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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Wouldn't act fast enough, also you'd dry out your eyes and would keep trying to add that vapour back as you weep at what a poor choice you've made.
  2. Good luck. I'm still waiting for those Redline IGLs they said would be in stock 3 weeks ago, heh.
  3. Oh and if you're looking for places to get them then Socom Tactical and The Grange stock all three.
  4. Paste. Lasts longer (not the effects, but the actual amount of product you get is enough for more applications). Here's the last thread on this: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27833-anti-fog/ Also something I've seen a lot of people do: Don't buff it too much or you won't leave that thin 'film' you want on the lenses.
  5. Well, just don't be 'that guy' with the hi-cap maracas HPA setup. The EPMs are very nice and hold 150rds each, feels a lot better than having rattling magazines every time you shoot. Tapping can tricky depending on valve location. Keep the PSI at around 60 then creep it up to 80 (which is around where you need to be). Get a CQB Russian valve, depends on the brand as to which one you need.
  6. It shouldn't really because it's not the output valve that's fully responsible for shutting off the gas - the reason you'd put a 150% hammer spring in is to be able to actually depress the output valve enough under higher pressures in Nuprol 3.0, 4.0, Guarder Powerful, HPA etc. That's why I'm wondering.
  7. Wait, it wouldn't cycle with the higher tension hammer spring? That's curious.
  8. WE and G&G being some decent examples of decent AEGs not necessarily meaning decent GBBRs (though some of the WE stuff is ok).
  9. Yeh, you gotta be committed to your gun if you're going gas. Lots of maintenance on the older systems and magazines plus many of them requiring significant upgrading to get them functioning right. Then there's the issue of the winter and having to consider CO2 or an HPA tapped magazine for it to perform well. Also there's the cost of gas itself - propane is a cheaper option, but certainly lots of green gasses can get expensive. Personally I love them and haven't owned an AEG in years but I'd caution anyone thinking of getting into it all the same. They can be more expensive to run (not all of them, but as a rule of thumb) to begin with: If I were starting today I'd certainly go down the route of Tippmann (their gen 2 is coming out soon™) or GHK as those are the newest and most efficient systems out there. GHK in particular are very nice looking guns and their magazines are the best in the business right now. HPA is - I think - a better call if you have the money. The upfront costs are pretty astronomical for something with blow back (e.g. Escort or Daytona Gun) or even the rig just so you can HPA tap an existing GBBR, but getting a whole Scuba tank refilled for £3.50 is great. Not having the worry of winter looming is also good. Again though, cash is the limiting factor as it is with many things in airsoft. Spend as much as you're comfortable with, but I'd say set aside as much as £500 for a GBBR with the magazines, gas and all that.
  10. WGC are having a clear out: http://www8.wgcshop.com/wgcadm/2015_clearance_sale/2015_780.html
  11. Yup, you'll be fine. I'd consider the Fairy power spray first and about an hour of scrubbing - that'll get almost all of it off. Takes a long time, but it's worth it for the results - you could use wet and dry but that tends to be less effective though you'll get quicker results.
  12. I agree, and that is basically my exact issue with the status quo regarding pyros though: There're very few safety measures in place and just because someone hasn't been seriously hurt so far and kicked up a big fuss doesn't mean they won't. As you say, it'll only take one insurer to get cold feet and the rest will follow suit.
  13. One could easily say the same about the LDS.
  14. Just do what The Young Ones did. Lowers the council tax.
  15. Hey, he's not boasting about it. And he certainly hasn't got the sites he plays at clearly advertised on his profile.
  16. That is a pretty good deal. The mark up in the UK is very high compared to the rest of Europe.
  17. Yup. You will need a defence though and it will be checked. AFAIK, the only one accepted by UK Border Force is a UKARA player number, and this must be tied to the address on the package and made clearly visible on the package. If you bring it in on your person then you will obviously need to clear that with the airline or ferry company you're using and also declare it at the border and have your defence ready. If it's 2-toned then the same rules apply but you don't need that defence - I've honestly never heard of anyone going through such hassle though and I imagine it's probably not worth it as you'd still have to declare it and probably be told by the airline that it can't be transported. Buy a 2-toned G&G or ICS or something. Given that you said you were looking for one in 2-tone, I'd imagine you don't have a UKARA number presently. My suggestion would be to get one because it's a huge hassle without one and importing certainly isn't possible. You can have one disassembled and sent to you, but again you need a valid defence to assemble it (i.e. you play airsoft, which I assume you do given the fact that you have all the camo). Final alternative is getting one second hand in the UK which may yield more results. Many sellers will accept site membership or receipts or whatever as a valid defence.
  18. Er, on a serious note let's just remember that a valid defence isn't clarified but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. Again, I've been without UKARA for going on two years now but I keep a copious record of my attendances just in case. If you're reading this in two years time and you've just started airsoft then firstly, well done for getting the search to work in IPB. Secondly, if airsoft isn't banned already then don't be naughty - have a defence. There - our disclaimer is done.
  20. I mean technically it's still manufacturing an RIF I guess but who cares really. Just don't go boasting about it to anyone.
  21. The tan is pretty cool against the OD too. Not sure if any companies are doing a repro of the new LLMs yet. I'm finishing up my M870 build which has been nothing but a pain. Still the cylinder to troubleshoot and lots of external bits like the sling mount and sling in the post, but had it mostly assembled anyway so put it together: Happy with the results so far.
  22. You're right, and no one has their knickers in a twist - this is a straight up debate. We all operate slightly in a grey area in airsoft anyway and I don't think we should do anything to push that. It's nice for you to drag this down to a bit of personal level that these forums healthily tend to avoid though. I would like to state again that I see no harm in these being used if the law is updated, but right now they're at best unclassified and at worst highly illegal. Again, civil discourse man - get on board; there needs to be two sides or we're just circlejerking. The real issue is the laws around fin stabilisation as Lozart says - there are plenty of mortar rounds that use fin stabilisation and have generally been fine, but this doesn't mean they're protected - the TAG rounds don't use this but that doesn't truly explain why insurers don't go for them. Again, the law needs a serious update on this because these TAG rounds have the ability to be far more prevalent than the higher tech pyros we see at the larger sites and events where they're being properly moderated and operated by people who know what they're doing. As noted in that thread, most retailers aren't even stocking the pyrotechnic rounds anymore because of legal concerns around 'CE' markings - the explosive ones shouldn't even be in the EU by all accounts as of two years ago. It's quite possible that has now changed. I just worry things could get a little out of control on the pyrotechnic front as people bring more and more money into airsoft every year. Because that's the real limiting factor right now and why you don't see these things everywhere - they're expensive to run. This is a serious topic and not one that's brought up enough.
  23. Because a TAG round is a launched explosive missile that's actually illegal in the hands of your average joe, not classified as your regular firework and a grenade is a pyrotechnic (that is governed under the same laws as fireworks) and is legal. I'm not saying that makes sense, but that's how it is to insurers. This shouldn't need explaining - it's obvious from an insurers point of view and that's my point. Edit for further reading There was a thread on Arnies that a few people who frequent this forum will remember too. As far as I'm concerned, I think the whole launched projectiles things needs clarification. As it stands, explosive projectiles like TAG are one headline away from having serious consequences on the game we all love. Imagine a 14 year old getting hit by one and having even the slightest burns on their face - that would be going straight to the Daily Mail. tl;dr Kinetic or 'marker' ones are fine, but the explosive ones you see advertised in videos are most certainly not. I love the concept (never seen one used outside of YouTube videos), but we need to tread carefully.
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