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  1. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tackle for a status update, Shit sales threads which he attempted to justify by claiming selling on behalf of a d   
    Shit sales threads which he attempted to justify by claiming selling on behalf of a dead friend, & then abusive when anyone questions it.
    No place for his lazy shit eating attitude here.
  2. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tackle for a status update, @Stokey2785 your adverts are terribly written, very little info that's of use, awful   
    @Stokey2785 your adverts are terribly written, very little info that's of use, awful pictures, especially the gun thats covered in ghillie wrap, people need to see, in detail, what their actually contemplating buying.
    And finally, why have you joined to sell your mates stuff, maybe he needs to sign up & take responsibility for these atrocious sales threads.
    Sort it out please, before they get deleted due to their misleading nature.
  3. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tackle for a status update, I can ban your multiple retailer accounts all day long recspowercode/legal legend/rec   
    I can ban your multiple retailer accounts all day long recspowercode/legal legend/recpowercode etc etc.
    You're no longer welcome here, whatever you want to call yourself.
  4. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet for a status update, Pic by Harry Badger taken at last S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. game.   
    Pic by Harry Badger taken at last S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. game.  
  5. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to alxndrhll for a status update, On a psychological basis the whole Mr. No Brain back and forth is pretty fascinating,   
    On a psychological basis the whole Mr. No Brain back and forth is pretty fascinating, while also being entertaining to check back in on and all in all top quality internet nonsense.
  6. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet for a status update, Just purchased a CYMA Dragunov. Now for the inevitable DMR -ing and standing to one s   
    Just purchased a CYMA Dragunov.  Now for the inevitable DMR-ing and standing to one side of other projects for the new toy...
  7. Haha
    EvilMonkee reacted to Wardogsuk for a status update, British Army veteran offering military skills training   
    British Army veteran offering military skills training
  8. Haha
    EvilMonkee reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet for a status update, Another AK followed me home today. One did last week too. There's another that I fanc   
    Another AK followed me home today.
    One did last week too.
    There's another that I fancy in the classifieds section...
    Is there an AKs Anonymous?  
  9. Careful Now
    EvilMonkee reacted to Cr0-Magnon for a status update, After the vile vitriolic attacks these magnificent creations have suffered today, it'   
    After the vile vitriolic attacks these magnificent creations have suffered today, it's with a heavy heart I feel the need to post this....

  10. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Asomodai for a status update, I get a lot of PMs asking about some of my experiences with my somewhat esoteric rifl   
    I get a lot of PMs asking about some of my experiences with my somewhat esoteric rifles. The person who Pmed me bemoaned the fact that the could barely find anything about the rifle in his message. 
     It's such a shame however in response, you type out a large number of words that get's fairly in-depth, gets read and then... nothing for over 10 days.
    Despite the user being online, reading the PM more then once (The time stamp updates every time it is read) and posting since... nothing.
    A thanks really does go a long way. Why bother doing it when someone else comes calling otherwise?
    I'll get off my nelly high horsie and back into my pink fluffy house now.
  11. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Shamal for a status update, "Brand new.Only fired once in garden" Did you hate it so much that you fired one shot   
    "Brand new.Only fired once in garden" 
    Did you hate it so much that you fired one shot and instantly realised you had made a terrible,terrible mistake!
    I laugh when I read that opening 'cliche' it's on a par with second hand cars "one careful owner." The other ten didnt give a fuck!
  12. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to FreeFrag.UK for a status update, There are occasions where I seriously consider liquidating my collection to swap over   
    There are occasions where I seriously consider liquidating my collection to swap over to GBBR's.
  13. Confused
    EvilMonkee got a reaction from EDcase for a status update, So Royal Mail, precisely why has my package been delivered in Stafford when the addre   
    So Royal Mail, precisely why has my package been delivered in Stafford when the address clearly says Peterborough......
  14. Haha
    EvilMonkee reacted to clumpyedge for a status update, Dear Mods, Please get rid of the search function, its clearly not used and the space   
    Dear Mods,
    Please get rid of the search function, its clearly not used and the space on the top of the page could be better used with just a link to google.
  15. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Asomodai for a status update, Woohoo! Customs have released my Real Sword T97! It has passed all the checks and sho   
    Woohoo! Customs have released my Real Sword T97! It has passed all the checks and should be with me by Friday! So bloody happy, but mostly relieved! 
  16. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Rogerborg for a status update, How do these things ever work? Trying to restore the air-seal on my MP5K, we're talki   
    How do these things ever work?
    Trying to restore the air-seal on my MP5K, we're talking tiny fractions of a mm in barrel alignment between "won't feed" and ""dribbles out".
    Never, ever replace the stock parts in your gnu. Ever.
  17. Thanks
    EvilMonkee reacted to Druid799 for a status update, Everyone screams “UP-GRADE ! UP-GRADE ! YOU MUST UP-GRADE ! “ shortly afterwards you   
    Everyone screams “UP-GRADE ! UP-GRADE ! YOU MUST UP-GRADE ! “ shortly afterwards you see the same people asking for advice as ‘it don’t work like it’s supposed too ?’ Is it really worth the effort? 🤔
  18. Careful Now
    EvilMonkee reacted to Ronnie_S for a status update, Didn't realise there were so many frustrated Para Wannabes in the U.K! Pmsl   
    Didn't realise there were so many frustrated Para Wannabes in the U.K! Pmsl
  19. Like
    EvilMonkee got a reaction from Nick G for a status update, Was on the range yesterday. 23mm @100m grouping prone with the old L85A2, quite pleas   
    Was on the range yesterday.  23mm @100m grouping prone with the old L85A2, quite pleased with that considering I can't shoot for toffee if standing or kneeling.
  20. Like
    EvilMonkee got a reaction from BibbsOnTour for a status update, Was on the range yesterday. 23mm @100m grouping prone with the old L85A2, quite pleas   
    Was on the range yesterday.  23mm @100m grouping prone with the old L85A2, quite pleased with that considering I can't shoot for toffee if standing or kneeling.
  21. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Gepard for a status update, Well I've bit the bullet and bought an LCT AKM. Been after one for a while and at £17   
    Well I've bit the bullet and bought an LCT AKM. Been after one for a while and at £170 I can't really beat that price! 
  22. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to clumpyedge for a status update, Sorry but that SWAS banner at the top of the page looks fucking terrible.   
    Sorry but that SWAS banner at the top of the page looks fucking terrible.
  23. Haha
    EvilMonkee reacted to Jedi_Master for a status update, Warning points do make prizes   
    Warning points do make prizes

  24. Like
    EvilMonkee reacted to Iceni for a status update, Spent a few hours on the air rifle range this evening with the G3. Scope is set, Was   
    Spent a few hours on the air rifle range this evening with the G3. Scope is set, Was happily plinking logs and the bigger targets on that range... All the PCP airgunners looking at me like an idiot for having a gun that made them have kittens. I may have walked past them all with the gun in a bag, dropped the mags on the table, thrown in a mid cap quick, and slapped the cocking lever. Before leaving it on the table for a minute or two.... Mostly people were just looking down the table expecting all hell to break loose any second.

    I then shot it, and they realised it was airsoft lol.

    Gun is shooing past the 65 meter mark and well into the 70's. Just needs a few K's bb's passing through it to get the rubber where I want it. Not a single misfeed.

    And I may of put a deposit on a PCP air rifle.
  25. Sad
    EvilMonkee got a reaction from Duff for a status update, That annoying feeling when your new rifle has been shipped and you have a tracking nu   
    That annoying feeling when your new rifle has been shipped and you have a tracking number but its just sat at some foreign post office for 3 days....GET ON WITH IT!!
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