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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. A few things to consider: compressed air at that pressure is dangerous, there's no getting around that so a good quality unit is essential. A good quality compressor is expensive, this isn't which rings alarm bells for me (trust me, it really isn't expensive - my airbrush compressor only went to the hundreds of PSI and it cost three times as much as that). Needing to change cooling water every 30 minutes would be an issue for me, lack of any moisture trap concerns me too. I'd go with something more like this: https://www.uttings.co.uk/p130854-air-venturi-nomad-ii-4500-psi-portable-pcp-compressor-av-mcomp4500-2/#.YTHnp45KiHs
  2. Where'd you get the Aimpoint? I have an M14 it would look very at home on.
  3. AT LAST! Someone else that shares my view of Gervais. I was working up in York, years ago, one of the guys I was working with said "I like that Ricky Gervais, the more I learn about Reading, the funnier he is". Pretty much sums him up really (for the uninitiated, Reading is a shit hole, Gervais comes from Whitley which is the shittiest part of said hole).
  4. Turnigy S60 https://hobbyking.com/en_us/accuell-s60-ac-charger-uk-plug.html?wrh_pdp=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_gb_shopping&countrycode=GB&gclid=CjwKCAjwj8eJBhA5EiwAg3z0m8dxhcJW3kfWGwHSe3aQ4RZ2DHGLkr3Ca2v_G1ErceiahHhtZtmWkRoC5DMQAvD_BwE&___store=en_us or SkyRC S65 https://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/skyrc-s65-65w-6a-ac-balance-charger?gclid=CjwKCAjwj8eJBhA5EiwAg3z0m50ROGc3I6EQrpyXmamlISS4cLkI8u8he-BpAzP8VhXpKE8h7nMevhoCaSkQAvD_BwE Batteries 7.4v 2S or 11.1v 3S - Turnigy NanoTech, Vapex, Giant Power or if you're feeling flash, Titan Power LiIon https://www.airsoftanonymous.co.uk/pages/titan-power-collection-page
  5. I have a NBB Desert Eagle from way back when the gas went in the gun and the mag looked like a pez dispenser. Now THAT'S sad when you pull the trigger!
  6. Bin it and get a decent one. Get some LiPos while you're at it.
  7. Looks like earwax to me! Pretty sure Lukes "special blend" has man sauce in it.
  8. That's what I use for the piston slides. I use their LT2 grease for the actual gears https://www.amazon.co.uk/Abbey-Shotgun-Airsoft-Spring-Molybdenum/dp/B071FYQGLJ/ref=pd_bxgy_img_1/257-2017919-9316805?pd_rd_w=80UpA&pf_rd_p=c7ea61ca-7168-47e3-9c8b-d84748f5b23c&pf_rd_r=MPA4EXXRH2YD7V30JMT4&pd_rd_r=bcd4b62f-49cd-47e0-855a-fc297ef2a669&pd_rd_wg=4VEtA&pd_rd_i=B071FYQGLJ&psc=1
  9. Worth picking up some degreaser spray from Halfords too for getting rid of the earwax that most chinese manufacturers seem to use! This is from my JG G3:
  10. You don't want it too thick though. Gear grease needs to have a high shear strength but low enough viscosity to provide a lubricating film. High speed applications like airsoft guns (and power tools and the like) have very different needs than high stress, low speed applications that need a thicker grease. It also needs to not be so low viscosity that it flings off. (good examples here: https://www.nyelubricants.com/gearbox-grease-guide)
  11. Socom Gear M9A1 GBB pistol. It came with a nice Gemtech suppressor and looked good but it fit together like a dick in a shirt sleeve, had shocking gas efficiency and almost no discernible accuracy.
  12. Plastic on metal (piston rails etc) or plastic on plastic (such as pistol slides or tappet plates) - silicone grease Metal on metal (gears) - LT2 grease Personally I use Abbey grease products and WD40 Specialist products for silicone oil, Lithium grease etc (which can all be bought from Halfords).
  13. Mine only hurts when I'm going up stairs, getting up/sitting down that kind of stuff. Basically when the joint takes a lot of load. Years of mountain biking basically made the outer muscles in the thing develop more than the inner muscle so the kneecap gets pulled outwards by the tendons and it stops running in the little groove in your knee joint. Strengthening exercises for the inner thigh muscle pull it back in line and it stops hurting. The exercises suck balls but worth it.
  14. F2F would be best, I had my review on the phone with whoever was on triage at the time so it was more "I want to come off the pills", "OK, here's how you do it" than actually discussing what's happening. Thing is, I need to prove to myself if the pains are down to the sertraline or not and the only way to do that is come off it. If it goes when I'm off it (or even at a lower dose) then I'll be happy. I can either stay off it and develop better coping strategies or ask to go on a different drug.
  15. Well that's a bollocks excuse. Pretty much every game I play these days there's someone over 60 there! In fact, one of the guys I regularly plays with has just turned 60 and has a replacement hip. Gets about better than I do truth be told!
  16. Not yet. I'm coming off it slowly - half doses every other day for a few weeks, then just half doses etc... Going cold turkey though...oof. You have my sympathy! I've been on it at 50mg dose for about 5 yeras. Earlier this year I complained about being constantly tired (one of the other side effects) and was told "well maybe you're more stressed and that's why you're tired. Let's put the does UP to 100mg" and that was when I started developing the pain in my fingers and hands. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly "low mileage" and I know full well that there are pains I've had for a while, but the feeling in my fingers that my joints are trying to separate and not being able to grip things properly is definitely new. Your mileage may well vary of course, don't come off them "just in case" if you don't have those side effects yourself!
  17. I'm in the process of coming off of Sertraline because since going up to my current dosage I've been getting really painful joints. I've had a load of blood tests and stuff and the doctors are just "there's nothing there, it's probably arthritis...you are getting older Mr Brown" which to my mind is just getting me off their list for the day. Having done some reading and talked to lots of others on Sertraline it seems that it's not an uncommon side effect!
  18. Does it hurt all the time or only when you put load through it? Might be worth talking to an osteopath. My doctor said I had arthritis but it was actually runners knee - where the muscles in the thigh develop out of whack and pull the knee cap offline.
  19. Lozart

    CYMA P90

    Does the price include shipping and PayPal?
  20. So err....what happens when it rains?
  21. Personal taste is funny old thing. That stock made a bit of sick come up for me. Much like the gopping Hera arms M4 thing.
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