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Everything posted by Floperator

  1. The Mini-Tamiya to XT60 adaptor I bought recently had its wires crossed - following the instructions Rogerborg posted above, it was literally a 2 minute job to swap them over.
  2. The fake ones off Ali Express - has anyone tried one? Are they worth a punt? Just thinking it would be the very thing to pop on top of the Acog or possibly even on my FNX.
  3. Well, a chrono, surely? That's how it's done with airguns and centrefire. Not one of the airsoft chronos with a tube obvs, but one of the open ones like a Shooting Chrony or similar.
  4. TBH you'll get a much better idea of what you need/want by going and having a few games. Quite often something that looks super tacticool and slick in the comfort of your own garage turns out to be impractical and/or ludicrously uncomfortable during actual gameplay. I'm now on the 3rd or 4th incarnation of my loadout and its 99% there, but I've spunked a bit of money up the wall getting to this point, some of which I could have avoided if I was a bit more patient...
  5. Great advice above, nothing much to add to it except some other bits of kit you might not have considered: Kneepads, or trousers with built-in kneepads Something to hang all your kit off, whether that be a belt/battle belt, assault vest or plate carrier ( this item is the perfect happy medium for me) Weapon sling, I like the bungee ones Wet weather gear, even if it's just a surplus DPM goretex jacket you can throw on over the top of everything. There really is no limit to the amount of needless accessories you can buy in this hobby but I'd consider the above to be pretty essential.
  6. A TM FNX 45 in lovely tactical brown just came through the door. Can't wait to try it out in a game.
  7. Alright, admit it, which of you turns up to a game day like this?


    1. Shamal


      My memory is not that good. I would forget where anything was. I have trouble with cargo trousers..too many pockets 🤔


    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      I wouldn't, but my son certainly would.  


      He'd have something in each one too...

  8. Not aware of any high profile cases in particular, but in the 2000s every two-bit market stall was selling them to any child or chav that could afford them, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a dull roar of increasing public order offenses and unnecessary ARU calls that prompted the legislation.
  9. Special in what sense? I've run TM hi-capas on green red and black gas, but this is the first time I've see it said that green gas is too powerful for a pistol.
  10. TM FNX owners - can you really not use standard green gas in these or is this just arse-covering on TMs part?
  11. B&M, so not quite a pound shop. Why, do you want me to pick you one up? 😉
  12. Unpopular opinion: Even though the VCRA has made life difficult for me and many other shooters in lots of ways, I did *get* it, particularly with regard to RIFs and IFS. I pretty much agree that guns should look like guns and things that aren't, shouldn't. I'm broadly in favour of kids not getting shot by AR units because they're playing with cap guns etc. Which is why it PISSES ME OFF that of all industries affected, the toy industry alone does not seem to take the VCRA at all seriously, and there seem to be no consequences for them breaching it. I see toy guns all the time in dull colours, or a token small brightly coloured part. What ground my gears in particular this weekend was seeing this water pistol, which is basically a full size M4 replica. Am I just being an old granny or is this taking the piss?
  13. Might be worth borrowing a lower voltage battery because this might well be the easiest and cheapest solution despite the desire to run 11.1s...
  14. As someone who spent last night doing just this, after popping in a 60 deg. Macaroon, how do you make sure it *stays* in position?
  15. Is there an advantage to the ZCI hop housing unit over a stock unit, and what 'degree' is the clear blue hop rubber that comes with it?
  16. I mean I would have dealt with it by say at the morning briefing, "btw guys, this dude is running a sub-350 bolt action, don't come and cry to us if he shoots you at close range", but then I don't have to manage 60-odd players each with different gear and I can see the logic in not making exceptions for every quirky setup that comes along. There is a rule about not rapid firing DMRs, and so far I haven't seen anyone taking the piss in that regard. Oddly, though there is officially a 360 fps limit (with 0.20g) for AEGs and pistols, in practice they don't chrono pistols unless they are CO2. Fwiw I asked to chrono my ASG mk23 with and without 'silencer' just for my own peace of mind (because who wants to be that guy?), and was well under the limit. Plantation had no morning chrono at all, but there were chronos available and they did do spot checks through the day. That said I don't know how many they did, just that they checked me! I suppose it would be too much to ask for every site to have the same rules and enforce them similarly, but imo some of the 'range safety' aspects at least need to be more unified and up to a certain standard. Always thought it was a bit perfunctory how everyone gets the safezone safety briefing *after* they've been milling around the safezone for half an hour...You should get that on your way in the door, and mandatory chrono for everything with site-supplied BBs (The first site I went to did this). I was pretty horrified to read in another thread about a site where people were dry firing in the safezone, this definitely needs to stop. (So sorry to derail your thread OP)
  17. It does really depend on your local site. Some won't allow you to run a sniper/DMR without a secondary, some aren't fussed. As for the other suggestion about running a bolty at sub-1.14j, our own Gamble was intending to play this way on sunday with his Lee Enfield, only to be told that he still had to keep outside the MED because the marshals didn't want the hassle of players coming up to them all day complaining about getting point blanked with a "sniper rifle". Saw a kid get a nasty shock at Airsoft Plantation because they have a rule that you have to be able to fire single shots, and he had one of those 'double tap' triggers. His day ended before it started. I think the moral of the story is that you really need to check with the sites you are playing at before running anything a bit unconventional, or assuming that because one site permits it that another does too. Don't mean to put the OP off altogether, I'm just not convinced that, gameplay issues aside, a sniper rifle is necessarily a good starter or 'budget' setup compared to a Cyma AK.
  18. I mean as a sniper you're already limiting yourself as to what and how you can play, but without a *functional* sidearm or secondary you might miss out on whole game modes. Not to mention that if your main gun starts getting squiffy it will flat out ruin your whole day. For me a sidearm is genuinely a backup gun and not a prop; I've used a pistol in every game day so far. In the last game mode on sunday, 'Sniper ambush', one hedge monster got about 20 kills in 10 minutes with his mk23. Very much not a prop. And woodland can get quite dense at this time of year - at Reforger there are whole areas that two months ago could have been locked down by a couple of snipers (e.g coming down to the village from the right hand ridge, if you're familiar with the site) but now can be easily infiltrated, and those 30m arcs of fire are getting harder to find. I think according to the letter and spirit of the (site-dependent) rules you should probably take the hit and go respawn at that point. Let's face it, in the heat of the moment you're much more likely to shoot someone with the TAC at sub 30m if you don't have any other weapon options.
  19. As said in another thread, doing the sniper/dmr thing is more a state of mind than about the equipment you use (hop up has more effect on range than raw power), and staying still is the most effective camouflage. I would definitely start with a cyma AK or MP5 and see how you get on, this will at least give you the option of jumping balls-first into the action if you want. Another factor is that many sites won't let you use a sniper rifle or DMR with Minimum Engagement Distance unless you also have a pistol or other sidearm, so straight away you're looking at buying two guns and not one.
  20. Now to see what all the fuss is about with these maple syrup macaroons. Hoping this improves the consistency/accuracy of my M4.
  21. Nah getting them out is easy, it's just a fiddle getting them back in. Also I run dirty hi-caps...
  22. Yeah those ones, I'm happy to use them as it's quite comfortable and I'm liking how streamlined the rig is without loads of pouches hanging off it, though I may try a few different setups.
  23. Just done a full game day in this rig and it's bloody SUPERB. Comfortable from start to finish. No rubbing or chafing. Only complaint is that it can be a bit tricky getting mags back in the pouches when you've got it on, but that's why I have a dump pouch. Going to sell off all my other rigs and try and track one down in black (or dye a green one).
  24. Been tweaking this loadout for the last few months, think I've got it exactly where I want it now but I'm going to have to play a game in it to know for sure. I've gone through a few rigs to get here...
  25. Messing around with the Lancer and gave it a quick camo paint job this morning, ahead of Sundays game: Planning something a bit more special, wacky even, for the g36, Watch this space...
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