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CaptainDumbass last won the day on January 31 2014

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Wolverine MTW
    Specna Arms Edge Mk18
    Bespoke TM Hi Capa
    TM FNX-45
  • Loadouts
    Black/ Wolf Grey CQB
  • Sites
    South Coast CQB,
    Z Mart,
    Spartan CQB,
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    Custom TM Hi Capa Gold Match Built by Mike Cripps at Elite Shooting Centre £400 for the pistol on its own with two green gas mags Price can be negotiated to include any/ all extras listed below Externals: Airsoft Masterpiece outer barrel Gunsmith Bros Ultracut slide EDGE guide plug Stock TM Gold Match Grip Stock TM Gold Match frame STI magwell EDGE trigger AIP mag release AIP grip screw 5KU steel hammer 5KU steel slide stop 5KU steel thumb safety Stock TM Gold Match grip safety Stock TM Gold Match front and rear sights Internals: Cowcow leaf spring Waldo customs recoil spring Waldo customs short stroke kit AIP guide rod AlP nozzle Waldo customs nozzle springs TM hop unit ML Bucking PDI Stainless inner barrel TM BBU Extras: Nuprol Surefire clone Kydex Customs holster Primary Airsoft HPA MP5 mag adapter x3 Cyma high cap MP5 mags x5 Cyma straight mid caps (brand new, never used) (I won the gun in a raffle and the company never provided me with a spec list. I have tried my best to research which brand each part is. But sadly there’s a couple parts I don’t 100% know.)


    - GB

  2. https://shop.super5ives.com/shop/item/120457/balystik-hpa-adapter-for-secutor-shotgun-us-foster.html or https://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/jag-arms-scatter-gun-secutor Either of these is what you're after mate.
  3. Holy necropost! Seems like the MTW thread has been pretty quiet....... This week I decided to completely strip mine down, spunk a ton of unnecessary money on new parts and gave mine a makeover. I wanted it to be practical rather than good looking. But I think i achieved both in the process. Gen 1 MTW (Known as a 'Billet' MTW now) Inferno Gen 2 engine Phoenix CNC Hop, Silent Industries CNC Hop Arm 2.0 w/ Green Concave Nub, G&G Green Bucking, Stock Inner Barrel Gorilla Bluetooth FCU (If you havent heard of this look it up & i guarantee you will want one) Angry Gun BCM MCMR 10" Handguard Magpul CTR Stock Magpul Hand Stop Trijicon MRO Element Peq15 Surefire M300 Night Evolution Dual Pressure Switch Surefire 4 Prong Flash Hider Just waiting on a Magpul MOE+ pistol grip and I think that will be it! I cant think of anything else this gun needs.
  4. Can anyone quickly confirm what suppressor system was most commonly used on the Mk18 Mod 1 platform? Cheers

    1. alxndrhll


      Way back when I was chasing around doing research for mk18 mod 1's the Knight's Armament NT4 QD was the one which kept coming up. The actual make up of a mk18 mod 1 seems to be a weird hot point of contention, plenty of folks disagreeing with the accuracy of the parts list folks put together so take it with a grain of salt.

    2. Chev Chelios

      Chev Chelios

      As said its all a bit weird. Mk18 MOD 1s where used by VBSS teams and built on an M16A1 lower. Seals and all the other secret super squirrel people used M4A1s with CQBR uppers.  Alxndrhll is correct on the Suppressor manufacturer, KAC was a big contract holder at the time supplying optics, rails ETC   good resource on cloning rifles https://www.ar15.com/forums/AR-15/AR-Discussions/118/?page=1


      Image of a VBSS MK18 mod 1 (sadly not showing the suppresser but just about everything else in detail) 


    3. Chev Chelios

      Chev Chelios

      Check the above that's a MOD 0, MOD 1 used the Surefire RC2, the KAC QD is just as legit though. 

  5. Purchased my first AEG in years (MTW for the win lol). Specna Arms Edge SA-E19.... wonder how long it takes before im tearing it apart and upgrading stuff..... lol 

    1. Speedbird_666


      @CaptainDumbass Sooner than you might think.


      Check the cylinder for burrs around the intake hole, the piston o-ring for chunks missing (because of said burr). Oh, and hopefully yours might have a smidge of grease from the factory and a couple of shims. Many didn't, including mine.


      Switch the hop rubber fairly sharpish too, I threw in a Lonex 50deg that I had laying around. The stock one is meh at best.


      Check the gearbox casting while you've got it open, it's a bit rough in places (tappet plate track and piston rails), use 1200 grit wet and dry to smooth things out. Only takes a few minutes.


      Have fun.


  6. The last time I played at the Bunker I was about a foot shorter and I distinctively remember how many times I would hit my head in doorways. 

    Tomorrow should be fun....... 

    1. RobHedley


      I managed to crack my head on one of the supports about half way down a tunnel that was about an inch lower than the others. I was at full sprint at the time! I had no idea what happened until I hit the floor. I ditched the Cap and only wear a helmet down there now. Got plenty of battle scars on the helmet now but at least it is not my head.

  7. TM Hi Capa 5.1 Gold Match So for i have installed a maple leaf hop unit and 6.01 barrel with great results. Airsoft masterpiece hive slide, CC barrel, etc incoming.
  8. TM Hi Capa Gold Match has arrived.... now to spend what i spent on the gun, on upgrades....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StayOnTarget


      Unless its broken leave it be man,one of the lads I skirmish with has a stock one he uses propane (it shoots a fuckin dream) and runs around with extended mags being a nightmare to the other team,looking at your loadout preference I'm guess you're a CQB man so if you haven't already what about a torch and some mags to go with that slick pistol you've got,oh btw I'm not in the least jealous🙄

    3. Steveocee


      There are T&Cs you sign up to when buying a GM. One of them is that you won’t upgrade it. Honestly you won’t be able to upgrade it from where it is, you want something to upgrade then buy a spare hi capa! My GM is annoyingly fantastic.

    4. CaptainDumbass


      Sorry chaps. I did a silly and upgraded it anyway. 
      Maple Leaf hop unit & 6.01 inner barrel with Autobot 60 bucking and its already shooting even better lol.

      Short stroked it simply for gas efficiency and faster shots. 

      Nine Ball gas routers for better sealing/ efficiency. 

      New magwell for the looks.


  9. Today i managed to tune it and get it firing at 345FPS on .2g with the dwell set perfectly. Glad i bought x2 48ci tanks to be honest. with 35rps this thing gulps air. But no more than every other high RPS hpa engine! Very impressed with it.
  10. Armorer Work SAI Hi Capa, or the TM Gold Match Hi Capa? 

    1. Albiscuit


      Not yet bought it, but a TM hi cappa will be my next major purchase!! 


      Done a bit of research and all roads lead to TM it seems.

  11. Thanks hahaha I doubt it. I have no interest in recoil and i think its just an extra waste of air in my opinion.
  12. Wolverine MTW. All thats needed is to modify my magpul pistol grip so it fits the gun. Cant fault this gun at all. Doubt ill be going back to AEG's after this.
  13. Brief first impressions/ review of the Wolverine MTW over in the HPA threads for anyone that's interested. 

  14. Havent had chance to tune and shoot it yet but first impressions: I have never handled an airsoft weapon of this quality. When they call it a "training weapon" they werent kidding. I am very impressed at how compatible the parts are for these things. Ive chucked a bunch of aftermarket parts on as you can see, which confirmed for me almost everything is compatible with Milspec, AEG, and GBBR parts which is handy for anyone moving over to HPA that previously owned an M4/AR based gun. I am very glad wolverine made their rail system M-LOK over keymod. looks a feels 100 times nicer. I was lost for words at how light this thing was despite it being 90% full metal. I could give this to a young teenager and they would be able to sport this all day without a problem. Definitely lighter than my G&G Scar-L. Aesthetically and Ergonomically I cant find a single fault with the base gun bar two things. The only issues I faced was the split receiver (these things break down exactly like real AR's) was abit wobbly. Fortunately I had a spare G&P magic pin which resolved this issue right away. I havent seen many people speak about this issue on the forum so i could have been unlucky. But either way, if you find the same issues, its less than a tenner to amend. Secondly, my after market stock (AEG) was very wobbly when fitting. This was to be expected as ive heard many people mention this on the Wolverine Owners group on facebook. Easiest solution in the world: couple strips of electrical tape either side & the top of the buffer tube (where it would be hidden under the stock), slid the stock back ona nd no wobble at all. You'd never know the tape was there by sight also. My only suggestion to wolverine would be to have some kind of sling mount added to the stock gun or at least have it as a option in their "gun builder" on their site or high pressure airsoft's site. I had to find a mil spec AR sling mount end plate on ebay so i can use my single point sling.
  15. MTW arrived last week. Getting Bottles filled today so will post updates and feedback shortly.
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