do their own Was told as they launched the Fire Hawk they were gonna make a hi-speed one around Nov '14 at some youtube promo 6 months later and they really ballsed it up, the quality of all the extra new parts is just $hit I'm bitterly dissapointed - me a major G&G fan/owner, that there was no mention of losing semi-auto yeah some guns like M249's may not have semi - but a CQB FH with no semi - jeeeezzzzz Plus you can't make it semi easily as I shockingly discovered and due to the spur/sector having 5mm shaft gears I'm f*cked and gotta remove these larger ceramic bearings - pity they didn't fit 9mm/3mm bearings like on bevel gear (yes stronger 5mm shaft gears - but the owner is f*cked if they need replacing with other perhaps better gears) I'm no expert but DSG's like other higher speed guns do tend to wear quicker shall we say So even if you get a good one - if I got a very bad lemon, at some point the repair/replacement of gears may arise If anybody got a good one - one guy was over the moon with it - yeah without semi and not that great rof on DSG ? If they got a good one then hope it lasts a while is all I can say In the meantime - G&G need to do a bit of rethinking/quality control coz their new super duper bits of teching is crap I'm gonna be left with some poor G&G DSG gears & 2/3rds of the super ceramic bearings in my junk box Yeah not such a great purchase - yes it could be a one off lemon but pics shows the pi$$ poor engineering Would like to think it was early beta or prototype perhaps - but should of just waited and got it right before releasing it Cheers to LWA - for getting it so quick & they did publish my "brief" and honest review though Hope my 9mm bearings arrive soon, coz reckon it was Spur gear that was really boned, so might be able to use the G&G DSG plus some other tweaks & ideas that might just work - itching to get it back together now......
  22. LOL - I think I might change my pic to Sky's Braniac logo like the bit where they blow up microwaves with petrol, wire wool, thermalite etc.... "Don't try this at home" Then they say: "No Really don't try this at home - I break guns so you don't have to"
  23. a bit of a sore subject atm..... but yeah in general most stuff from a BB shop - in particular then dinky 1/2 size kiddie replica's taking AAA batteries Mother f*&£er bastid thing - I gave up trying to "fix" it and just threw down the garden Didn't fix it but wow I felt so much better - some bits still remain down there I think
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