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Profile Information

  • Guns
    JG M4 S-system
    JG M4 CQB
    CYMA Glock 18C
  • Loadouts
    British DPM's
    Warrior R.I.C.A.S Compact (OD)
  • Gender
  • Location
    Jersey, Channel Islands

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  1. So sprints comming up... still no offer for sponsourship ;P
  2. If you make a sticker Dev you could "sponsor" me in the sprints ;P I am sure i could stick a few stickers here and there
  3. Give us a shout when you do find one because i am in the same boat as you
  4. Its the standred JG M4 CQB one...
  5. Here is my "custom built" M4 CQB... Funny enough it ant finnished yet...
  6. Now you can invest in AF-UK Bumper/window sickers!!
  7. Nice one Dev I would order one now but i dont have a Mastercard or a Visa Card...
  8. Nope.... They are just sorting them out... Will be soon though
  9. Dont mistake it with Compair the Meerkat! Or he will have to take "long sooothing jacuszi buble bath"
  10. Good place.... I got all my Molle Gear from them
  11. Or... Right link and select copy image location (or somehting similar) and paste in it a post useing a IMG tag
  12. How about just call them MTPs? They kinda look like them haha
  13. Looks like a Yank Contractor outfit to me Good stuff though
  14. but ur knee didnt cost you £4000... ahaha
  15. THe thought of that paint work hitting concrate.... i feel sick.... lol
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