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Sam_G last won the day on March 2 2015

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM SCAR-L CQC Recoil
    TM M4 CQBR Recoil
    WE XDM 3.8
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    IronSight CBQ - Andover
    South coast CQB
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft and most important being a dad!

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  1. Was after some new trousers to replace my Emerson AOR2 ones that were a tad snug around the legs. Thanks to Mack I have these on the way shortly! Allwin AOR1 Navy Custom set. (I have no idea what that means! 😆)
  2. After picking up a clone serpa from Z1 for my USP compact I was happy.......till it lasted one game day and had 3 cracks and a few holes from being hit! Utter shite! Thankfully was only £15 in he sale (now £26 again!) I as I don't play that often I didn't want to spend out £40+ on a genuine BH serpa so I went for a Fobus holster and drop leg mount. It's great!! And non airsoft I treated myself to a dash am for work. The one I borrowed has already proved me to be in the right once!
  3. Was a recent pistol. XDMcompact. First it fired full auto and had to be fixed. Then it would just vent every time I pulled the trigger and had to be sorted again. I would have to totally strip it and clean and re lube it after every use or it wouldn't work. The new owner said to was venting again as the was something internal that was loose. But also said it now worked great. I have gone TM now.
  4. I wouldn't use anything WE/Nuprol. The things I have seen appear to just be rebranded Chinese Crap. Plus the WE pistol I had was shocking. And needed so much fuss to keep it working.
  5. OD green. Pic was lightened on my phone so gives an off colour to the green.
  6. Ok so I changed the DCS again. Managed to do a swap for my WAS taco pouches for the new WAS elastic retention pouches. Much cleaner look and as I only run the M4/pmags I didn't need the adjustability anymore.
  7. I meant to buy a clone serpa for my new USP but I totally forgot......so I went on Z1 this evening and found its in the sale now! So forgetting saved me £12!!
  8. I have treated myself a little after first pay with new job. Picked up a z-tactical sordins headset and PTT. Bit of Velcro and mounted my contour to it! Then today I finally got a decent pistol...TM USP compact with spare mag.
  9. I run my top tech 416 an 11.1 lipo. Not had any issues as yet!
  10. Best UBACS I had was an issued flame retardant MTP one. Got it for free and it was mega comfy. Shame I hate all things MTP/MC! (Apart from my lightweight gortex!)
  11. Christ I meant I wear either a tshirt, a base layer or a UBACS. I get way to hot to have more than one layer on.
  12. Tshirt, base layer or UBACS all year round. Think I have played 1 game in a soft shell. Last game I played was -1/-2 and I was still sweating.
  13. If you have to buy your own kit then why the hell go for MTP?? It's as bad as MC and you'll look like 99% of other players. I tend to see players in full generic MC and think........noob. Good thing about MTP is any colour will suit.
  14. I found this place on Facebook QM supplies discounted military kit They are selling DPM crye style trousers for £35 posted. Can't comment on quality but may be worth a look see.
  15. OK so I'm a poser.... Got a full pic of all my new kit. Kit list: Emerson gen2 AOR2 Low a desert boots Oakley si gloves Condor "operator" cap Warrior assault systems DCS G&G top tech 416
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