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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Also, PDI are doing free shipping for a while! http://www.x-fire.org/etop/01.html
  2. Yeh. Technically it's where the bit that contacts the BB ends (just like a real barrel and bullet), but realistically people just refer to the whole tapered edge as 'the crown'. Probably not the best example as this barrel is basically crowned twice (the whole front being recessed slightly), but hey you get the idea. The firearms definition is very clear that the crown is where the bore ends though.
  3. Short answer: Don't. Sniper rifles are made to certain tolerances and upgrading just one part of the whole propulsion system is going to have a knock-on effect. The sears and spring guide need upgrading too if you're putting a new spring in. Really I'd say don't worry all that much. Your hop and barrel has far more to do with range (as discussed in this thread) with a stock gun than the speed at which it leaves the barrel. Get those right first and then work on upgrading your power source. You'll get good range out of 450fps so long as everything is set up correctly.
  4. Crowing is basically finishing the end of the barrel. On airsoft barrels this is generally a tapered edge that can start as far as 15mm before the end of the barrel. It won't mess with the airflow that way and screw up your hop. The crown is there to stop the actual barrel from getting damaged - on a flat edge this would be easy, but as the contact edge is recessed into the barrel by a few millimetres it's not going to get beaten up. Specifically the crown is actually where the inner barrel (where it's contacting the BB) ends and the tapering starts. Also, a lot of people that cut their barrels do it horribly with something like a hacksaw and leave burrs and rough edges that are going to mess with that airflow as well.
  5. I dunno. Check our his blog entries and other tweets. That boy 'aint right.
  6. This 100 times. A lot of the time the response will be 'it's what the last guy told me I should do'.
  7. Not just a uniform it'd seem. Twitter Link Redacted - Moderator November 12. Edit Bipolar as well apparently. I kinda feel sorry for the chap now.
  8. Na. He made a post back in July as Scarathe linked. He knew what reaction he'd get - it's just a troll.
  9. Good time to switch to a reputable brand like Guarder Powerful.
  10. Hm, alright. This is GCSE-level physics though man - there are unfortunately no opinions. Beyond hop I don't see how you'd do this. Suppressor maybe as discussed in the other thread? This is less about purposeful cheating and more about unconscious Joule creep, but I think you got that
  11. How about 0.85g Full Metal Jacket? http://begadishop.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21_427_46&products_id=7629
  12. You need to go back and read what I've typed as I think wires are significantly crossed here. You are not at all disagreeing with me - I am, as I said, not talking about 'crono cheating'. We are talking about how to stop Joule creep. I'm also not sure where Newtons third law comes into this?
  13. Sure, with a .20g it might not, but when you're shooting that same muzzle energy with heavier weights their energy degrades much slower. This is why a lot of people thing those using heavier weights are cheating because it carries that energy for longer and hits harder at longer ranges than a lighter BB that had the same energy leaving the barrel. There are a few nuances here it would be unfair to ask people to understand, but one thing is for sure: Joule creep does exist and the current way of crono'ing doesn't allow for it. If I were shooting 400fps instead of 350fps would you be annoyed? I sure would. Any half-decent eye protection is rated much higher that anything we shoot at it, but fair point. Thing is, measuring muzzle energy rather than fps goes a way to mitigating hot guns better than anything we have now. There is the issue of energy conservation from heavier weights, but you're never going to solve that through any way other than banning heavy weights (which some CQB sites do). Edit This might help to understand why people use heavier weights of BB: tl;dr, at 1.49J (still above site limits but just as an example figure), 0.43g BBs hold their energy for far longer than the rest so will go further. Ignore yellow as it's an 8mm BB so air resistance screws it over.
  14. You don't crono at 350fps - that's the point you're missing. You crono at 1.14J by calculating the muzzle energy from the speed and weight. 350fps with a .20g BB is around 1.14J. Want to use .30g? No problem, you use the chart and find what speed a .30g should be going if it's to have a muzzle energy of 1.14J; that's around 285fps (see below). Edits for clarity (I hope) Sniper rifle? Ok, if we crono 500fps on .20g we get 2.32J. Because of Joule creep, the liklihood that will stay at 2.32J when you switch to your .38g 'sniping BBs' is slim. You could now be shooting above 2.32J, and that's more than is allowed. This is because (and this is simplified to the max) air or propane or whatever propellant you're using has more time to transfer energy to the BB as it takes longer to travel down the barrel. So what if we crono'd your gun with the .38g BBs you want to use? Well, we need to aim for 2.32J; about 360-365fps. Now you're going to always be shooting at 2.32J - no creep. If there's any creep at all from switching down on weights then it'll be negative, so you might end up shooting at 2.20J or less.
  15. Even if you don't break the seal, water has a use-by date because of the photographic degradation of the bottle releases trace amounts of plastic into the water. I see what you mean though. As Sp00n says, no one can make a biodegradable dense enough for above .30s right now. The Green Devil guy/distributor Graham confirmed that when I asked him this year.
  16. Joule creep is a phenomenon caused my cronoing at .20 and capping the speed of the projectile rather than using the weight you would be for the game and calculating muzzle energy. They don't use .20s to crono with because it's accurate; they use it because it's quick and easy for people to understand (though if you ask me it actually confuses people more by making them inadvertently think they can use heavier weights to cheat the cronograph - see a inevitable thread that arises every month with someone asking if they can use .28s to bring their gun within site limits). If we had people cronoing their heaviest weight and getting the muzzle energy from that then even if they do switch to lighter BBs then the muzzle energy is never going to exceed what the crono'd with. I don't quite understand what you're saying though as it seems you've got 'crono-cheating' with heavier weights and muzzle energy calculation muddled up. I won't go into it but Google it if you're unsure. jcheese is right though. There's no easy solution beyond some sort of Joule chart and educating players. It's hard enough to get people to understand what '350fps' really means (i.e. a muzzle energy of around 1.15J) - let alone explaining Joule creep. Ultimately though there are people running around out there with sniper rifles firing the equivalent of 550fps because sites don't crono on the weight they'll be using - this is no fault of the player, but it is an issue. Not a big one, but it's there. Really though we need a shift towards making people understand what muzzle energy is and throwing this fps nonsense out of the window. It's a tiny bit more of a strain on the beginner but it means readings will be far more accurate and everyone will pick it up in the same way they pick up how hop works. Like you say, jcheese, a chart like this attached to the crono is not a huge amount of effort.
  17. Yeh, I can see that happening a lot of the time. My L96 doesn't move much at all, but my M249 does significantly.
  18. Agreed. This is exactly why I think sites should make the effort to crono on the weight people will be using rather than .20s all the time.
  19. I think this has already been said, but 100m is basically unattainable in the UK. A lot of people look overseas where FPS limits can be higher for milsim ops and see people running HPA systems that will reach out that far and then think they can replicate that here. With a 350fps AEG even with a good hop you're probably not going over 60m. A 500fps sniper rifle with the right ammo and a good bucking? You might get close to 100m. .30s, a good hop and an HPA system is really the only chance you stand of getting a consistent hit at 60m. Ultimately though it doesn't matter. The sites are quite small here most of the time and 100m engagement distances are rare because any good site owner knows that's beyond the maximum effective range of what everyone is using.
  20. I certainly don't have a problem with anyone wearing what they want. Ultimately, it's just a uniform and I can see why someone might appreciate German engineering and tailoring to the extend that they would want to wear it. What I don't get is why there is now a thread identical to this on ZeroIn and here and how he's already told us about his SS uniform back in July. I come on here to talk about shooting people with toy gats. Not get my jimmies rustled goddammet.
  21. This shit again? Just post some toy guns for christ sake.
  22. Welcome Just for future reference: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/148-how-to-attach-pictures/ It's stickied in this very sub-forum.
  23. The best bit was someone offering him 12 keys for it.
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