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Everything posted by Floperator

  1. You'll need a gas block to replace the front sight unit. Everywhere was out of stock when I was looking for one a couple of months ago, ended up paying slightly above rrp for a 2nd hand one off ebay.
  2. If its a newish gun or spring then before cutting it down I would try 'scragging' it first. This basically involves keeping the spring compressed for a day or so. Basically simulating a few months of wear. In theory if the spring was properly tempered this would make little difference (it doesn't with a quality airgun spring), but in practice most airsoft springs seem to be not 100% tempered so this might well bring it under the limit. Worked for me the other day when I fitted a new aeg spring. I had to use a long bolt, nut and washers, but you could just leave the gun cooked for a day or two.
  3. Not sure about these trousers from AliExpress...
  4. The first 20 years of my life were filled with violence and the horrendous consequences of it, I made sure that the next 17 were not. I don't need self defense advice and YT links from some dipshit American teenager who can't recognise the value of experience, and nor do the rest of the middle aged men (including ex service members ffs) that you are patronising on here. The best time to shut the fuck up was a few hours ago, the second best time is now.
  5. I went to some martial arts classes, is that difficult to believe? I didn't say I was in the fucking SAS.
  6. I consider myself fortunate to have had a martial arts teacher who wasn't a complete fucking idiot, and was quite clear about the most effective self defense technique (running away), and our legal position if we were ever to use half the things he taught us in a street fight, never mind pre-emptively (extremely bad).
  7. You know I had to go back and watch the video again just to see what utter bollocks you're talking. 10 seconds in and the 'assailant' hasn't even entered the structure. 11 seconds in and the first punch is about to land. That leaves the person, who one may presume is unaccustomed to violence, about 1 second to a) process that they're about to be attacked and b) assume the crouching tiger stance, draw their testicles into their body shaolin-style, and judo chop the assailant in the carotid artery.
  8. I walked into B&Q the other day and a guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking. Luckily I got the first punch in and that was that, but it just goes to show you should never let your guard down.
  9. You mean...Yeast in the Middle East
  10. THIS WILL NOT STAND. Marmite is manna of the Gods, a literal superfood with more vitamins and minerals than a branch of Holland and Barret. Sure it may be a bit potent for some - the kind of people who think a Korma is 'a bit spicy' - but for the rest of us who can eat things that aren't beige, it's a life-giving sticky syrup of nourishing goodness; a shining bright light in the condiment cupboard. Spread over some hot buttered toast or crumpets, Marmite says this: that now matter how bad things appear to be, no matter how low we feel, your mate Marmite will always be there for you. It is our port in the storm, and the light at the end of the tunnel. And your lack of gratitude for this frankly disgusts me. Mayonnaise on the other hand is the condiment of SATAN, and 99 times out of 100 is only added to a dish to camouflage the portion of baby gravy that a vengeful and underpaid chef has blurted into your food.
  11. If you're not an experienced fighter or are caught off guard then sometimes that's the best you can do. What's the alternative, stand toe to toe and get smashed in the face half a dozen times? I got jumped by 10/12 guys once and turtling after the first punch stopped me from getting punched in the head by seven fists from seven different directions. Got myself into a ball in a corner and protected all the bits that mattered. There were so many of them that they were getting in each others way and couldn't even get the boot in properly. Walked away with a red cheek and a sore shoulder. Standing up and boxing away like a brave fucking idiot, I would have been smashed to pieces.
  12. Strongly considering taking a water bag next time I go out. Bicarbonate of soda is good for getting rid of that plasticky taste btw.
  13. But you can get spent carts for basically nothing, and most people would be happy with those if all they were doing was sticking them in a bandolier or similar. Recrimping spent carts would probably be more cost effective both in materials and labour than taking all the workings out of live carts.
  14. I was given the advice above, got some 7.4 LiPos and the SkyRC S65, and it worked out great. The Sky charger is a good bit of kit (though the instruction manual kind of assumes you know everything, recommend watching some YT videos) and it will also cycle charge NiMH batteries meaning they will be better off too. I kept hold of my NiMHs as backup, can't hurt.
  15. People would want them, but perhaps not at a price that would make it worth your while...
  16. Thread lock isn't going to work very well if the threads aren't engaged properly, perhaps try some PTFE tape to build it up a bit?
  17. My finalised chest rig/belt kit. I really can't think of anything else it needs. It's ergonomically perfect and has exactly everything I need for a half day of games and nothing else: FNX with 2 mags, 3 hicaps, bb bag, fags and lighter, whistle, pockets for car keys and enough dump pouch space for anything I might need to stuff in there.
  18. Ended up buying another respirator case just for the molle mounted flap pouches on the side (2 flap pouches on their own were going to cost a £ more than a case with 2 pouches attached). If you haven't seen these they're great little all-purpose pouches that fold flat when empty and expand up and out when full. Easy big enough to get two lonex mags in and still velcro shut. Not sure what to do with the resulting spare satchel, it does fit nicely on the back panel of my chest rig but I don't think I need the storage.
  19. Estimated delivery date of *late august* so yeah I might try cancelling it tomorrow. Anything else worth a go at that price? I was pleasantly surprised by the Vism copies before, and ended up buying two of them.
  20. Oh ffs lol, that's another £30 down the drain
  21. Well, I've gone for it, will report back when it arrives
  22. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004133786761.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.1.6dfa5769frPpry&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40000.267768.0&scm_id=1007.40000.267768.0&scm-url=1007.40000.267768.0&pvid=1edef006-404e-4e38-94c8-d573fc3b7ab1&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40000.267768.0,pvid:1edef006-404e-4e38-94c8-d573fc3b7ab1,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%23777&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000028145083291"%2C"sceneId"%3A"30050"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!GBP!!27.84!!!!!%400b0a23a716553094770923824eef25!12000028145083291!rec
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