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Everything posted by Esoterick

  1. Welcome to the forum. As mentioned a GHK G5 would fit the bill provided you don't necessarily mind using a made up gun. Regardless, go with a trusted retailer - I know next to nothing about gas blowback rifles but GHK and WE are always recommended. The main consideration to make with a gas gun is that the mags are considerably lower capacity. Some players would balk at the idea of using a mid cap(give or take 120 rounds) whilst GBBRs tend to be 30 rounds. Personally I would suggest all new players get an AEG as their first gun. G&G combat machines and top techs(their more expensive line) fit the bill, primarily because they are reliable and just need a battery plus a wide selection of mags before you are good to go. Gas blowback certainly has it's appeal but the lower mag capacity will be punishing for most newer players. Anyway, I'm mostly repeating what has been said above. Make sure you do a lot of reading, and if possible go into a shop and hold the gun you are after to get a better idea if it is right for you.
  2. Jay my little group has confirmed they are up for all the games. Only 3 regulars(as in 3 definite players including me) and a couple of slackers at present, but might have a few more by the new year with any luck.
  3. My P30 Serpa came with a black square of plastic with a little hook it, has P226 printed on it. Thanks Blackhawk, I guess...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Esoterick


      I've already got a P226 lol, but yeah for my HK45, fits nicely. Trigger mech got jammed though, think/hope it was unrelated - hammer wouldn't cycle.

    3. M_P


      The hook I assume is to convert it to take a 226 instead Mr B, serpas have them in the trigger guard area if you look into the holster.

    4. Esoterick


      Yeah looks like you are right mate, my P226 fits but the decocker butts up to the top edge of the holster.

  4. I normally run 6 PMAGs(5 on my PC, 1 in the gun) but typically I get through 2-3 in anything but a series drawn out firefights. Might just be but I knew about them being hard to come by when I got my gun so I have bout 9 in total, figuring it couldn't hurt to have spares.
  5. 120 rounds, but yeah you slide the plate off the bottom, undo a screw and slide the outer magazine sleeve off then there's a little switch that locks it to 30 rounds.
  6. I like both, but I find CQB can be a bit arcadey for want of a better word. Tend to see a lot of weird acrobatics as people try and get fast shots off - I've also seen more stuff like kill trading and the other person doesn't take their shot or draws and shoots after you hit them. It's all preference though at the end of the day and effectively clearing rooms in CQB is one of the most satisfying aspects of Airsoft as far as i'm concerned.
  7. Really good guns, the SCAR H is a bit bigger but the same other than that really. Might be worth getting a hands on with one if you are concerned about the size of it.
  8. Really happy with my German para boots, wore Doc Martins for years when I was younger and now realise how uncomfortable they were. Thinking of getting a second pair as I wear them all the time and it's annoying cleaning boots ready for work after a skirmish on sunday night.
  9. Some sort of leatherman multi tool, a hydration pouch and a radio. Possibly a BFG if i've been a good boy.
  10. Hopefully it's as good, if not better than a TM rubber
  11. I think it's either shifted or has been damaged by me cleaning the barrel. Shortly after getting the gun I started using 0.25g BBs and the range seemed about the same, if not slightly less - basing range on being able to hit targets on the local site from fixed points. Still a little bit hard to say if it doesn't currently like 0.25g BBs as I would need an indoor range to say for sure. Regardless I figure I may as well do some tinkering if I would have to pop the barrel and hop unit apart anyway.
  12. Thanks for the advice, I've ordered those parts accordingly
  13. Firefly Hop Rubber, Nub and Laylax barrel for my HK416. About time I manned up and opened up an AEG.
  14. I'm looking at switching out the hop on my gun, keeping in mind the only thing I have taken apart is my pistols for cleaning so far. The main reason for this is that whilst the gun fires pretty decently shots have a tendency to list to the right. What I'm now thinking is perhaps I should get a fancy barrel, although I'd only do that if the result would be the same or better than the stock one. I followed through the video above and whilst I haven't tried it yet the take down of the receiver looks the same as on the SOPMOD. The plan was then to replace the hop up rubber with this: http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/262/s/firefly-hop-up-rubber-bucking-for-all-aeg-s-soft-black/ and replace the hop nub with this: http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/533/s/firefly-flat-hop-tensioner-nub-normal-black/ Plus replace the barrel with this one: http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/516/s/laylax-prometheus-6-03mm-eg-inner-barrel-275-5mm/ Basically I'd really appreciate it if anyone could let me know if this all sounds like it would work, or if there is anything I should do differently.
  15. Thinking of replacing the hop rubber in my HK416. Not sure if I should do it or pay a tech to.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      It's easy, if I can do it you can lol

    3. M_P


      Very easy mate, especially as the 416 is rear wired so no issue of having to route the wires back through the recorder and hop up

    4. Esoterick


      Cheers guys, made a thread in the electrical guns tech board. Any help would be appreciated. Even if it's leave your gun alone you muppet.

  16. Blackhawk Serpa CQC H&K P30 holster for my HK45. Not the easiest thing to track down in a left handed config.
  17. I'd either get a G&G combat machine(although it will be plastic) or a G&P if you can find one in your budget you like the look of.
  18. It's a bit hard for me to say really as the only other gun case/bag I've owned was a hard case. All I would say is after wasting quite a lot of money trying to get cheap gear I'm definitely in the "buy nice or buy twice" camp. I will have had that bag a year in January and I could give it a clean and sell it as new as it stands. When I was going to buy that bag I was in two minds as it seemed a bit pricey but to be honest I was happy I went with it when it arrived as it is really sturdy and well laid out. That isn't to say everything cheap is rubbish, just as a general rule of thumb stuff is cheap for a reason. Although you could counter with things being expensive based on brand name. VW Golfs are a good example, they built a good reputation for reliability - although arguably they are expensive for what you actually get. However the end product is a known quantity that isn't going to keel over when you so much as look at it funny
  19. I use one of these: http://uktactical.com/p-690-warrior-twin-rifle-bag.aspx Really good quality, holds a rifle plus something shorter like an MP5 or stubby M4. The two main pockets for said guns are split and have velco binding points so both guns don't fly about whilst in transit. One of the front pouches has straps to hold a pistol plus two mags, whilst the other two have enough room to fit 7 PMAGs with ranger plates each. It has a carry handle, built in should straps plus metal loops if you wanted to add your own shoulder sling type setup. Need a new gear bag myself though so can't advise on that.
  20. Pretty much the retailers the other guys have used. Although I wouldn't touch Zero One or Airsoft World after reading lots of reports of people having issues with them - However I'm sure there are people that haven't had any problems with them.
  21. Yeah about 20 quid off the DCS with all the pouches.
  22. Anyone been to UCAP Sandpit? Going this weekend, heard it's really good.

    1. BBrotherwood


      Its the only site I have played at so far. It's good fun though beware that individual games last a good 2-3 + hours.

    2. Josh95


      I havnt been yet, but definitely will be heading there at some point.

  23. Warrior DCS in OD and one of their duty belts as my army surplus one unclips too easily.
  24. Had a dream I bought a G&G SR-25. I think that means I have to get one

    1. b1n0gHo5t


      I'd hate to think where i'd end up if i ever acted upon one of my dreams

  25. There is a fobus left handed on tactical kit, it comes with a paddle which I assume is an interchangeable attachment like with the IMI holsters? The problem is the holster I've been using up until now is a spare one a friend lends me. However since getting a MOLLE belt it unclips the duty belt I used to loop the borrowed drop leg through. Decided I need to stop being stingy and purchase a good solution rather than spending the bare minimum and ending up with a solution I end up being dissatisfied with.
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