Not been playing for a while, due to company I worked for going into administration, but starting training on new job next week, so decided to Pop over to Driver Wood (Sussex) this morning with my lad to make use of their range and set up my Tac-41L and my lad's SA-FX01, both of which were bought the week before myself and the other 54 colleagues got our career news.
My lad had a few issues with his FX-01, in that the BBs weren't feeding properly, luckily I'd had foresight to take my tool box with me, I noticed the ejection port cover wasn't exposing the hop adjuster when the charging bolt was pulled back, popped the pin out and moved the upper receiver forward, which must have pulled the barrel and hop forward to it's correct position (possibly assembly QC, but will keep open mind), this allowed it to feed better and I was able to adjust the hop, although stock, .28g is at max hop, so may look at .25g or different hop rubber in time. Mag still seemed not to be feeding properly, as though it was building tension on the feed spring, but not enough to feed correctly, as randomly decided to feed, however, I caught the tension release and blew a few BBs out, hey presto, feeding fine and quite surprised how many BBs it feeds now between needing to be wound. I've got 5x 100rd midcaps coming, which were ordered at same time, but were on back order, so hopefully they'll all feed OK out the box.
My lad was then quite happy getting to grips with it and some practice with his pistol.
With my lad sorted out now, I was able to turn my attention to my Tac-41L, heaviest BBs the shop had when I bought it, was .36g, so that is what I was using. Zeroed in my scope (as best I could, then set the hop and spent some time on targets at varying ranges. After a few mags, I checked it on my chrono, which came out at about 1.8j, so I decided to try the spare spring that comes with it, slight adjustment of hop and scope and all was good, ran through a few mags and checked on the chrono again 2.20j-2.23j across 10 shots (site limit 2.32j), so will have to keep an eye on that, just in case it starts creeping up, but luckily, barely a 5 minute job to swap back to the lower power spring if needed. As is, I pinged the furthest target with my range finder and was happy knowing I'll be able to take confident 75 yard shots.
I was also able to buy a couple of Runcams, 1 for my M4 and 1 for the Tac-41L, just before we all got our work news, so no doubt be posting videos on my YT channel, although more for me to review to see if/where I can improve, hopefully, they'll be more entertaining that my beach fishing videos.
Now I know regular money will be starting to come back into the house again next month, I'll probably be extravagant and book Sunday afternoon games.