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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. every gun is different - even two exact same models same as two brand new cars - one is sweet & other is a lemon there comes a point that if you get it all running quite well then leave it until it loses performance (if it ain't broke or bollox'd then don't try to fix or tweak it further - note to myself perhaps) as it is - shooting well try heavier bb's and see how it goes do not rip her apart - it could be down to a duff batch of 0.25's (i got some 0.25's that are just pure unreliable $hit in every gun I tried - gonna use only for pistol ammo) so by all means try a few weights/brands but reflect on results before ripping her apart - only tweak of hop should be needed but finally - end of day, know your gun - learn its range/limit then use the gun within its limits and you will be more successful when you engage in a fire fight outside of this and you are just wasting time/ammo taking on snipers or much higher end guns which quite likely a few of their upgrades could be more than the original cost of your gun (just putting it into context) classic example of no two guns are same: got 2 x cm028a AK47's cheapo but good cheapo's one out the box - no barrel cleaning just pick up n shoot - hits an aerosol can at 80ft 1 or 2 out of 5 shots second one - 4 out of 5 shots repeat test - yup 2nd ak is deffo a bit better so I ain't messing with that mofo for now true or nigh on true 80ft measured with size 9 boots pigeon steps rather than say 80ft = 50ft in real terms
  2. .25's at least but we all have to experiment with each gun and see what shoots best some bb's are better/worse than others in some guns but not the same results in other gun .25's maybe .30's if results work or may have to settle for .25's or maybe 0.28's perhaps all depends on your own gun and also what you can get hold of easily too
  3. your piston I think is full metal - presume you did aoe your gears are 13:1 you motor is high speed shs perhaps ??? now if you got that stuff all fitted together correctly you could hit 30rps with a full metal tooth piston there is no weak point to shred off plastic teeth So if Pre Engagement starts to occur - which I reckon at 30rps it could your box will either: smash f*ck out of everything - or blow the fuse if using a m90 or m100 spring then it is very likely to get to 30rps or quite near @ say 25 to 27rps but bear in mind the speed motors from shs do cycle a smidge faster than the fast torque motors so think 27rps is possible without needing thick mofo wires in there (this may be reduced if still using small tamiya and no fet etc.... but still that build is a quick build even with 7.4v) My guess if the above is not applying just yet is bevel gear shimmed too low, piston binding in box or something else putting extra strain on motor to blow fuse..... if this was your first build then I would suggest you put back the stock gears and get her running ok again then later on if you want to go quicker read up a bit on mosfet rewire deans and shortstroking perhaps 13:1 gears can make a gun cycle very quickly and over 25rps she can start to double fire... and past this on a full stroke piston and m90/100 springs you can get PE do builds/upgrades in stages - faster builds need a little more thought rather than just drop this n that go faster stuff in there I know this as I have boned numerous guns by going mental without doing my homework properly and pushing boxes too fast - way too fast many many times (plus first builds I did were a disaster as well - still learning btw)
  4. a funny quote a while back about women..... Capital Radio London famous "Dave from Epsom" Women - I just don't get them... I go out on a Friday night, come home on the Sunday and somebody has given her the right hump I'm left thinking - Well it can't have been me, I ain't been here !!!! pure brilliance - but I wouldn't go to him for relationship advice
  5. first thing I do now is check nozzle actually fits the hop unit sounds daft but some shs m4 red nozzles can be a smidge tight fir in G&G stock hop check hop unit is sealing in hop - just them 2 items first you should be able to feel the seal blowing down barrel with a ultra light press on nozzle in hop next when you are starting to redo the box with tappet+nozzle in there insert hop unit up against box correctly like it normally would in gun - check seal again seal is crap it "may" indicate front of tappet could be shaved or sanded down a tiny slither thus pushing the nozzle a tiny bit more foward to seal against hop bucking other checks include with tappet/nozzle fully retracted ensure the nozzle is clear of hop feed tube so bb can enter ok if not then additional work required to allow nozzle to travel back a smidge further this is bit more involved as you need to check the sector's cam can pull back the tappet a little more if not then the hop can be pushed forward with some electrician's tape on front of box to ensure the nozzle clears for bb to enter but this would lessen the final seal against hop bucking so you need to check how much you can push tappet forward basically the tappet/nozzle moves aprox 8mm or 9mm or so in total what you are trying to achieve is getting that "window" of movement in the exact perfect position to allow bb's to feed easily and also to seal perfectly against bucking..... A piece of cake it sounds but unfortunately so many smidges of variations occur between various parts fitting together properly small variations in nozzle lengths, tight fit in some hops, different hops can make a huge difference sitting either side of "window" even down to the tappet plate's ridge where nozzle clips in - some have ridge in centre, others a tiny bit forward/backwards. Oh yes it is a major bollock ache sometimes but it is where taking a bit more time checking everything bit by bit really pays off the 416 was a major headache and a big learning curve getting that sod to work properly - but now is running very nicely (jeez bet she busts now I said that, but so far it is perhaps one of my best builds to date) on average a box rebuilt every 3 or 4 weeks and still I'm learning more n more n more with every box is why I say 25% good parts & 75% care & attention to detail is what works for me atm, - so far anyway always check and double check stuff before you pick up the file or dremmel or piece of sandpaper but as of yet I haven't need to file nozzle but instead check & "adjust" the tappet movement/travel
  6. it is - thankfully I don't own one but hop is adjusted on left side on the exterior I think no need to drop dust cover like on other regular M4's (even bull$hit b500a1 has a sort of normal hop) no offense but the black viper's m4 are the worst of the worst plinkers AK12 can be made into a usable unique AK12 - still snap into two if hit against tree but good for show G36 - is a clear Well D68 plinker than could take a normal box as like the AK12 it seems to have a normal type hop Alas - the M4 black viper does not appear to have a regular hop in there most likely the mags are different to match the shorter hop feed tube the possible cure is to see if the bespoke or rather odd hop unit could be replaced but being the gun is screwed together in two halves it would be a ball ache to remove barrel/hop (on normal M4's - 1 pin usually and top half comes away to gain easy access to hop/barrel etc..) Any major work will involve a strip down of two halves and you will still have a poor crappy plastic geared gearbox that WILL shred over time I'm afraid maybe there might be a way to fix a small & large tube together to effectively extend the hop feed tube a tiny bit modding the magazine's catch "window" could be an option but given the fact it is a BBG4Less plinker - and not a good one at that try to locate the bespoke mag and use it until it dies..... in the meantime - save up any money you might be thinking of spending and put it towards a better proper M4 (do not buy another gun from any site with BB in its name is a rough rule of thumb) soz - but if it helps myself and many others made the mistake of buying cheap crappy pi$$ poor plinkers from BB sites so you ain't the first to find out the hard way - nor will you be the last I wish I could offer you better advice/solution
  7. aye - Mrs Duck puts up a lot with my saddo hobbies suppose their must be a lot to be said for saying - opposites attract she is sensible I guess, think the only real error she has made was marrying me I keep telling her how lucky she is - one day she might just start to believe it - maybe
  8. More than 10 & less than 100 (I think but stopped counting months ago) That is all I'm prepared to say on the matter
  9. You lot are sad.... Me on the other hand, I'm f*cking miserable Playing toy soldiers ??? I am reenacting famous strategic and tactical battles Yeah OK I'm playing toy soldiers
  10. So the short answer is ???? Probably ok to obtain a RIF with ukara/defense as it is likely to not be classed as firearm putting it into context of a sort - so what ??? he could still get ukara'd and the chance of him being raided stuff confiscated suppose any of us may have that risk even with a defense if a few neighbours start making bull$hit allegations I was tearing up the community shooting cats kids & cars etc.... jeeeez - maybe if he got sent down for armed robbery, GBH etc.... I could perhaps get my head around it more seek clarification is best advice but really can't see it being a lifetime ban on toy guns The world can be a daft place - ban on firearms - but bet some violent people can still buy a carving knife set from Argos ffs
  11. yeah that is gonna be a bit of bitch for cqb - should just stick to shotgun long mofo to say the least - look out for the cocking aid unless you are into pinky finger building
  12. bollox - pretty sure ukara has no mention of any previous besides can still buy a 2-tone over counter so pretty sure ukara can be obtained by imbalanced nutters, people with form etc... (not saying your m8 is imbalanced - just stating other examples) unless I'm wrong but pretty sure no CRB checks done to place on database (maybe they should but it is just a toy gun and like said anyone over 18 can buy a 2-tone)
  13. DIY chrono ???? Get a 3200 n be done with it
  14. I very nearly imported one of these bad boys from evike before chrimbo..... http://www.airsoftworld.net/elite-forces-sl14-speed-loader.html trouble is the speed loader would look more menacing than most of my crap guns but - giving it some serious thought if I was gonna get another G&G from there (no too many - stop looking Duck ffs)
  15. as long as you can't get the thing off whatever ya use then you can replace it with a philips or something as long as the dremmel ain't called upon - that is the wtf option (That bitch IS GONNA COME OFF NOW - forget the consequences - it's personal now)
  16. most sites don't give a crap anyway "it's your gun do wtf you want with it" - they told me about painting a 2-tone legal wise - hmm well if you have defense then you could be ok stripping or replacing 2-tone but then the bit about modifying a IF to RIF but then you have a defense (vcra is not always as crystal clear as it could be) tbh - who really gives a f*ck, you should be 18+ to buy a IF let alone a RIF but then it gets to a kid being "gifted" from an adult and all that.... it always provokes debates and sometimes heated ones so ain't gonna go there most important thing is DON'T BE A DICK - whatever colour your gun is keep it covered, don't wave it about in public, no mag/bb's in gun - that is main thing to worry about tape is your friend - heck a low tack tape like masking tape and spray what you like (if you are that paranoid about breaking law - peel off masking tape - taaa dahhh - what repainted 2-tone ???) Fairy Power or just go for it Krylon or replace bits n bobs coz uhhm ergh they broke/wore out whatever - just don't be a dick
  17. tried some Premium Rockets.28's quickly on the 350fps cm515 - bad idea at the time in a fight (they dropped so much quicker so spent time in a fight trying to adjust hop and was taken out very quickly) but when we got back a bit of messing & tweaking and yup they flew very well n straight my biggest critic - my son said that's bloody true n straight but need a longer garden now and he is a fussy so and so. Gonna deffo get some some more .25's and see about some more .28's too maybe
  18. 7/64" allen key comes out at 2.771mm to 2.8mm it is rounded up to decent cheap imperial allen key set or it "might" be a Torx, or a Torx "might" just grip it bastid small tiny ar$e scews
  19. what is this working out at ??? http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152205869-FC-SMG-Submachine-Gun-Replica.html £75 ???? NO - must resist the urge to buy yet more guns ffs
  20. looks a little similar to the Echo 1 GAT that finally went on sale recently (well to me it does) http://echo1usa.com/x/the-echo1-general-assault-tool-gat/ OOOPPPSSSssssssss my bad they do the Spectre too - same meat it looks to me http://echo1usa.com/x/echo1-spectre-rdp-available-now/ one or two people on Airsoft Mechanics have ripped it to bits to make a typical AM nutter rof build is is a kinda bespoke or altered gearbox I think based on v3 but all/most bits are normal aeg stuff like regular v3's well that was the GAT - dunno about spectre coz only just 5 mins ago found out they did that too maybe Evike or Airsoft GI order time as they do ship to UK. (custom's could be a 8itch but deffo different)
  21. Maybe I like living on the edge..... But sometimes I don't use a lipo charging bag - actually I don't own one BUT - before anybody just thinks they can ultra fast boost charge any battery lipo or nimah.... my chargers only trickle charge @ 800mah to 1000mah PLUS I do watch them - not like watching paint dry.... But they are charged out of harms way on an old bench/worktop with me keeping an eye on them frequently, not coz I'm paranoid but coz I want it to finish charging to recharge another one (c'mon you pile of lipo pooh charger - hurry the heck up) I feel as long you buy decent brands, look after them, if they look suspect don't use them basic common sense with any electrical
  22. Anyone heard from Mr Jolly aka Ian Gere ????

    1. b1n0gHo5t


      In hospital mild concussion..was doing a keg stand and gravity got the better of him..

    2. EvilMonkee


      I have. He is still lurking

  23. Anyone heard from Mr Jolly aka Ian Gere ????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      Darling thats so FAAABULOUS

    3. Aengus


      I actually think it's the nicest two tone I've seen.. aside from the AW space/apocalyptic style two tone

    4. Aengus


      7.5 rps maybe not...

  24. Get the gun chrono'd properly or record the sound/wav file and run it through audacity on pc or something..... we or I said this before in a previous post - the readings you are getting just don't add up I'm done on this for now, got up to squeeze my lemon and lost some beauty sleep (which I really desperately need a LOT of btw) so I'm going back to bed and fairly sure I'm not gonna lose any more sleep over this atm soz but I strongly strongly feel the readings are out or the gun is already SS DSG'd or something
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