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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. You can get pouches that attach to the stock but they look awful.
  2. I know. I was doing comedy.
  3. Write it off as a lost cause and get a CYMA one from Taiwangun. Seriously though, what makes you think that a) it will magically stop working and that the motor is so unique? (genuine question by the way I've not seen the inside of the Star ones)
  4. The gun will only draw as much current as the resistance of the wiring will allow. That said, it would allow the gun to achieve it's fullest potential just before bursting into flames and taking the soul of his first-bown. I say do it and post the video once he gets out of the burns ward.
  5. This is all over FB. So bored of it now. No, the kid shouldn't have been a dick about burning the patch, no the guy shouldn't have full auto'd him with a ridiculous RoF gun. They're both dicks. In America. Where most airsofters appear to be either bullet proof kids or dicks. Or both.
  6. The main gearbox is basically standard other than the bit that flaps the ejection port cover back and forth. Most if not all of what you've read about AEG upgrades will hold true.
  7. Try something like this: http://www.fatbobspaintball.co.uk/paintball-clothing/paintball-jerseys/eclipse-hde-jersey-camo.html#.Vp_CEvmLSt8 It's padded in the chest, shoulders and arms. It won't STOP you getting welts but it may well help to mitigate them. There's trousers etc too. I get bleeders more than a lot of my mates, don't know why but there it is. I have a customer facing job so I try and make sure that if I know I have something coming up then I wear something more likely to give me protection. My UBACS (a Viper one) has fairly heavy cotton sleeves which help but I have taken the foam pads out as they make the arms stiff and I hate that. I run a WAS 901 chest rig with the back panel so I don't get too many hits there either but there's always going to be spots where you get hit that will welt up (side of the chest, inside the leg/arm). If it really is a serious health issue for you then maybe change your play style - use cover more effectively and simply try harder to not get shot.
  8. You may have picked the wrong forum for that It's all meant in good fun though so please don't take offence! A chest rig or plate carrier will help take the sting out of the centre mass hits but failing that you could look at a UBACS like the Viper one that has padding in the arms. Maybe a paintball shirt (I seem to remember some have quilted sleeves).
  9. Also worth mentioning that the sales of Snus is banned in the EU.
  10. Worth a read. http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/features/snus-tobacco-health-risks Tobacco. Not cool. Whatever your friends say.
  11. It's like he thinks this is new.... Skoal Bandits anyone?
  12. The HSGI ones have plastic moulded sides whereas the WAS ones just have stiff material. I've not had any issues with the WAS ones with re-inserting mags so I don't see it as an issue. One of the big problems I had was wanting a double rifle mag pouch because at the time WAS only did single ones. You can MOLLE them together but it's a MASSIVE ballache. About two weeks after I got the feeling back in my fingertips WAS released double rifle mag pouches. Grrrr. But yes, the main advantage is price. Don't skimp and buy the Chinese made ones as they really are crap.
  13. I've recently changed to all HSGI taco style mag pouches (the WAS ones cos they were in the sale). They're fast to use, don't make loads of noise and more importantly for me they can be reconfigured from STANAG to AK to 7.62 in seconds meaning I don't have to have loads of different pouches or alternative loadouts for different weapon platforms. All round win.
  14. M14 am bestest DMR. SL8 would be cool but tricky/expensive to get the parts. I seem to remember you can get a kit to turn a G36 into one but I don't know if any one does a whole one off the shelf anymore. If you go AUG get the one with the long barrel and funky .50 cal style flashhider!
  15. I like it. I don't feel the need to replicate load outs so I just wear what I like the look of. All my load bearing kit is Coyote Tan which makes for an....interesting look. I like it though.
  16. That sounds like making problems for the sake of it. Stick with the G&G and deal with whatever that throws up.
  17. I'm currently using Kryptek Typhon (copy) trousers with either black or grey shirts and a black and grey fleece. Works pretty well for me.
  18. Not sure how sturdy they are as I've only ever used Lonex flash mags but you could try these: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-ak-abs-500rnd-flash-magazine
  19. ATACS LE isn't intended for concealment though. As with black it's supposed to be imposing and make a show of force. If it's dark then any colour other than day-glo will work. If your CQB is a built up area then I'd go for the more neutral colours like grey or RG. If "CQB" means some buildings on a farm then something with a bit more green in to blend in with the plant life (flowers and shit, not the rental players).
  20. Or you could get a QD one that goes over the existing flash hider.
  21. No idea, never tried it. The SCAR nozzle is longer if I remember correctly.
  22. The G&G SCAR gearbox isn't a totally standard V2 box. The ambidextrous fire selector is driven by gears mounted on the outside and the nozzle is an odd length too. The hop unit is proprietary and is screwed in place. I recently fitted a BTC Spectre to mine and while it is broadly the same there are some ...special... tweaks as I say.
  23. Just be careful to wipe off the excess epoxy before it sets though, too much and the handle won't slide properly.
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