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Everything posted by Floperator

  1. Took a mag into work yesterday and had to shave down some of the internal tabs so that the mag release catch would engage, nothing too onerous. Seems to feed well enough. Hopefully there won't be much to do to fit it to the actual gun once it arrives.
  2. Hmmm...that's odd, I've never come across any that are a different diameter across the main body, though I have come across ones with slightly different tip geometry that suited some guns valves more than others. What brands have you tried so far?
  3. Well you can't sanction them can you, because our manufacturing capability and energy production has been hollowed out and outsourced overseas because this generated the most profit in the short term for greedy motherfuckers who have no real conception of the economy beyond the next shareholders report. We actively destroy democracies and treat with tyrants and despots, to no ones benefit except a select few. Yemen is also happening *right now*, but the Sauds are our buddies so we're not doing shit to help them as they starve. No sympathetic headlines for them. No ones airing out the spare bedroom for Yemeni refugees. China has spent the last few years literally herding a specific ethnicity into concentration camps. No 24hr rolling news cycle for that either. All forgotten, because we are dependent on them. The truth is that its psychologically convenient for many of us to minimise the atrocities that our own administration tacitly accepts or even encourages, because there is practically nothing we can do about it. Smug? No, the hypocrisy of all this fucking sickens me. The Russians are just the enemy of the moment, that's all, and if our government didn't have a stake in using Ukraine as a proxy no one would be saying shit about it, just like they had nothing to say about Georgia and Chechnya. Just like they have nothing to say about the Uyghurs, or Yemen, or Palestine. I'd say I have more reason than most here to have a grudge against Russia - In a way I'm only here today because of the brutality of the Russian government. My grandfather came to Britain in 1956, fleeing Soviet retribution after the failed Hungarian Uprising, which he took a very active part in. The Russian security services tortured his parents - who I was lucky enough to know in my childhood - pins under the fingernails, that sort of thing. The whole family got the treatment, everyone who was still left. They were extremely eager to find and kill him. We used to go to Hungary on holiday every year when I was a kid. Before the Berlin Wall fell, but after things were at their worst, when people were burying bread and the meagre produce of their smallholdings to keep them safe from the privations of Russian soldiers. Things were extremely grim over there, a real eye opener as a kid from the west to see the kind of conditions people had to live in elsewhere. After the Wall fell we got to see the country heal year by year, slowly building up the kind of infrastructure that we take for granted. The dirt roads were gravelled one year, streetlights installed the next, tarmac the year after that. But the scars are still there today, if you care to look for them. So I don't really need a lecture on how bad Russian occupation is thanks, I've seen it first hand. Me and my family have better reason to hate Russians than most. But we don't. Even my grandad never boycotted Russian products - his favorite drink is Smirnoff ffs - and even he was and is able to differentiate between the actions of the Russian government and the Russian people themselves, who have lived under the heel of Putin for over two decades and are as much victims of their government as the people living in the countries that Russia invades and occupies. Who do you think your sanctions are really hurting? Tsar Putin, reputedly one of if not the richest man in the world? Or is it just another kick in the teeth for a people that have lived under poverty and dictatorship for longer than anyone alive can remember? As I said before, you can draw your own line in the sand wherever you want, and power to you. But to start moralising on other people's choices when we live in a fundamentally amoral system is frankly bollocks. Every time you start your car or turn on your hob or buy some plastic shite or charge your batteries you are in some way contributing to human misery somewhere. That's the reality we live in. Watching people suddenly get on their high horse about #IssueOfTheDay because that's what the media has told them to do bores me to tears. Do I care about Ukraine? Of course I do. And I'll still care when the cameras are off. I'll still care about the refugees after the media has decided they are now villains, not heroes (it won't be long, just wait and see!). I very much doubt thats the case for the people banging the drum loudest, a good proportion of whom a few months ago wanted to send in the gunships to turn back the boatloads of refugees crossing the channel. Maybe you'll still care once everyone else has put a different flag in their profile picture, maybe not. We'll see.
  4. Thanks for the pointers, hopefully I'll have the G36 by wednesday which should give me time to iron out any kinks before sundays game.
  5. And another little bundle of kit just came in the door! 6600 .28s, a dump pouch for my black kit setup, and a mk23 holster for my sniperwanker loadout
  6. Another little delivery before the main event, an M4 to G36 mag adaptor and a new molle pouch that's just going to be for my fags 😄
  7. They look cool but I could not get on with one at all, found it incredibly uncomfortable and ditched it halfway through my first game day. YMMV of course! But I'd recommend not spending a fortune on a drop leg set up (or anything else) until you're sure it's for you.
  8. Looks like a perfect starter set up to me 👍 As above another mag or two for your primary gun will come in handy, and good ankle support is essential (some sites won't even let you on without it, reading between the lines they've seen too many people with twisted and sprained ankles). What will happen is that after a game or two you'll figure out what works for you and what doesn't, so don't sweat about buying more kit until then.
  9. Funny that people don't feel the same way about sending money to American or Chinese companies whenever their respective governments gun down a minibus full of kids, assassinate some journalists or harvest organs from prisoners. Nor for that matter did anyone seem to be all that bothered about buying Russian kit in the aftermath of Georgia and Chechnya. We've had a hand in demolishing a few countries ourselves in the last few decades. Let's not get carried away with framing this as a moral choice, or implying some kind of treason or direct contribution to whatever misery the Russian government is inflicting at this moment. If people want to draw a line with where they spend their own money then fair enough - personally I don't buy anything from Amazon, but I'm not going to judge people who do. On a practical level you'd have to be nuts to try and mail order Russian replica firearms parts at the moment. But it sounds like some people are a few newspaper headlines away from burning their cyma ak74s at the moment and it's all a bit silly and hypocritical imo.
  10. Thanks lads. I'm more of a single shot shooter and reserve full auto for 'panic mode' 😅 so should be OK.
  11. I now have a JG G36C on the way... but before I splurge on a bunch of mags for it, does anyone have any experience with this M4 mag adaptor that came up during a search? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/384376453785?hash=item597e9f3a99:g:ZKMAAOSwXI1hNeTs It'd be bloody handy if I could use my existing M4 mags.
  12. I'm all about the hi-caps tbh, even though that's not 'cool'. If you don't do milsims and you don't mind sounding like a rogue pair of maracas I'd go hi-cap.
  13. Were you on the right flank with me and a few others in the holly bushes? We had that nicely sewn up 😎Basically did to them what they did to us in the first game!
  14. Havent chronod it yet but had a few test shots with it at work, even with .25s it feels quite punchy! Don't think I'll be doing any power mods...
  15. Well that's it isn't it? They may be less new In theory, but *can* you find a new one? I paid a bit over the odds for a 2nd hand m4 gas block off ebay a few months ago, they were just unobtainable anywhere else.
  16. Just got a Mk23 delivered this morning, step 2 on my journey to becoming another cliche sniperwanker
  17. Lol for some reason I ended up on this thread and posted a reply before I saw how old it was, tried to delete the post but it wouldn't let me.
  18. Superb mate, exactly the information I needed. Don't suppose you have a link to the spring you used do you?
  19. Belt fed machine gun is a bit different to the shotguns that the OP specified 😉 Shot a good few thousand 12 gauge cartridges in my life and have yet to see 18" flames come out of the barrel.
  20. There was once such a device on the market, but don't ask me what it was called or who made it. Regardless, it's a terrible idea. Not only is it an unnecessary fire hazard, and not only would it necessitate having both a charged magazine and an open barrel thus introducing a risk of debris being fired at cast and crew, it still won't look as good as muzzle flash added in post (which I've seen VFX people saying is extremely easy), or indeed as realistic as just not having muzzle flash at all. Good interaction with props by the actors and well thought out foley will do far more for realism that a huge fireball coming out of the muzzle, which it bears repeating is very rare to see in real life.
  21. Yep, great day out. Did you get any video? I'll definitely be making Reforger my regular venue, at least while the weather is so good. Could do with some more covered area in the safe zone, but the regulars seemed to have it figured out with folding chairs and tables so they could work out of their cars. Marshal staff seemed to be pretty on the ball, and the free bottled water was very welcome. On a personal level I had a good time with my kit setup, everything was comfortable (those mesh gillie suits are great) and worked for me, and I didn't have any technical issues. The second battery for the M4 ran out in literally the last 10 seconds of the last game just as the other team rushed our position in a mad last charge - cue a mad scrabble at my holster and some panicky pistol fire 🙃
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