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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Maybe. Some retailers reject claims on the smallest of things including not using their preferred brand of BBs. Many will argue you shouldnt need to open an AEG up at all in tne warranty. Hop adjustments are external and a barrel clean is non obtrusive. Its worth reading the small print first. If it turns out he cant fix it or makes it worse, he might end up with a bill. If youre right great, but just a word of caution.
  2. Sounds like a hop problem. I seem to remember reading that some G&Gs had a batch problem with their hop installs. If its under warranty, take it back. Tampering will invalidate your warranty.
  3. Bloody hope so otherwise theres no point, You can adjust it. Also it has QD connectors so you can leave the attachments on the rifle and just connect it to the sling when needed.
  4. Union Jack Airsoft Ebay no 121722047007 Its got Bungee so you can stretch it up to an aiming position without it hanging round your knees at rest and the attachments are shrouded to stop them scoring your gun with use.
  5. I guess you want a two pointer. Bought one for the Raider recently. Just trying to find the link.
  6. Have you tried the CO2 mags for the M9 ? AW sells them also and they offer sub 350fps in any temperature.
  7. Ive ordered a Blackhawk Omega 6 for my SIG 226 as it was a good price. Will see how that works out.
  8. If you buy it in the UK it should be below 350fps. Were the references you saw to higher fps on US websites by any chance ?
  9. Yes but tneir inference is that if you buy the WE holster for their SIG226, then its made to measure and will fit whereas anything else is a gamble. Just wondered if anybody had proved or disapproved the claim ?
  10. Up to you but if you dont get a holster that fits, then you will have the same problem. Good holsters are expensive until you drop or worse still, lose your pistol. I dropped a pistol from a cheap holster when I started and its never worked properly since. One thing Ive discovered is its much easier to get holsters for SIGs and Glocks. The SIG P226 is my go-to weapon and it might also fit the bill for your son. Worth adding to the mix.
  11. As an aside, anybody have any experience of the WE Nuprol holsters ? Cheeky buggers suggest that WE pistols dont fit conventional holsters so you need to buy theirs.
  12. Try Brittac (British Tactical) in Hainault for the raw materials.
  13. Nick, my understanding from the description is that the pouches are fixed, but the flap overs which secure the contents are affixed by velcro alone.
  14. is there a name or brand on the vest ?
  15. Thanks can only see a Molle based one for about £30 on there at the moment. Seems to be Blackhawk but cant identify the exact model. Looks like a molle pad thigh rig with a holster that attaches via quick release molle.
  16. Really ? do you remember which Ebay supplier ?
  17. Got a photo ?? How are the pouches connected to your vest ?
  18. out of interest, what holster is he using ?
  19. If I were looking for a leg rig for real steel, I would go for a Safariland, but I'm not spending US$200+ on a holster just for airsoft. Blackhawk SERPA is still too expensive for my budget although I might stretch to the Omega 6. Lets face it, in real steel terms, anything less than £60 is budget product, but what are peoples experiences with leg rigs under £60 in terms of mags being accidently released and scuff damage to the finish of the gun ?? Can anybody recommend a rig under £60 which holds the pistol securely, without damaging it or triggering its releases ?? P.S E.T.A - I'm not unduly worried about QD holsters - a second or so to unbutton retainers isn't going to make much difference to me.
  20. Sounds like the problem might be the holster then rather than the pistol.
  21. Thanks for your replies. Am going with ironsights for a while with a view to fitting an optic at a later date. All input stored and will be used - cheers.
  22. I love pistols and have quite a few. If you are looking for compact and light (assuming your son is not huge in the way that some 15 year olds can be), I'd go for the TM. There are a few compact pistols but I would suggest one of the Glocks or the S&W. I've got the latter (hate Glocks styling - sorry) and its ideal for a youngster. Unfortunately it sounds like you are being seduced by different modern styling and thats really understandable - buying pistols is a bit like buying shoes. I love the H&K and have a USP which is one of my favourites. They are quite big though - obviously a TM wont be heavy. I've just ordered a WE M9 and its big and heavy which I love - totally unsuitable for your son I suspect. I agree with the others - TM Glock (providing you like the styling).
  23. Talking about the public being jittery, I saw traders selling toy MP5s at War and Peace for £10. Close up they were smaller than the real thing and had an orange tip, but one father adminished his two sons for "shooting" people in the queue. No one takes any notice at W&P but I wonder what those eight year olds will be doing with those in the school holidays. On a lighter note, it did amuse me to see three slightly older kids having a mock battle with their M4s in the foreground of the WW2 renactment battle. Fighting that close to a Sherman was probably too good an opportunity to miss.
  24. The ATV mask needs some additiinal inserts and modification. The others offer protection as is but are rigid and not so comfortable. Look up Emerson. http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/__72740__Emerson_Neoprene_Hard_Foam_Half_Face_Mask_Multicam_.html
  25. Like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/ATV-Tek-Series-Rider-Universal/dp/B003FKNAGS
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