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Everything posted by Namaco

  1. Whel... Saturday's woodlands was slightly boring, not many people but heey managed to meet some fellow Polish people :D I wonder how many people got annoyed at us when we kept on shouting

    1. two_zero


      shouting in foreign language just means you're badass.

    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      We often have polish visitors from the UK and across Ireland at my local too, they tend to have pretty sweet russian loadouts and tricked out Inokatsu/early LCT AKs.


      Lotso f fun playing with those guys but communicating is hard since I only understand the polish words that are sort of similar to ukranian :P

  2. Aand tomorrow off I go with my two friends to TWA Woodlands :3 Yet another fun to come

  3. Aftermath of a full day skirmish? Oh the muscle pain is irritating x'D

    1. evilfree


      Ah yes dont you just love Mondays after a day of Skimishing


    2. Namaco


      Worse, I work on Sundays and I had to go work day after the skirmish xD

  4. Well as promised and luckily the site had some pictures going, here is me in my current loadout :3 Problem now I face is that my CPU trousers have a small rip on bottom, either stitch it up or buy ECWCS wz.93 Trousers, pretty much good idea for British winter.
  5. The day has finally arrived, time for some fun at TWA :D If anyone gonna be there, look for a fella in wz.93 camouflage, that will be me :3

  6. I hope it wont rain heavily on saturday D: I hate playing airsoft when its muddy... But well this is good ol' Britain, weather in here is bloody fantastic!

    1. AirsoftTed


      TWA is a right mud slide when its wet, even if only rained the week before you'll still find yourself caked in mud and struggling to walk!

    2. Namaco


      Splendid... This is gonna be fun :|

  7. This one - http://tinyurl.com/ok2twgt When I look at your profile picture (avatar) you remind me of one guy on TWA helped me with a thing xd but might of be wrong.
  8. I havent used it on skirmish yet but I put it on myself with my CPU clothing and its really amazing and comfortable, at least it does not drop from my shoulders like my old one , a lot of pouches and of course can always add more from what I know. (back & side) But yea seems like sdintel which I did not know sells it has it cheaper, £21 - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/07-Tactical-combat-cargo-vest-airsoft-shooting-Molle-assault-vest-/300963914948?pt=UK_Sporting_Goods_Sports_Clothing_LE&var=600149653653&hash=item4612d8e4c4
  9. If you mean my vest, I bought it on ebay for £25 :3 Really worth it, its all new inside a foil. Here is a link if needed - http://tinyurl.com/ok2twgt
  10. Well a new addition to my load-out, really loving the new vest I bought ((Actual picture with my surname patch and Polish "Fighting" flag)) Will try to get a picture from upcoming match on here :3
  11. A new vest, way better than my current cheap chest rig, it kept on falling off which annoyed me xd
  12. Well time for second play of airsoft :3 Going to TWA Woodland on 12th! :P

    1. two_zero


      wishing you a truly epic day!

    2. Namaco


      Thank you very much good sir!

      Had epic day before, hoping to have an epic day on 12th ;)

  13. I gotta say... After one skirmish I feel addicted and want to return again next week O.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Namaco


      @Lordanem - Tactical Warfare Airsoft Woodland site

    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Hello there! I have spent many long hours trying to locate you,I have many interests in the sport of airsoft and I am willing to fund a player to play the sport actively and broadcast it here in my home country. All you need to do is send a monthly deposit of 40£ to my address,then I may fund your hobby sporting! Send the money to 3rd hut on the left,South dirt road,Nigeria


      Thank you for your time, PRince Mugabwe T.Skammar of Nigeria

    4. Namaco
  14. Some random good shoes I had, nothing major airsoft brand, still waiting for my 5.11 Tactical
  15. Here I am in my Polish ((only)) gear Click Me? I surely need knee caps and better vest ((and obviously gun duh))
  16. 5.11 Tactical Trainers & Polish wz.93 helmet cover
  17. Going to my first airsoft match today! Tactical Warfare Airsoft Woodland! If you are there, look for a fella in Polish wz.93! :D

    1. M_P


      Have a good time

    2. Namaco


      thanks, had sh*t loads off good time beside the time when the site gun kept on jamming on me >.<

  18. So was driving back home on my bicycle ((11 PM)), Green light for me however I noticed a car, he drove on red light yet did not notice there were "rozzers" behind him lol, now he can put that ticket into a frame

  19. Czechoslovakia? o.O Still living in the 90's grandad? xD
  20. If I would of be playing against you on airsoft, I would of be shitting my pants when I heard you shout "HIT" if I would of hit you... Next thing I would of see is a fist on my face lol, pretty intimidating lol
  21. all velcro, easier and the CPU has designated locations for it.
  22. My patches arrived Sadly the Fighting Poland flag is not used because no space on the CPU, Going to upgrade to TCU anyways so will have more space to wear them all
  23. Happens that I add unwanted letters, typing rather fast ;P
  24. And got my ESS and Inserts Gotta say ESS glasses feel nice when wearing and its easy to adjust them But paint in the arse is that I have to pay £69 for the lenses to be inserted >.<
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