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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. nice patch design and them stickers - I see Lozart in the centre getting in on the action
  2. wow had a lot less light when I played there if that is the one where the defenders fall back after being shot to start defending again as attackers push up (walk in the park for tunnel rats attacking btw they are that bloody good....) THAT was the flaw in the game, you fall back in the centre of tunnel to walk back to next point right smack bang into the main line of streams of bb's coming at ya - OUCH getting shot in the back no matter how hard you try to stick to edges of tunnel you have to at some point go around the odd barricade into near centre & F*CK ME OUCH torch and possible back padding or plate carrier mightr be good idea if going to tunnels brill place - top mofo's them rats but a bit " dark & full on " is how I would describe it deffo should be experienced though - just go prepared
  3. I take mine out to dinner & a movie now & then but not bought it flowers for a while but I do try to let her know how special she is (missus does get jealous though) normally shooting outside in daylight is whre I chrono - soz for being silly once more
  4. Don't really need a tech to put on some dean connectors just a local m8 who can solder a little bit with iron etc...... it ain't as intricate as most pcb work so almost anybody can do if you got the stuff & 10mins when doing the battery - cut one lead & solder at a time ffs do not cut both battery wires in one go = major short & BANG !!!! only other thing to remember is to slide on heatshrink before you solder connector (and follow the correct layout/guide of polarity & male connector on gun)
  5. Zero One or Zero in or whatever will not under any condition allow you to post links or suggestions to ANY site even friggin ebay ffs coz it is hosted by Z1 - kinda understand that a tiny bit but c'mon Airsoftsociety.com has been a good goldmine of info for me in the past plus numerous other sites even Airsoft Mechanics but like all forums a few people can get anal about some nooby stuff or very very anti spoon feeding - almost hostile at times Google is the best search tool - thing is you gotta put in a little time to search for stuff AND not take just the first answer as pure gospel - made that mistake more than just a few times I've learnt $hitloads - still learning btw, just from banging in various bits of crap into google and reading up a few results it is all down to how your bother to search around for stuff really - loads of info out there you just gotta sort through the bull$hit a little and get to the clever down to earth well written basics of what you need This is a well written guide that I owe a lot to and kudos for it being written very well: http://www.airsoftsociety.com/forums/f10/legacys-guide-building-high-speed-aeg-87504/ a little tiny bit different for us UK peeps with lower fps limits but a bloody good read all the same mosfet's - easy guide: http://ncairsoft.org/forum/showthread.php?7516-Rusty65-s-MOSFET-building-guide forget braking fet's - simple non ab fets made easy - muchas gracias again for good clear guide seek and you shall find but this place is the dogz nutz - as long as you can put up with pratts like moi
  6. +1 on chrono from me, got the old 3200 but the idea of external power from usb plus detach screen sounds nice main thing for me is batteries dying on my 3200 just just as I go to run a quick test for that external psu option and a damn good robust make I will deffo keep an eye for any good deals
  7. cqb - yes as often its single shot only so a med to large aeg is not the perfect choice however like many things it takes a little time to gain experience/wisdom of knowing what & when to use in each situation Watch a pro at work and it looks so damn easy as they glide (they don't move) they move in with aeg - peeking high low left - not as easy as it sounds engage surrounding areas of enemy base with their perfectly sounding and running aeg smoothly switching to their GBB as they move inside pop pop pop - "building clear & secure" imagine my cartoon jaw dropping under mask as I watch from Dead Zone as the my team's pro's demostrate how its done The reality is though he's probably been playing years n years to get to that level of awesome Truth is when us lesser mortals try it we fail big time trying to emulate those mofo's agreed unless you try it and perhaps screw up getting confused as & when to select the correct weapon of choice you will never learn or improve your skill/tactics Just saying if you have just recently got into it, then perhaps stick just a primary, learn you and your gun's strengths/weakness first pick your battles carefully and concentrate on one weapon at a time for a little while - then perhaps aquire more (yeah somewhere in last paragraph is something I failed to take on board myself)
  8. neither - stick to ya main aeg you don't HAVE to have a pistol - in fact I got numerous ones and still I hardly bother with one..... if you get into it then yeah maybe, but that means getting a GOOD holster for it - or two you think you may want it at hip/leg/chest - left/right side but a GOOD holster is nigh on as important as the pistol itself times you see pistol's and/or mags flying about on the field when owner is sprinting about (yup lost one of glock mags never to be found again) if push comes to shove GG105 or something maybe but you really don't HAVE to have a sidearm (i'd rather just carry another aeg mag or something but that is just my take on it all) or sod it get a tri-shot shotgun
  9. one more night left, shooting saturday & everybody will appear as my boss in my sights just hope I don't go too overkill on anybody that comes into my sights reality is I still get my ar$e handed to me but I'm getting focused on a more agressive style of play atm (crap week but better than last week) anyway - soz enough about me - back to bb's, use whatever you find works best for ya gun and also what you can get your hands on tbh and avoid buying the crappier ones again
  10. I'm thinking of getting some of my crappy guns engraved Instead of KRYTAC - I'm looking into getting MY-CRAP engraved on them (mind you think the engraving would cost more than what my guns are worth) ((soz derailing thread once again))
  11. again - I say any hardened crimminal if they really wanted.... bet they could obtain a real firearm quicker than most of us could get a RIF Big Ron so to speak would give a toss about a firearms ban if he was planning on something Just a quick word in "Nobby the Nutter" 's ear, meet us in 2hrs at back of The Wellington pub etc..... I knew a bloke who did 18yrs inside he was a screw and a right w@nker btw but all the same - he did his time inside
  12. I have not nor will I buy a box of unknown crap I have always known what crap I was buying I do not need a target, gun and loads of crappy bb's I will not not be able to hit the target past 15ft anyway coz the gun is so $hit and that is if the bb's don't jam the gun anyway...... To anybody thinking of taking a gamble may I suggest a few possible considerations for airsofting on the ultra cheap (please note I don't work for these guys or on commision - still think they are muppets but better muppets btw) I'd rather take a chance on these than some mystery crap box: http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/mprxda1-h-k-mp6-sd5-aeg-us-navy-seals.html?filter_name=mp5&page=1#.VbkKcLXp8i4 http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/mprxda2-mp5-sd5-electric-airsoft-starter-gun-metal-gear-box.html?filter_name=mp5&page=1#.Vbm-_bXp8i4 (note busted charging handle) http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/airsoft-gun/refurbished-airsoft-guns-refurb=101.html?product_id=1024#.Vbm_r7Xp8i4 DISCLAIMER - I'm not saying get the above coz they are best gunz evaaaaahhhhhhh but merely pointing out if I was gonna take a gamble I'd sooner go for these than figgin' lame ar$e box of crap use RC10 if it still works to get a further 10% off to sweeten the "risk" any change left over - then buy crap bb's, lame ar$e target, sling that snaps, springer pistol that breaks first time (plus when you chuck the pistol down the garden you realise your arm has better range than that springer pistol) Well - excuse the pun, in fact some Well stuff isn't too too bad often they have some cheapo JG internals Well - that is what I would consider before signing up for a box of crap and realising the best thing from the mystery box was in fact the cardboard box it all came in - actually that is a bit harsh - lol but really reckon in general them mystery boxes should be avoided and know what cheapo crap you can expect to receive
  13. jeez more ukara/vcra stuff lets be real - main thing is not to be a dick with ya gun so if you paint/tape or wtf you like with it it don't matter really before anybody starts quoting friggin paragraph 6 section 7 bollox.... when you leave the site then the gun "should" be transported in a bag/box etc..... so it ain't on show - so nobody is gonna know or care really unless you you gotta a firearms ban - whoooa wrong thread soz jeez & more jeez, it is really about how you conduct yourself with your toy gun tape/paint or friggin' 2-tone - above all don't wave it about in public whatever colour it is
  14. try running an 18 + 15 + 8yr old = very expensive you have such "fun" ahead of you and yes its true it does get worse soz for derailing thread as per usual.... a couple of crappy guns and some neodym motors to break them with this week (big spares order will be needed soon no doubt)
  15. Your'e screwed m8 If you wanna go in for expensive luxuries like kids Your skirmish budget has take a major nose dive Next it will be: "Don't you think you need to act a bit more mature now you are a parent" Show me a bloke who is truely truthfully honest and mature and responsible.... Yeah - he's gay (No offense to anybody just being typical pratt as usual)
  16. Not on my s/hand Raider.... The crane stick still has a number of vivid visual specs still on it, the Raider ris was a ball ache indeed but was my personal mission to get that green crap off 99.999% Still keeping the numbers on the ris rail Worse one ever was a JG A47 sniper Jeez that was mega coated on that I just sanded the whole thing off of thick blue paint leaving the original fake plastic wood underneath. Sort of mahogany looking but is as smooth as a baby's ar$e now
  17. Epsom often take you out first game in parties of 3 with a regular. Often your party diminishes quickly so head back n pick up a different 2 players so you mix it up a bit getting to know layout n other players. Don't move too slowly or you get shot by the next party of 3 following you but good way to break the ice
  18. electric pistols - only if you get 'em real cheap under £50 at TWG etc... get 1 or 2 ( or more ) primary aeg's, then decide on pistol/dmr/sniper etc....
  19. was that JambWow in the tractor & leaning on amphibian ??? deffo worth a look to get a shot at him
  20. conversion kit probably - bummer if ya run dry and wish you had the bolt sniper I look at the sr25 but then I remember mrs duck threat - no promise of what she will do so I pass on that one for now
  21. think that is coz they regard 18+ as being responsible enough to understand med mind you I've seen plenty of irresponsible adults to be fair - not sure where I fit in
  22. Tactical Warfare Airsoft - cheap a little basic but on my doorstep (so got me by my bb's I guess) have been to epsom tunnels - darkness redefined Mall but at a show n never got to play a quick game not sure if I'll make to Sandpit - maybe too serious for this noob
  23. get the cocking handle aid for svd and that is one long mofo @ 1.2m scope - if you go for authentic one ain't cheap (wtf - its your toy gun use what ya want) often barrels in there may be 550-590 max but good thing is the bolt svd's use aeg springs aeg svd still come with full auto and semi - well mine did tbh - get an ak with 455-469mm tbb barrel on the 349.99fps limit running well - think you will kick a few M4 ar$es LOL - just beat me to some of the svd stuff
  24. bummer laughable thing is though - if he was a hardened criminal no matter what and he wanted to get hold of a firearm - would he really give a flying f*ck ??? (and could probably obtain a firearm quicker than ukara or any of us buying a RIF) all this does is stop somebody legally obtaining a firearm or airsoft or friggin Nerf gun I'm amazed that was on the list sorry to hear after making all these enquiries that it is still a no no (not the hair remover) is a crossbow a firearm, or is he ok to buy a set of carving knives ? soz but think they are being ultra cautious and a safe "no chance m8" hope the ban soon lifts and he can keep his nose clean and put all this behind him best wishes
  25. blow me.... now if ever there was a gun needing a peq box or a rewire to rear that has gotta be one of them.... why on earth didn't they just supply it as a short twin stick nunchuck lipo up there ?? http://www.fire-support.co.uk/ give them a call and see what they might suggest as they are very helpful ics guru's
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