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Status Updates posted by MrTea

  1. Does anyone know of any sites with some sales/deals on their BBs atm? Will need a restock soon I reckon. Ty.

    1. pyromancer6


      Warhead do good ammo for decent prices if you're buying in bulk - the delivery is a little pricey however so make sure you're buying enough in bulk to make it worth it - haven't a bad thing to say about them honestly

      If you need just a random KG or two of ammo I've been getting Geoffs off an Ebay seller for decent prices in a pinch when I can't afford/be arsed dealing with the warhead order so maybe look at that if you're in a pinch?

    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Valkyrie have a sale on, or did.

    3. Shadow_dub


      ExtremeAirsoft has decent priced bb's not sure how much of discounted rate it is but i always get them from extreme and it normally works out cheapish

  2. Spend weeks getting hold of a guy with a RIF I want. Agrees a price - will pay on payday using Paypal. Gets to the day, messages them to send their Paypal details. "Oh actually I don't use Paypal, just bank transfer me it"...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jez_Armstrong


      send me the gun first then 😂

    3. gavinkempsell


      It simply wasn't to be... 

    4. Convert


      Didn't think you could reverse a bank transfer outside of documented fraud? Am I mistaken?

  3. Is there anyone with a 3D printer who could help me out with printing a spare/replacement part. I can't find direct replacements online and get no response from the manufacturer.


    1. GenuineGerman


      What you looking to print? 

    2. MrTea


      @GenuineGerman It's a hop up adapter allowing you to use standard M4 hop units on Tar 21/Tavor styled AEGs. The one I have has a broken hop unit and I cannot find a replacement to save my life so this is the next best thing. Thingiverse link here for you to have a look at.

    3. GenuineGerman


      I can have a go but it’s a resin printer so maybe a bit brittle. If you want dm me the file over and I can have a go this weekend. 

  4. Hi all. I've got someone interested in an AEG build I did but have no idea what to value it at and they won't make me an offer. Could I ask some people to throw out some figures in the appraisals post I've made?



    1. Cr0-Magnon


      Workout how much it cost you and see if you're both happy somewhere in the 60 - 70% region.

  5. Well, mods/admins are going to busy cleaning all that spam up :D

    1. Speedbird_666


      Working on it! I've nuked a bunch of accounts throughout the day.

  6. Is £150 for a TM Mk23 (no mods), 3x gas tight TM mags, LAM, Suppressor, Case and holster a good deal?

    1. Cr0-Magnon


      Depends on the condition and if that's including Paypal fees and delivery? In decent condition I wouldn't value the RIF (including 1 x mag), at more than £100 delivered. Secondhand mags say 50% value at what £13 a mag (so I assume that's x2 here), value of the holster would depend on which holster it is.

    2. MrTea




      The gun is in very good condition. Little to no wear visible. £150 is including PayPal and postage. The holster is a 3D printed "Ebog" one.

  7. For those who own L85s with the Madbull handguard, I need some help in the Electric Guns section :)

  8. Anyone else registered with Airsoft-hub getting spammed with a bajillion emails? Since 1900 i've gotten 21 emails alerting me to messages. When I log in, i've got no new ones.

    1. ghostwalker


      i had one which was a reply i received a couple of months ago. so guess their server is having a bit of a meltdown as the website is also super slow

    2. novioman


      I had 10 when I get home, I asked why they contacted me as I don’t even have an account now, got a message back saying they had a glitch which meant any messages than had been sent but not delivered where now going through. It’s seems to have stopped now. 

  9. Hi all. Just need some extra eyes for something.

    Can you guys take a look at this picture and tell me if these gearboxes/trigger mechanisms look the same/identical?

    1. MrTea


      I'm planning to buy a speed trigger unit for the R85A1 (to reduce the horrid trigger travel) but the manufacturer says it only works on the G&G versions despite them appearing to be identical and taking into consideration that the AA R85 is a clone of the G&G one?

    2. Madhouse


      Tough one, they do look very similar but there may well be small differences in the tolerances through the manufacturing process that mean it either needs some fettling or doesn't fit at all.


      Only way you'll know is to give it a go and put a post up to tell us all how it went.

  10. RIF from HK stuck at customs 😭 HMRC say I need a RIF declaration form that doesn't appear to be readily available on the internet. Hopefully Parcelforce come good tomorrow when I ring.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MrTea





      God are you kidding? I thought they'd all moved to a online/phone based system. Oh well, at work until Friday anyway so that'll probably work out fine for me

    3. ak2m4


      Once it's cleared customs, goes to the local depot, then you can phone up, give them your tracking code and ask to pay the fees, they will then give you a 16 digit payment reference code you can enter here: https://www.parcelforce.com/receiving/customs-charge/ and pay online, it's an arse but beats waiting for a letter to arrive with the code

    4. MrTea


      @ak2m4 RIF arrived today. No customs charges interestingly.

  11. Does anyone have experience ordering a RIF from HK recently? I'm looking at ordering one within the next few weeks and don't want my package getting seized or held up at any point. Advice appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. C-Diddy


      Bought a RIF from Taiwan three or four years back. IIRC the total additional charges (HMRC, handling etc) was just short of £100. 


      Weighing this up myself purely due to availability of certain items in the UK, so let us know if you go through with it.

    3. Monkman


      I've had nightmares ordering a RIF from Poland and getting held for inspection @ UK Customs for months.  It's a lottery when ordering stuff from abroad....

    4. rj1986


      @MrTeaIt might be useful to say what it is you're ordering, and the hivemind might be able to suggest alternative shops

  12. If anyone has or knows where I can get an original G&G MP5 hop unit in the UK, i'd appreciate it. Looks like a tech managed to bust mine and now I can't adjust hop.

  13. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement rear sight for a G&G MP5A4. Mine has chipped part of the sight off and I want to replace it.


  14. Are Ohshiboom still operating their site? Just ordered a 12 gauge adapter from there but the site looks like it hasn't been updated in a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rogerborg


      "Decibels are decibels"


      Random sellers' claims are not reality though.  Bet your hearing?

    3. Emergencychimps


      @Rogerborg, these were sold by a reputable Airsoft seller (think it was JD Airsoft at the time) and had gone through the required testing for UK use. 


      It was quite a small niche market as they were expensive and only really different if used in the dark or dark buildings. 





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