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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. How about one of these: http://jerkingthetrigger.com/2013/05/20/tareinco-chemlight-insert/

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    2. Esoterick


      The way I look at it is someone has to buy it so it might as well be me :)

    3. Lozart


      Yeah, but all those pesky little incidentals keep getting in the way, you know - mortgage, petrol.....food.

    4. two_zero


      you guys are the true heroes! keeping the economy going. put food on the table of airsoft store owners. making sure airsoft store owners can buy other stuff and put food on the table for other people. I lift my hat for you, keep spending!

  3. WAS Pistol Lanyard 3x ZCA 60rd gas/CO2 40mm shells Dytac precision shim set (to stop my M4 sounding like a cat in a blender) Magpul MS2 sling (clone)
  4. What was causing the stiff (fnarr) selector then? I just got a G&G SCAR-L for chrimbo and the selector is a little stiff on that.
  5. Nice! And handy for tenderising steak on the skirmish field!
  6. Through a winning combination of artistic prowess (I painted a guitar for someone - naked lady an' evryfink) and Xmas dosh I went shopping today.... Socom Gear M9A1 in tan with Gemtech silencer and a X-fire Xiphos torch copy doodad: (HB pencil - models own) plus my SCAR is wearing this seasons latest fashions... EGLM (D-Boys - it wasd a present) DYTAC QD tracer Cobra 551 Pirate Arms FTS 3x Magnifier It now weighs more than Guildford!
  7. Anyone ever used RSOV.com for parts?

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      I use them all the time, very good, reliable shop, they just have a shit website layout lol.

    2. Lozart


      Cool, ordered a new Dytac charging handle. Let's see how they they do!

  8. I honestly don't know what people see in that bloke. Never rated him as a guitarist. Anyway, currently this is on:
  9. Ians house, yesterday:
  10. Pantac do a replica of the black body armour: http://uk.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/Combat_Gear_Vests_Pantac_Body_Armor_Shell_Condura_Black_Hawk_Down_Version.htm
  11. Not sure if the dimensions for comparison but an Enola Gaye flash grenade (this one: http://www.enolagaye.com/thunderflash/flash-grenade/ ) fits quite nicely into the WAS 40mm grenade pouch. The bottom of the pouch is elasticated and the lid is adjustable via velcro down the back. It also has press studs in the lid so it's a bit more secure than a standard velcro clsoing pouch (I recently bought one of these: http://www.uktactical.com/p-7540-warrior-triple-40mm-grenade-coyote-tan.aspx )
  12. I need Coyote straps really but for the right price.....
  13. For that price would it not be worth a bottle of Dylon? I have a "warrior assault systems" search active on ebay for myself (hoping for a set of straps for my 901) so I'll shout you if anything pops up.
  14. Not EXACTLY what you were looking for but there's a Coyote set on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warrior-Assault-System-PLB-belt-system-with-Yoke-and-Pouches-in-Coyote-BNWOT-/321260139977?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item4acc98b5c9
  15. Wouldn't that make it hard to see where the enemy is?
  16. Of course these days it's me not the bike that has "downhill specific geometry"!
  17. If it helps I was a massive gear snob on my mountain bike back when whippy seat posts and shaving half a gramme off the weight of your cranks was de rigeur. Mind you, I've never owned an X5...
  18. How about a pair of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Impact-Sport-Electronic-Earmuff-Folding/dp/B001T7QJ9O/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=ZDKWC1MT561G&coliid=I1MVRFRHGMLWQJ they'll cut out the big bangs but you'll still hear speech as if you weren't wearing earmuffs!
  19. There is a facebook page for the Zed Adventures guys and I'm sure they would be very happy to get your feedback! I know what you mean that sometimes it can feel a bit stop/start but then equally I've had games where I've mostly been covering the length of the main concourse and pissed through 8 midcaps of suppressive fire! Whenever I've been there they have at least a couple of back to back games with no break other than to reverse the teams positions (apart from on the hottest day of the year where they wisely made sure everyone took enough breaks to prevent anyone keeling over from heat stroke!). I find the Thursday night games to be a lot more fast paced as they run them for less people - maybe you should try one of those too?
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