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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Is why I said M4's Don't think say £120 to £180 you could do much better M4 Cyma and JG though dominate on v3 stuff But G&G have gone nutz on lots of M4's to tempt ya with wherever floats ya boat All same stuff really but spoilt for choice if buying a boring M4 CM "everybody has one" G&G
  2. CM's are good value for money The £150-ish range, well newer revamped CM range goes up p to £200 which is getting on a bit for a polymer AEG But these new G&G's often come with fet - some are switchable 3round burst. Think when you start paying near £300 for a G&G (metal) Then there are others to consider As for their blowback boxes -hmmm.... A G&G starter M4 is a good gun to start or test the water with There are others but they offer good value for money CM wise plus a good range of different styles/barrel lengths/ris options Slightly bias maybe, well yeah very biased I suppose ICS close second though, ICS M4's seem to have a little better stock motor than lame G&G one G36 or AK's = JG / Cyma My own findings btw
  3. if you buy a gun from AW and you get the option of a v2 fet for £9.99 then you would have to be a real idiot - bigger idiot than me if you choose not to grab a multi whistle/bell AB fet for under a tenner shot counting gadgets - jeez real mofo's like Clint knows if he fired 6 shots or only 5 - punk
  4. That is coz it is on offer atm and the final price all depends on how quick you want it a rough comparison is say just under £50 Vs just under £40 (£38.75ish) actually shipping times now we are into festive period may be longer than stated hopefully it will arrive soon but if I wanted something before chrimbo & a UK seller guarantee to me - the extra £10 isn't such a big deal for something I sought after btw - if you get the 5% AirsoftWorld discount or Facebook like that 5% discount comes down to £47.50 (£2.25 discount) so you actually saved £8.75 in the end (or $13.22)
  5. AirsoftWorld ??? http://www.airsoftworld.net/new-burst-wizard-3-mosfet-with-milsim.html at least they don't charge extra for deans like they do on the v2 let us know how it all goes, not for me but perhaps other die hard mil-sim mofos
  6. I have put the BW2 in a G&G HC05 FireHawk only to try and get the poxy full auto only thing to be able to fire in semi but that was a bit of a headache trying to get used to programming to sod messed up a number of times but luckily you can easily reset it - think option 15 = reset, then try again Trick is once setup, REMEMBER not to plug battery and start shooting until led goes out - or you enter program mode (everytime you change battery - WAIT 5 secs) AirsoftWorld do the BW2 for about £35 but on some guns you got an option to buy one for £9.99 offer hence I took them up on this offer - but doubt if I'd spend £35 - £40 if you get deans connectors on a fet I don't fully use on the 40+ dsg the battery & burst C rating worked/didn't work 101% as at 40+ on 7.4v its going nutz and ultra tiny window for the gun to work 101% accurately on semi every single time 10/10 I set the 3 round burst to just single burst shot to give me semi - keep holding trigger for say 2 secs after 1 shot burst and she goes 40+ full auto It was a bit of a head-f*ck, reckon took me about 4 times to get it kinda right, really should just drop in a shs dsg sector and cut off lever one day (don't use the thing really it was just a gimmick and had to get one/review but it is a $hit gun they made trying to bring out a poor dsg) as Proffink says - email them, but would imagine most stuff can be tweaked/adjusted as it is an impressive mofo just a bit of a mensa head-f*ck getting ya head around it all at first as I and others have found but yup - very very tweakable for most guns crazy $hit rof - hmmm the timings are so crucial that as battery depleted and less juice remained the initial timings on a dsg didn't always work 101% - another tweak on a fresh battery gave me the odd 2-round burst - maybe I could of played with more settings to get it better but it did kinda do what I wanted - not perfectly as I said but to be fair it was asking a lot at silly mofo speeds ps - aren't real mags or mil-sims in the order of 30rnd mags plus depending on mid cap not all feed the very last one or two bb's when counting out every bb from mag son uses 120-140 ASG Armalite mid-caps, me I just use what ever I got to hand - get out there and try to hit people with my toy gun never done mil-sim so can't comment but a number of peeps on here do attend some of them so with my laid back chilled out toy gun gun approach, I'm not the best or most sensible person to ask or speak about mil-sim stuff could always ring AirsoftWorld & ask if they got BW3 or their views on it, but nope only messed with BW2 I got for a tenner
  7. lol - never used it myself in a game, I have grabbed it to chrono and test the rof on some guns Duck jnr sometimes brought it out at TWA on some mental long drawn out games Marshall shakes his head but once it was in the dsg firehawk and marshall borrowed it to test fire a non-hit-taker (yeah he deffo called it) mega noobie, needs a strong mag catch as it holds 5k bb's only got the cheapo manual wind box mags, but does feed a fair amount before needing to be wound way way overkill & noobie to use in real games unless you try and say you are support - in a CM16 - nah its noobie got a few 1k fat ak mags that is a little more sedate - I don't run with much tbh (extra kit just slows me down when I trying to flee and scream like a girl)
  8. I always use the method - change mag when she starts to stop firing or just run with this and screw counting bb's: and yes I do have a couple but they have very rarely come out - just for $hits n giggles once in blue moon
  9. eh ??? me thinks its getting way way overboard for just shooting with toy guns I got v2 and the programming was at first a bit of a headf*ck just adjusting a few things (thankfully it has a clear/reset to default setting) like most bells n whistles stuff, often way too many options that most won't ever really use/need rof won't increase - it is just a slight minor delay on each cycle to adjust the rof downwards if required only got kong2 - yes clever stuff but higher rof 40+ guns - timings need to be be spot on if programming burst then it starts to become a little out as battery drains a bit during play, but that is due to such a quick burst tbh - most of time I just use a normal basic fet and leave the bells n whistles
  10. Chill chaps, I have booked my son to go even though he is saying probably not/maybe/dunno etc... I paid upfront coz I just wanna make this happen If there is a slight delay in one or two deposits then ffs Either take £50 as 4 deposits or I'll transfer another deposit across and paypal me it or something later. Trigger is nearly all packed to spend chrimbo in the sun No seriously he has gotta put his name to the booking and all that plus time n stuff keeping track of $hit etc... Chill chaps, please try n get ya dosh over to him, any probs let him know, or wtf let me know. (Don't take the pi$$ though, ain't fronting all of ya) Also might have a space in motor going from j6 m25 to Reading if need be but will start a separate thread for lifts n crap nearer the time.... C'mon, let's get it sorted or booked at very least Cheers
  11. As Kenny Everett would say: and bomb the bastids !!!

    1. Jedi_Master


      But we need to put them in the corner of a field first.

  12. couple of funny clean pics I saw when uploading pics on imgur (damn site - end up losing 45 mins of my life looking at other saddo's pics) & guys if ya in $hit when ya get home - think of this poor guy.... anybody who works shifts will understand this one: trying to add spice to relationships..... Best car in the world - hmmm Top Gear Ford Fiesta ??? https://youtu.be/7e7R3y-qwZ0 if you think airsoft is dangerous...... http://i.imgur.com/RQaYEgr.gifv
  13. Jokey sarcastic quotes aside...... Strategy's, suggestions for battery or bb weight, maintenance, further upgrades, sights/mags blah blah blah Was a tad vague hence the replies Actually we are quite a helpful lot on here normally So excuse if we had a little fun at first
  14. Normally have found its in faster full auto you get feed grief Soz I'm at work atm s can't give much advice other than usual try another mag Could be nozzle, tappet spring, Is there a spring on hop unit pushing it back still??? Seems weird on semi it has grief
  15. Esoteric +5 !!! Blimey - in the past people have got the right hump if I have referred to them as friends/m8's etc... Very strong warnings - look you can tell people you know me or that I am a colleague if you like.... But do not under any circumstances tell people we are friends !!!!!! I slope off to cry in a corner with my blanket to comfort me, sniff sniff What about Lozart, or has he got too much DIY to do in his new house and not allowed until he has finished his chores (new bathroom/kitchen)
  16. 5 mins - think turn right from station, cobbled/pedestrianised road & road slopes down a bit, walk past NCP on your right side, just past NCP is Mall on ya left (nigh on opposite NCP car park) yes you can drive to ncp but they blocked off some of the road around station - boy that was a bollock ache when ya sat-nav is years out of date, no Johanna Lummley I can't f*cking turn around darling when possible coz its no friggin' entry ya toffy twat
  17. Looks a little like a set of pyjamas somebody would wear in the Republic of Congo or something But I'm totally ignorant to loadouts so ignore my foolish observations sir (No offense to Ian or anybody from Rep of Congo etc.....)
  18. empty mags before storing them - or springs can weaken and feed crap clean barrel if and when you think its shooting less accurate - not every 5 mins alcho-wipes are easier to keep in ya gun bag for a few quid per 100 slicone - with caution and very very little needed - maybe not for guns running a bit warm as it really reduces any drag keep well away from bucking using it say 75to 85% of barrel length only imho buff with dry soft tissue - this also works $hit hot on cylinders too - smooth & slippery like polished ice with oil on top I stopped taking mine to bed as wife was getting fed up so now bought her a bed of her own - the RIF, wife refuses to budge
  19. noobs lifting up masks on the field as well as in dead zone (this happens at paintball when I went once) myself - playing at epsom thinking my gun wasn't firing, placed hand in front of muzzle OUCH - yup she still works or jamming in a m4 mag completely upside down - popping out of cover and thinking wtf am I dry firing as I got shot to $hit sure there's plenty more dumb a$$ things I & others have done/seen
  20. deffo one of them Brainiac things - Don't try this at home !!!! I'm the reason they put in the: "No really - don't try this at home" extra warning bit funny now but $hit myself totally and my hall's carpet is still scorched in 2 places They are fine - but don't do stupid jackass stuff with them and if they look iffy - replace them coz they really pack a punch - especially when they get damaged by even bigger dumbass twats look on youtube but seriously chaps don't take chances messing with lipo's
  21. ffs be careful and don't use a pin - BOOOOOMMMM !!!! like some nob did a while back ( ooops that was me )
  22. I clicked likey to posts only coz of the friendly banter Mr Trigger "don't buy G&G" Happy and moi The hugs is a sarcastic guy love manly thing and is not connected anyway what so ever in our sexuality So I wish to clearly quash any rumours before they start chaps.... ps - can't make next weekend to help pick out curtains with ya but maybe weekend after next And as per usual the topic has got derailed, jack-knifed and straight over a cliff now.... see if you want serious answers only best sign up to another site coz this place is just full of saddo's needing to get out more
  23. yeah best check - think the 7.4v vapex went in ok but it is a bit of a squeeze in stock tube and stock might not fully compress all the way (1 click short) but a 3 cell 9.9v life stick was really too tight to get in there - like a nun's minge ahem ok camel's ar$e in a sandstorm then. I changed the stock to fixed stubby M4 and shove in cheaper/bigger block batteries but the VS-02 stock does look nice - just limits ya on battery options it has the split in tube at side to assist getting wires all sorted which helps loud sexy little black bitch - very loud especially in cqb buildings/tunnels my first RIF - had to have one and called mine Rihanna
  24. Well I was gonna use the line: noob or pro players..... but think all the real Pro's left when I joined for some odd reason, I have my own effective room clearing technique (send me into a room and it very quickly empties out with me last man standing after boring them to death) thus leaving us arse's on here I was gonna let him find out in time but now the truth has come out thanks to Trigger... To think I was gonna share my AF-UK chrimbo patch with ya - well you are no longer on my christmas or valentine list now
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