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SgtTalbert last won the day on August 20 2019

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  • Guns
    G&G RK104
    TM NGRS AK47 Type 3
    TM G17
  • Loadouts
    Invisibility Cloak
  • Sites
    The Gaol & The Gaol Woodland
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  1. Sorry yes, maybe I have confused you - I am just looking for the 'lever' to turn the entire 'tracer' unit on and off - not just 1 element. So if the lever does turn it on/off thats perfect for my needs
  2. Thanks for that, I note the 'Sixmm' website states it can be turned on/off by the lever on the PBS...but it seems to be the only site that states this, everywhere else says its auto on/off Sixmm JK Army
  3. I've been looking at the PBS-1 - can you confirm if you can switch this on/off when you want to use it? I'm not a fan of the type that are 'on' and activate on movement, they always seem to drain quickly for me. Whereas my ASG and TM tracers are a simple on/off button which work very well.
  4. Silly question time, does anyone know where I can get this cable from or what its called? I know its a 3.5mm audio cable but I cannot find anything with 1 end '2 band' and the other '1 band' supreme-pro-x-msa-sordin.jpg

    1. rj1986


      Male Stereo to Male mono

    2. SgtTalbert


      Thank you. I did search for this, but can only find these type in the search results  which have 2 bands per plug. To give some context, I am going from my MSA Sordins to Kenwood speaker mic. I already have one cable (came with the sordins) and wanting a spare. I've tried various 3.5mm to 3.5mm cables but I can only seem to hear and not transmit apart from with the cable that came with the sordins. Would it be the 'band' setup thats causing this?

    3. rj1986


      I run similar but with peltor’s which has a bespoke 2 mono fork connector to mono.


      might be easier to find a stereo to mono Jack, or find a local friendly stereo shop to whip one up. Or get the parts and soldering iron 

  5. Looks great, what AK and mags are these? Did the AK come like this or is this a lot of modifications?
  6. I've had good experience with my FMA Wendy, Maritime and Caiman helmet. However, I was going to suggest the PTS FLUX but if you still do not like that, I'm unsure outside of RS stuff. Maybe someone else can shed some light
  7. TMC make them and invader from a quick google https://www.weapon762.com/combat-shirts/1499-tmc-tactical-plaid-combat-shirt.html https://www.weapon762.com/combat-shirts/1567-tmc-tactical-plaid-combat-shirt.html https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/invader-gear-flannel-ubacs-combat-shirt-blue-grey-37520-p.asp
  8. I've not used them personally so can only go off 2nd hand information but I've heard these are good https://www.airsoftanonymous.co.uk/products/mask-solutions-anti-fog-full-face-mask also just the fan goggles can be found here - https://masksolutions.nl/product/anti-fog-goggle-never-any-fog/
  9. The 'real' rifle is a H&K 416, lots of companies make a copy of it, less so with the geissele style rail. TM, VFC, CYMA, WE, EA, UMAREX (which I think is a VFC Rebrand) and G&G I would stay away from anything Nuprol. Not seen much EA stuff so cannot comment on it. I've owned the G&G 416 and it was good (to my standard anyway). I currently own the TM 416 (with the geissele rail) and like it.
  10. https://www.bespokeairsoft.co.uk/ares-honey-badger-am-013-aeg-rifle-black
  11. I once posted on Reddit - see below....I still dont think I was in the wrong but either way, people (rightly or wrongly) will still have an opinion
  12. I've had no real experience with the 'spit' style, however, I did use a friends on Saturday night and it was very cool (was attached to a Gas M4) looked good and worked well for the 10mins I was using it. No idea which is the 'best'. His was the 5KU version.
  13. This thread does seem odd. Tbh as long as what other people do does not affect my weekend / game day then fill your boots. All I ask is you adhere to the rules and take your hits and im happy. Outside of that, if you wanna collect guns, patches, wear a hoody, run high caps, run low caps or whatever, its your hobby, if you're happy then who am I or anyone else to judge Edit - And in regards to the thread title (not that the comment was aimed at me but its currently a slow work day...) Why do we need to understand? If it makes the person happy doing X, Y or Z...then it shouldn't matter really
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