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Everything posted by Floperator

  1. Had another one of these delivered this morning, my favorite holster, the Bianchi UM84 universal military holster. Great retention, and works well with a number of pistols. Don't often see them in camo either.
  2. Bought one of these on the back of this recommendation and I have to say I'm v. impressed so far- obviously I'll need to do a game day in it to see for sure, but it feels like the perfect compromise between battle belt and chest rig. There's enough inbuilt storage that I don't really need to have a ton of pouches hanging off it either.
  3. Depends on your definition of wallet-friendly, there are a few 1-4x scopes on ebay for £50/£60?
  4. See I thought it was a respirator case when I saw it because I have a few of the older models, but it was sold as a 'field bag'. 'resi cleaning cloth' for what, cleaning the lenses on the gas mask? Tempting now to go for the full 'noddy suit' loadout...
  5. See I'm coming from the viewpoint that ideally you should see your opponent before they see you, and that's where a optic (ideally magnified) comes in very handy. Obviously it all goes to shit if you get bounced - I'm not going to sit there and try and get a sight picture if I get ambushed - but then I'm likely dead already...
  6. Found some unexpected weird bonus items in the pockets of the field bag: a fake autoinjector for training purposes, and what look like mickey mouse gloves and a handkerchief...no idea what to do with them lol Maybe a serving or ex service member could enlighten me as to what the gloves are for?
  7. Only another 700 FPS or so and I wouldn't need it! Well the speedsoft thing is a bit situational I think. I'm sure it works very very well in CQB, but in woodland or open fields a lycra-clad guy running around like Lance Armstrong on PCP is going to be at a disadvantage to a patient hedge monster like me, or at least that's been my experience so far. Sometimes the Guts or Glory charge works wonders, but it didn't work out well for the 8-10 guys I ambushed on sunday. I'm all about practicality though, not least because I'm fat and lazy and don't carry anything I don't need to ...
  8. It's had a lot of hate but I do rate the stacked optic setup! Got a fake vism folding dot sight on top of a facog and it just works for every occasion, and also looks cool as all balls when you flick it up. If it wasn't for hop-up I'd probably have a set of canted iron sights too, for full redundancy.
  9. So I lost the rear sight leaf from my WE Galaxy G at the weekend - fuck knows how - and while searching for a replacement unit yesterday and contemplating ordering from yet another obscure Hong-Kongian airsoft site, I kind of had the epiphany that I never use the sight on the pistol when skirmishing anyway, I'm generally just point-shooting inside buildings with it.. So I removed the front sight and what was left of the rear, and not only does the pistol look very cool and sleek, almost welrod-esque, it goes in and out of the holster so much easier now. So I'm pretty sure that's staying as is and I won't miss it. And I've saved £20. That said I've heard a bit of talk about people not bothering to use sights on long arms and just walking the BBs in, and while yeah, you can do that, it doesn't work in all light conditions. And you're missing out on precision that can make the game a lot more fun IMO. I love having magnification (though that's a separate thing), and I like being able to take longer shots without having to spam BBs to get on target. But maybe this is just because I like a DMR style of play? Does anyone not bother using sights on long arms? Anyone love using the sight on their pistols?
  10. Just got a delivery from Varusteleka, my favorite surplus store. Making sure I'm covered for the wetter weather, so picked up some goretex flecktarn overtrousers, a field case to use as a general manbag, a molle cigarette pouch, and some German combat chocolate. Trousers are a touch short - not disastrously so - but there's plenty of room in them if I need to layer up, and the braces are welcome.
  11. Actually worse for the environment too because they break down into microplastics and get into the food chain quicker. Further to the above I have a Lancer M4 and JG G36c and they've both performed well in skirmishes, no issues at all as yet. Both can be picked up for around £120ish if you shop around.
  12. Had a good, if sweaty game yesterday at Reforger. In the first half I went out with the M4/acog and did quite well, getting some good kills and heroic deaths. Did get my hand shot up after calling hit at one point ('Hit! Hit! Fuck off please! Thank you!'), and there were quite a few complaints about non-hit taking, beyond the usual dull roar of complaints at any game, though hit taking and active marshalling seemed to improve towards the end of the day (culprits possibly identified and had a word with?). Saw more equipment failures than usual - probably the weather making people a bit clumsier - I lost the rear sight off my pistol, another players trigger disintegrated, a broken sling for someone else, and some galoot with cat ears broke @GAMBLE's scope cam (any joy with fixing that yet dude?). 2nd half I went out with the P90/seeall sight, and despite finding the mags a bit clumsy and not the hi-caps I'm used to, had a great few games. One particularly good moment was when I'd pitched up in some woodland between a track and the field that we were guarding, squatting in a bundle of nettles with just the top of my head peering out. Had to wait a little while before someone came down that way to flank us, but once they did I managed to take out two separate groups of 4/5 players a few minutes apart. No one expects a guy in a gillie suit with a P90 😉 Going to one more game there next month to get my UKARA sorted, and after that will probably spread my wings a bit and try a few other sites for the next few sessions (maybe some CQB?), though I will definitely be back because I like the site and it's very close by.
  13. £100 is a bit too low, but you don't need to double your budget imo. Another £30-£50 and you're getting into reasonable entry level stuff perfectly suitable for light back garden use. You could pick up a cyma p90 or ak74 for that. Good points above about budgeting for eye pro, BBs, charger if not included etc.
  14. The above is good advice. If I was going to shim it, I'd do what I've done in the past and use a thin strip of drink can or feeler gauge cut to size. If you can get something like that in there as well as loctite you should be golden. Also do triple check exactly which loctite product you're buying and what the specs are, they sell loads of different grades of threadlock and surface bonders (perhaps better for this application?), both at varying strengths, and the strong ones are...really fucking strong. Too strong.
  15. Wasn't a fan of the deagle when it came to actually skirmishing with it, for me it was too big and ungainly for something which is rarely used. If you don't mind something that's 1911-adjacent you really can't go wrong with a TM hi-capa 5.1 or 4.3 imo. Spares, mags and aftermarket addons are pretty ubiqitous, it responds well to even mild fettling, and you aren't going to have any trouble finding compatible holsters etc.
  16. I find the aliexpress stuff to be priced quite honestly, on the whole. The £20 scopes and sights are exactly what you'd expect for £20, but things do get quite good at the £80-£100 mark. That said its always a gamble, and I don't know if I would take a chance at that price.
  17. Tore my hair out trying to sort out a TM G18c I picked up with an aftermarket slide and frame. Just could not get it to cycle properly, was messing around with the nozzle, different gases and mags. In the end everything was magically fixed when I just fitted the original TM slide and frame...
  18. At a site last month and they had one of the staff going round taking photos most of the day, I thought it was a missed opportunity to kit him out in a blue press jacket and helmet.
  19. They do in fact manufacture guns in-house, though it's certainly possible they farm some of it out.
  20. A few videos helped massively, I managed to get all of the LiPos storage charged last night, and am charging the rest of the NiMHs at work right now.
  21. Yeah I think I need to get over on yt and watch a ton of videos, I just don't know what I'm doing at all. E.g there's a 5 pin socket in the charger for balance charging, but the balance leads on my lipos only have a 3 hole plug. Which of the three ways of inserting this plug is the way that doesn't burn my house down? 🤔 🤣
  22. Thanks for the tip, think I'm OK with the lipos I just bought as they are wired the same as my existing NiMH batteries (i.e wrongly, apparently). Just a lot to take in atm and electrickery has never been my forte at all. Currently experimenting with just auto charging a nimh I don't care about too much.
  23. Oh it's not soldered? In that case I'll switch the wires around at work tomorrow. I have some heatshrink tube to tidy it up after. Edit: found some heatshrink in my toolbox and just did it on my lap while watching TV. Super easy, I used a lock pick to bend the tabs down.
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