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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Oh sorry I meant to add that there is now a community group on Facebook called Zoro XM Lizard Lounge and the first event will go live at midnight on Halloween.
  2. The plan is for the game to run from 8pm on the Friday night until 4pm on the Sunday but you live in game all weekend. Friday night is planning, briefing and chilling and is optional (players can rock up for the Saturday morning start if they want and forego the Friday evening). You have to pre-book (no walk on's) and you cant just play for a day. Its been described as GTA for airsoft and it has a definite comic flavour with larger than life characters; think SWAT meets Batman villain.
  3. Game date and location coming - TBA it seems
  4. This is a new airsoft game launched by Filmsim Ltd who run the Cold War and WW2 airsoft games. Looks different again ? sorry to link to a Facebook page but there is no website. https://www.facebook.com/Zoro-XM-185797221756770/
  5. Check with your site. Its open to interpretation. The point is to force minors to have to protect their teeth, etc. Some sites will accept eye pro and a mesh lower mask and others view it as a one piece.
  6. I love H&K and have a G&G Top Tech MP5SD that was my first RIF. Ive just succumbed to the MP5 Kurz which Ive bought for "vehicle" work. Ive ordered the JG one so we will see how good it is for the money.
  7. I was at the milsim lite game at Gunman in Tuddenham yesterday and wrote a review with a few photos.
  8. Gunman Airsoft and its sister company Filmsim collectively run three levels of milsim; Gunman Milsim Lite, Gunman Milsim and the Filmsim Themed Milsims. Today I went to the Milsim Lite game at Tuddenham-St-Mary near Mildenhall in Suffolk. It was my first time at Gunman Tuddenham and I was impressed. I had read a lot about the site on the Internet, but many of the reports didn't do it justice. Its probably the smallest of the Gunman sites, but that old saying about the best things coming in small packages, is spot-on !! The site is surrounded by farmland and is as rural as it gets. It's just a few miles off the A11 and once you pass through the little village of Tuddenham-St-Mary, its well signposted down a concrete farm track, past a free range pig farm. The site is located on part of RAF Tuddenhall, an old WW2 Lancaster bomber airfield which closed in 1963. The runways and dispersal pens used to be located north of the Cavenham road coming out from from the village and all sign of it has long gone, the land being returned to agriculture. Gunman Tuddenham is located on the accomodation part of the airfield, south of the Cavenham road, where over 2000 people were housed during the war. Today, the safe zone and shop is situated in the old generator house. The site has a great assembly of old buildings including a dozen or so barrack buildings and there really is something for everybody. It has concrete roads, off road tracks, woodland and open areas for longer range shooting and sniping. The area is also used for pheasant shooting, so the site is a little smaller in the open season. I was expecting the site to be much smaller today as the open season started on October 1st but I didn't think it was affected much. Milsim Lite is the Gunman entry step to the milsim world. To my eyes, it was like a normal skirmish with limited ammo except medic rules were used, which meant that team mates could "regen" their buddies using bandages to get them back into the game. Although all types of players are welcomed including youngsters, owners of two tone airsoft weapons and players using hi-cap magazines, there was also an air of the tactical and players were discouraged from long bursts of full auto in favour of more surgical, ammo-consuming, exchanges of fire. There were some good games and fighting through the buildings looked great fun, especially the knife kills. We were blessed with great weather today, but when the weather starts to turn for winter, at least this site has its fair share of cover from the elements. There is a reasonable amount of car parking next to the old generator hall, free tea and coffee and a portaloo round the back. There is also a fully stocked shop, plenty of player bench space inside the hall and Doug the Gunman Manager even performed open heart surgery on a players G36 which was shooting too hot for the game, so he could join in !!! Although not milsim, Gunman are planning a halloween night game in a few weeks, with survivors, freaks and other assorted ghouls to fight your way through including a guest appearance by the chain saw wielding gimp !!
  9. Went to play at a one day milsim at this site yesterday. Gunman Airsoft operate four sites (Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Suffolk and Norfolk) and their Norwich (Norfolk) site has just re-opened after some forest management work. Its located at Stratton Strawless which is very close to Norwich Airport (plenty of overflying helos provided free of charge). Its a 60 acre woodland site criss-crossed with tracks, which unfortunately were a bit boggy even though we havent had much rain. Gunman operate intermediate and light milsim games while their Filmsim arm operates the longer theme based ones. This game was of the intermediate variety so although armbands werent used, they werent so strict on loadouts and you could use highcaps. There were no breaks between STARTEX and ENDEX, medic rules were in use with bandages and there were ammo restrictions. The facilities at Norwich are basic; they have tea/coffee, genny power and a portaloo. Parking is good with a private off road car park behind gates. Yesterdays game was about a government force and a rebel force in a former soviet state. It involved rebels trying to find some very old stored Weapons of Mass Destruction to discredit the government and the government trying to prevent the embarassment and bad publicity. The game flowed well and Gunman had journalists and weapons scientists popping in and out of the game and the teams had to escort and protect them as well as managing developing situations and intel. Radios were used quite heavily in the game and it was quickly discovered that those with PMR446 radios struggled with range. The site is boxed by minor roads so the rebel team were inserted by vehicle at the start of the game. There are features on the site like a fuel dump, a rather interesting woodman's toilet and a satellite installation. The use of maps and grid references tested some of the players who were new to milsim, but it wasnt a problem as these games are intended more as an introduction to those who either dont want to go "full-on" in the milsim world or who are learning the ropes in order to attend some of the more demanding milsim games. The props provided by Gunman were good. The WMD were very convincing and tents and bashas were erected for the game to provide camps and cover in the event of inclement weather. The Weather was about 18 degrees C and dry so not needed in the end, but they made a good location for scoff and reloads. Gameplay was good, hit taking excellent. At one point the journalist had been inserted to take photos of the WMD to allow him to spread the news on world media. Job done, he and his rebel protectors were bounced by government troops and a firefight ensued. Frightened and with his escort dead or wounded, he ran for it, escaping his pursuers. 2m from the border, a government guard stepped out of the bushes and forced him to delete his camera memory - BUSTED.. Walk on price was £30 Advance price (secured by a £15 deposit) is £25. They are also holding Gunman skirmishes on this site and the next milsim game is in a months time.
  10. Playing up at Gunman Norwich this weekend. Anybody else playing ?
  11. Im going up to play at the Norwich site on Saturday, They have a one day milsim on. http://www.gunmanforum.com/index.php?showtopic=13512
  12. lol Yeah, the Go Ped version is a bit harder to spot. I just lack the USD4000 to own one.
  13. My latest project for me to use in milsims is an affordable equivalent to the Go-Ped Knightrider which is used by the military to get special forces or airborne troops to the front line. My version matches the Go-peds speed (19-20mph) although its range is only about half at 12 miles. Both are foldable and can be vehicle transportable or air droppable. The tactical Go-Ped has Lithium Ion Polymer batteries which makes it a little lighter at 30Kg total weight (Mine came with Sealed Lead Acid batteries and weighs 40Kg with the batteries onboard).
  14. Yes Ive got one as well. Great SMG
  15. The Flyye one has the velcro wraps for hydration hose and radio cables. The best thing is to talk to Military 1st to investigate sizing. I think they only stock the M size though which is representative of the 6094A. If you look at the real LBT 6094, they do indeed have the 6094B and 6094C which are larger but the "real steel" are a lot more money.
  16. yeah my 6094 has velcro shoulder pads that go round the top straps. You can just open these, put the upperr of the rifle sling along the PC strap and the. close the shoulder pad around both.
  17. TBH the 1450mAH type are fine for most rifles - they are thin and should last for a game. I charge mine up the night before the game with a simple LIPO charger, then after the game check what life is in them with a capacity meter. I store them in a fire bag at around 50 pct charge until I need them again. If I have any that are charged but unused, I just plug them into my meter until they run down to about 50 pct. Never store them fully charged or under about 40%. All my LIPOs puffed because of that and I disposed of them because I no longer trusted them.
  18. I think I have nearly all the different optics in one form or other. My favourite is the ACOG or the Raytheon ELCAN - I find the magnification really useful in long range airsoft use and if you shoot with both eyes open, you keep good peripheral vision. To get decent quality on an ACOG, you will provably need to spend a bit more, I would just stay with ironsights until I had enough to buy a reasonable one.
  19. I find that a 4x optic is really good in woodland for spotting movement and faces in foliage.
  20. One of the guys who played at our last milsim game had one crack on him in his gun case and the Retailer had to repair it under warranty. Apparently, they are very brittle metal ?? It put me off buying one.
  21. I dont like keeping batteries in tin boxes. Chance of a short is remote but I prefer plastic boxes. Lipos normally come in a plastic box which clips shut and I use these for transit.
  22. Minimal but unplug it until Sunday to be on the safe side.
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