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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. i dont think you can as there is no mark of quality on them. I bought mine from an established RC model shop in the hope that they would stock the genuine thing and not knock off copies.
  2. G&G combat series. The model choice is yours. They should virtually all meet your criteria.
  3. Zombies ! Isnt that airsoft where the enemy dont shoot back and you feel good about yourself because they are dead already ? lol I dont know of any regular sites which do routine zombie games and allow you to use your own guns. We have one in Essex that operates out of the secret nuclear bunker but make you use their spring shotguns and charge £90 for two hours. The best thing is to scan the events groups and wait for one to rise up.
  4. In that case FWIW I would not buy any airsoft weapons yet, play three games, get UKARA and then go for a RIF. A Sniper rifle is a bad first gun and needs a lot of money spent to get them anywhere decent. Take time to find out what playing style appeals most.
  5. If you post a photo up, some knowledgeable member will no doubt be able to advise.
  6. Im struggling a bit with this. Are you saying you dont have a rail at all at the moment or are you try to extend the railed real estate on your rifle ?
  7. With two games behind us and now the third at a new site to Okto looming, things are beginning to warm up. Eversley is very different to the Kings Langley site and with the summer growth in full swing, its starting to look more like the Ho Chi Minh trail than Hampshire. Many of our regulars are following us to Eversley and they expect something a little different. Eversley has more structures than the woodland of Kings Langley and also offers us a village for the first time. The Prime Minister of Moldistan has already announced plans to do a walkabout and make an inspirational speech to the people at the village of Tsiara. The rebels are silent and the government forces now aided by the west are nervously touching their rifle butts, feeling the pressure of having to provide security for such a HVT. The game is adequately filled although we always operate with a max and min number system, so we can squeeze a few more players in. There will be the usual props as used in previous games, including our signature vehicles, plus there will be a few new ones. If youre growing a bit tired of the same old skirmish games, come and join us.
  8. A sensible set of questions and you obviously have an analytical mind. Unfortunately, I cant stand the Bullpup design and dont own any, so can't give you a review. I do have a 416 though and am a little mystified by your weight/balance comment. Mine is quite well balanced and was quite manageable until I loaded it up with furniture. If you find a metal rifle like a 416/M4 heavy, have you looked at polymer based rifles ? either the plastic versions of real steel rifles like the M4 or replicas that are polymer in real life i.e. UMP Unfortunately, there aren't that many bullpup designs to choose from in airsoft and your budget will make it even more restrictive. The L85 is probably the most common and there have been a number of posts on here about the merits of the different models. The Steyr is another and the Real Sword 97B is probably one of the best (and most expensive). Good luck in your search.
  9. Homework for you. Read all of the links contained here and it should answer a lot of your questions http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  10. I think youve broken the duck. Why would you want to buy mags from Hobbyking ? Why dont you just buy some G&G mags - at least you know they should work. Theres plenty of choice if you have a google.
  11. if you are less than 18, you can only have two tone, Many sites allow players to play from 13 up and there are plenty of two tone weapons at most skirmish sites (except for some that dont allow them). Do your research and have fun.
  12. Because you dont need a radio amateur operators licence or need to change the antenna on the Baofeng. Perhaps Ive missed your point.
  13. No youve missed the point completely. Lets put it a different way. Legally speaking, you have two radio choices. Buy PMR446 radios and accept the short range. OR Buy a Baofeng or similar, apply for the licence which allows you to use the business light frequencies and costs £75 and accept that while you have better range, you cant communicate with anybody who has a PMR446 radio. I have both and just field whatever I need to get the job done.
  14. Play some games first and rent until you know enough to see if you like it. To get a reasonable starter gun, you will need to invest around £150. Dont be conned into buying a cheap two tone plinker which is designed as a garden toy.
  15. The link you put up is just for the mic I think. The only decent Bowman on the market is the real thing. The Z Tac stuff is fine if you accept that the quality is not great and it tends to break quite quickly, but its cheap. It really depends what you want and much of a problem it is if you lose comms during a game.
  16. I thought Id covered all those points. PMR446 describes eight specific frequencies whilst Baofeng is just a make of radio which has the ability to cover a huge range of frequencies including those eight specific frequencies in the PMR446. I accept your point about OFCOM but if people ask for radio advice I have to point out that its illegal to use a radio like the Baofeng. If the players that you are playing with use PMR446, then you can communicate with them with another PMR446 compatible radio. If they use a Baofeng or similar non PMR446, they may or may not be using them illegally, depending on licence and what frequency they are operating on. Without a licence, you will definitely be using it illegally.
  17. Z Tac is not up to much. £20 for a throat mic is really cheap. Its fine if you just want it for looks. If you want reliable comms for airsoft, be prepared to pay a lot more.
  18. Try Ebay. You can order them from a HK supplier for about £40 although I havent closely compared the specs. Also check the HW site on Ebay because that might be a little cheaper.
  19. Baz JJ

    Time limit

    Look at the Q&A page on the UKARA website Q. Due to service commitments I cannot play enough times when at home on leave to qualify. A. The time period over which you have to play your 3 games is at the discretion of the participating game site providing the 3 games are not played in a time that is less than 2 months, the maximum time period is 12 months.
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